VII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures
Policy on Student Access to Final Examination Materials
Final examination papers and final assignments are to be retained by faculty members for a period of one semester.
Printed or written materials directly related to examinations conducted in the final examination time period published in the Undergraduate Calendar, or related to final assignments shall be made available to a student, upon submission of a written request to the faculty member and/or Program Head. The request shall be submitted by the fifth class day of the next semester.
Printed or written materials to be made available include the examination question paper, the marking scheme keyed to desired responses to questions, where appropriate; the student's response to the examination questions; and records taken by examiners during oral or any other examination. Faculty members are encouraged to discuss openly with the student any questions raised. If the faculty member is not readily available, the Program Head will make the necessary arrangements for student access to the material. When a large number of requests are received in connection with a specific course or when a faculty member is on leave it may be necessary for the Program Head to delay access and make special arrangements, (i.e., the posting of the marking scheme on a bulletin board, the scheduling of a special meeting at which the faculty member will review the examination, etc).