IV. Admission Information
Admission Requirements to University Programs
Entry Points
Admission is available in the Fall semester and Summer for Advanced Standing students applying to the Kinesiology and Early Childhood Degree Completion programs. Admission to the Winter semester is available for Advanced Standing students applying to the Business program.
1. Applicants from Ontario Secondary Schools
Students seeking admission to a degree program must present the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, and a minimum of six Grade 12, 4U and/or 4M courses, including English 4U. All specific subject requirements must be Grade 12, 4U courses. Specific subject requirements for admission to the various degree programs are outlined in this section. Students are also advised to consult Section X – Undergraduate Degree Programs to note those subjects which are recommended for specific programs.
Offers of Admission
Offers of Admission will begin to be released starting in February. Offers of admission in February, will be made primarily on the basis of Grade 11 grade data (and any available Grade 12 grade data). Additional offers of admission will be made in early April when grade data including Grade 12, 4U and/or 4M results from the first semester are submitted.
Conditions of Offers of Admission
All offers of admission which are based on interim grades will be conditional upon completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with six Grade 12, 4U and/or 4M courses (or equivalent) and including specific subject requirements. The minimum final admission average which the applicant must achieve is 70% as stipulated in the conditions listed in the offer of admission. Grades in specific subject requirements are included in the calculation of the admission average. The University reserves the right to revoke the offer of admission should a student fail to meet any condition in the offer.
Responding to the Offer of Admission
Students will not be required to respond to the offer until the common response date for all Ontario universities through the Ontario Universities Application Centre. Those wishing to respond earlier may do so.
Applicants who have not received an offer of admission by mid-May may be eligible for admission consideration by submitting their final grades (official transcript) following the end of the secondary school year. Admission consideration will be given on the basis of final grades and space availability in programs. It is the applicant's responsibility to submit final, summer school or correspondence grades and official transcripts to the Registrarial Services, GH108, University of Guelph-Humber, 207 Humber College Blvd., Toronto, ON M9W 5L7 as soon as they become available. The following methods for submission of final grades will be acceptable:
official report card issued by the secondary school
certified copy of the report card
an official transcript of marks issued by the secondary school and forwarded directly to the University
It is suggested that students follow method a) above in order to facilitate the processing of their application. Any offers based on faxed information are conditional upon receipt of the official document.
Ontario Secondary School Graduate (not currently enrolled)
Applicants in this category are defined as: a graduate from an Ontario Secondary School who has not attended a post-secondary institution (college and/or university). Applicants in this category must arrange to submit their official secondary school transcript to Registrarial Services, GH108, University of Guelph-Humber, 207 Humber College Blvd., Toronto, ON M9W 5L7.
2. Applicants from Outside Ontario
Applicants whose preparation to enter the University has been completed outside the Ontario secondary school system must have achieved, as a minimum requirement, academic standing equivalent to that required of Ontario students and must satisfy the subject requirements for the program desired. Students should refer to the information for Ontario applicants regarding specific subject deficiencies. Please refer to the information following this section regarding specific subject requirements and equivalents.
Conditional offers of admission may be released on the basis of interim and/or first term grades. Some decisions may be deferred until final grades are submitted. Applicants are encouraged to submit any academic information which might expedite an admission decision by or before April 1.
Other Provinces and Territories of Canada Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Yukon: Grade 12. Quebec: Senior High School Leaving Certificate or High School Leaving Certificate plus 12 academic credits from an appropriate CEGEP program.
United States of America Students must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 from an accredited high school. In addition, they must present a minimum combined SAT score of 1100 or ACT score of 24. Where class rankings are reported on the transcript, a ranking in the top quarter is preferred. Students should include, among their senior level courses, specific subjects that are required for admission to the degree program of their choice.
General Certificate of Education (GCE) Applicants must present either the GCSE (or IGCSE) and the GCE showing one of:
passes in five subjects, at least two of which must be at the GCE Advanced level
passes in four subjects, at least three of which must be at the GCE Advanced level
Other Countries The secondary school graduation certificate which admits to an internationally recognized university in another country is normally acceptable, provided that it is the equivalent of admission requirements for the University of Guelph-Humber.
International Baccalaureate Students applying for admission on the basis of the IB Diploma should possess a minimum score of 24. Bonus points may be taken into consideration. Applicants are advised that most programs will require a higher score for admission consideration. Students currently in their final year of the IB program are encouraged to present predicted scores on the seven point scale, which will be taken into consideration to extend conditional offers of admission. The predicted scores can include grades from the Extended Essay and the Theory of Knowledge. Students must include, among their higher and standard levels, the specific subject requirements for the program to which they are applying. Unspecified transfer credits, to a maximum of 2.00 credits, will be granted for grades of 5 or better on higher level courses where the applicant has been awarded the IB Diploma. Students may request specific credit on an individual basis. Unspecified transfer credits, to a maximum of 2.00 credits, will be granted for grades of 5 or better on higher level courses where the applicant has been awarded the Certificate.
The English Proficiency Requirement will be waived for applicants who have completed the IB Diploma where the language of instruction is English. Credit will be assigned upon receipt of official final results.
Advanced Placement Advanced Placement courses may be used to determine admissibility and also granting of credit or exemption. Applicants who have completed Advanced Placement courses with a minimum grade of 4 may be eligible to receive university credit to a maximum of 2.00 credits. The granting of credits and exemptions is at the discretion of the appropriate faculty, and will be based on official final results.
NOTE: Possession of these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Required levels of academic preparation may vary according to the jurisdiction or country in which course work was completed. Applicants are encouraged to contact Registrarial Services prior to formal application in order to obtain specific information on admission requirements. They are strongly advised to provide detailed information on their particular situation.
3. Applicants for Admission as Mature Students
Statement of the Regulation
Applicants who do not possess the published minimum requirements for admission consideration may be considered for admission to degree programs if space permits and if, prior to the beginning of the Fall semester, they
will have attained at least the full age of twenty-one years;
will have been out of secondary school for at least two years:
will have normally not attended another post-secondary institution.
In addition, applicants must meet specific subject requirements or equivalents as outlined below for the degree programs to which they have applied. Admission as a Mature Student is available in the Fall semester only.
B.A.A. - Media Studies
Students who meet the requirements to be considered for admission as mature applicants must have acceptable standing as follows: ENG4U and two additional Grade 12, 4U and/or 4M courses, one of which must contain a writing component (or equivalent).
B.B.A. Program
Applicants who satisfy conditions a) and b) outlined in the Statement of the Regulation and wish to be considered for admission under the Mature Student Regulation must have obtained standing as follows: ENG4U and a one Grade 12, 4U Mathematics and one additional Grade 12, 4U or 4M courses (or equivalent).
B.A.Sc. Programs - Early Childhood
Students who meet the requirements to be considered for admission as mature applicants must have acceptable standing as follows: ENG4U and two additional 4U or 4M courses (or equivalent). A 4U Mathematics is recommended, but is not required
B.A.Sc. Programs - Family & Community Social Services, Justice Studies, Psychology
Students who meet the requirements to be considered for admission as mature applicants must have acceptable standing as follows: ENG4U and two additional 4U or 4M courses (or equivalent). A 4U Mathematics is recommended, but is not required.
B.A.Sc. Program – Kinesiology
Students who meet the requirements to be considered for admission as mature applicants must have acceptable standing as follows: ENG4U, one 4U level math, any two 4U level Science or Exercise Science (PSE 4U) and two additional 4U or 4M courses (or equivalent).