VII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures
Mid-Term Examinations
Term tests must not be scheduled during the last five class days prior to the final examination period. Exceptions may be granted by the Program Head for practical evaluations such as laboratory or studio tests, so long as the scheduling of such tests is indicated in the course outline. Short quizzes which have been a regularly scheduled part of the course and which are intended to review small amounts of material are not considered term tests and may be held during the last five class days.
Instructors must schedule term tests and examinations in regularly scheduled class time. If academic misconduct is a concern because of classroom set-up, instructors are urged to present term tests which will allow students to best exhibit their own understanding of the course material (i.e. avoid multiple choice tests). Invigilation support cannot be provided by Registrarial Services for mid-term examinations.
When conflicts arise between deferred final examinations and midterm examinations, the deferred final examination must take precedence. The instructor for the class in which the midterm is being written shall make appropriate accommodation, mutually agreeable to the student and instructor, for the student to make up for the missed mid-term exam. If the student and the instructor are not able to come to a mutual agreement, the matter will be referred to the appropriate department chair.
Program Head’s Responsibilities
Program head's shall:
be responsible for the conduct of all term examinations conducted by their faculty.
provide assistance and advice when requested by an instructor regarding term examinations.
Instructor's Responsibilities
are urged to exercise discretion when requiring certification of illness and, in particular, are encouraged not to require certification of illness affecting semester work when the assessment in question constitutes a small proportion of the course grade, or when alternative means for carrying out the assessment are available.
shall take an attendance record at each term examination. The attendance record is for the department's use and is not submitted to Registrarial Services.