XII--Course Descriptions, Environmental Sciences |
Faculty of Environmental Sciences.
The program in Environmental Sciences is interdisciplinary, involving courses from several different departments. See the B.Sc.(Env.) program information in Section X--Undergraduate Degree Programs.
ENVS*1010 Introduction to Environmental Sciences F(3-2). [0.50].
The development of environmental science as an integrative, interdisciplinary approach to understanding and resolving environmental problems. An environmental science problem-solving framework is applied to a series of case studies reflecting the diversity of contemporary environmental issues.
Prerequisite(s): registration in the B.Sc.(Env.) program
ENVS*2010 Decision-making and Communication Skills W(1-3). [0.50].
This course will cover basic concepts in creative thinking, research design, and project planning through discussion and application of a problem-solving methodology. A strong emphasis on oral and written presentations is included.
Prerequisite(s): ENVS*1010 and registration in semester 4
ENVS*3320 Principles of Landscape Ecology F(3-2). [0.50].
An integrated approach to understanding the functioning of landscapes. The emerging theories, concepts and methodologies of landscape science and their application to landscape and environmental management. (Offered in even-numbered years.)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIOL*2010, BIOL*2060, BIOL*3110, GEOG*2110
ENVS*3360 Waste Management and Utilization F(3-2). [0.50].
Students will study sources, characteristics, fate, impact and control of liquid, gaseous and solid wastes. This includes cross-media issues in waste management. Introduction to unit operations and processes for handling and treatment of solid waste, hazardous waste, wastewater and waste gas. Applications will include municipal, industrial and agricultural wastes. (Also listed as ENGG*3360.)
Prerequisite(s): CHEM*2300, (MATH*2080 or MET*2030), (BIOL*1040 or MICR*1000)
ENVS*4011/2 Colloquium/Project in Environmental Sciences F(0-1)/W(0-3). [0.50].
The course permits the student the opportunity to integrate both the skills and knowledge acquired in earlier courses through application to current environmental problems and issues. Group research problems and exposure to critical environmental policy issues will form the core elements of the course. Students must be registered and attend preliminary organizational meetings scheduled in the Fall semester.
Prerequisite(s): ENVS*2010 and registration in semester 7 or 8 of the B.Sc.(Env.) degree program
ENVS*4220 Environmental Impact Assessment W(3-0). [0.50].
This course examines environmental impact assessment (EIA) from philosophical, methodological and institutional perspectives. The evolution of EIA in Canada will be the focus. Case studies illustrating major issues and applications will be presented at a variety of geographical scales. The preparation and presentation of a research project is an integral component.
Prerequisite(s): 15.00 credits including (1 of BIOL*2010, BIOL*2060, BIOL*3110), (POLS*3370 or ZOO*4050, where ZOO*4050 may be taken concurrently)
ENVS*4500 International Environmental Field Course F(0-6). [0.50].
An interdisciplinary field course to be held overseas. The course will include a common curriculum for all students, dealing with the historical, geographical, cultural and biological aspects of the location. Students will also undertake a project which would normally relate to their own specific interest. Formal instruction on the common core element of the course will be given either by Guelph faculty and/or by faculty from the host country. Each student will submit both a paper developed from the general core of the course and also a project report.
Prerequisite(s): 12.50 credits and approval of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences