XII--Course Descriptions, Food Science |
FOOD*2010 Principles of Food Science S,W(3-0). [0.50].
Principles involved in the processing, handling and storage of foods. Relationship of science and technology to food processing. (Offered through distance education format only.)
Equate(s): FOOD*2150, NUTR*2150
Restriction(s): AGR*3330
FOOD*2150 Introduction to Nutritional and Food Sciences F(3-0). [0.50].
This interdisciplinary course provides an introduction to the Food and Nutritional Sciences from both historical and modern perspectives. Major themes are the nutritional and functional properties of food, nutrient assimilation, food preservation and safety, and the interactions between food processing, diets and health. The course is co-operatively taught with the Department of Nutritional Sciences. (Also listed as NUTR*2150.)
Prerequisite(s): BIOL*1030, (CHEM*1040 or CHEM*1300)
Equate(s): FOOD*2010, NUTR*2150
Restriction(s): AGR*3300, NUTR*2120
FOOD*2400 Introduction to Food Chemistry S,W(3-0). [0.50].
An introduction to the chemistry and biochemistry of the major components of foods: lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and water/ice. In addition, an overview of some of the reactions and changes in food components which occur during processing, handling and storage will be presented. This course may not be taken for credit by students in specialized honours Food Science. (Offered through distance education format only.)
Prerequisite(s): CHEM*1040
FOOD*2410 Introduction to Food Processing F,W(3-0). [0.50].
An introduction to food processes and the relationships between chemistry, microbiology, and engineering as they apply to food processing are discussed. The following topics are included: high and low temperature processes; moisture control and intermediate moisture foods; concentration and dehydration processes; and novel food processing techniques. This course may not be taken for credit by students in specialized honours Food Science. (Offered through distance education format only.)
Prerequisite(s): CHEM*1040, (BIOL*1040 or MICR*1000)
Restriction(s): FOOD*3160, FOOD*3170
FOOD*2420 Introduction to Food Microbiology S,F(3-0). [0.50].
An introduction to the major groups of microorganisms important in foods including sources of contamination during production, processing and storage of foods, microbial spoilage of food, food-borne illness, and food fermentations. Evaluation of food processing conditions used to control the presence and/or growth of microorganisms in foods. This course may not be taken for credit by students in specialized honours food science.(Offered through distance education format only.)
Prerequisite(s): BIOL*1040 or MICRO*1000
FOOD*3100 Food Chemistry I F(3-3). [0.75].
Chemistry of the major constituents of foods. Water, lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. Composition and structure of food materials. Chemical reactions involved in food processing, storage and handling.
FOOD*3110 Food Chemistry II W(3-2). [0.50].
Chemistry of the minor constituents of foods, including enzymes, pigments, flavours and additives. A special term-long laboratory project will be carried out by groups of students in order to solve a particular problem with a food product. This exercise will be aimed at solving a real problem in a food product development situation.
FOOD*3160 Food Processing I F(3-3). [0.75].
Processing techniques used in the food industry; pasteurization, sterilization, chilling and freezing as methods of food preservation.
Prerequisite(s): FOOD*2150, MICR*2030
FOOD*3170 Food Processing II W(3-3). [0.50].
Principles of food processing with special reference to concentrated, dehydrated and intermediate moisture foods.
Prerequisite(s): FOOD*2150, MICR*2030
FOOD*3230 Food Microbiology F(3-3). [0.75].
Important groups of microorganisms associated with food spoilage, food fermentations, food infections and intoxications. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors and their relationship to microbial growth. Control of microorganisms by food processing.
FOOD*3260 Industrial Microbiology W(3-3). [0.50].
Fundamental and applied aspects in industrial processes with an emphasis on sanitation in the food and beverage industries. Topics include: water quality, alcohol fermentations, organic acid and enzyme production, vinegar technology, disinfectants and microbiological aspects of quality control.
Prerequisite(s): MICR*2030
FOOD*3430 Introduction to Food Analysis F,W(3-0). [0.50].
An introduction to quantitative analysis of foods by chemical, physical and instrumental means. Determination of major and minor constituents of foods. (Offered through distance education format only.)
Prerequisite(s): FOOD*2400
FOOD*3700 Sensory Evaluation of Foods W(2-3). [0.50].
Principles of sensory evaluation of foods and a study of the techniques employed. (Offered in odd-numbered years.)
Prerequisite(s): (FOOD*2150 or HAFA*2700), (1 of STAT*2040, STAT*2060, STAT*2080)
FOOD*4060 Food Research Problems S,F,W(0-4). [0.50].
A literature review of a minor research problem together with practical laboratory work. The student will be required to present a concise report of results in a written paper and a seminar.
Prerequisite(s): 2.50 credits at the 3000 level in Food Science and permission of the instructor
FOOD*4070 Food Packaging F(3-0). [0.50].
Functions of packaging in food preservation systems will be examined using a review of current packaging materials, their properties, production methods and applications for specific products. Additional topics include regulatory, environmental and marketplace influences on food packaging choices.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits in science or engineering
FOOD*4080 Communications in Food Science and Technology W(3-0). [0.50].
Participants will interpret food research publications and prepare written and oral presentations in several formats including scientific seminars, executive summaries, media interviews, and technical reports. Workshops and role playing will be used to provide training in leading discussions, meeting management and time management.
Prerequisite(s): 2.50 credits at the 3000 level in food science
FOOD*4090 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals W(3-0). [0.50].
The course examines the relation of functional foods and nutraceuticals (FFN) to food and drugs. The safety and efficacy of individual FFN products, and the regulatory issues that influence the development and commercialization of FFN in global markets are emphasized. The course is co-opertively taught by the Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences and the Department of Food Science. (Also listed as NUTR*4090.)
Prerequisite(s): NUTR*3190 or NUTR*3210
FOOD*4110 Meat and Poultry Processing W(2-3). [0.50].
An advanced study and application of the principles and techniques involved in processing meat and poultry products. Lectures include a detailed study of the chemistry and physical properties of meat proteins, lipids and flavour as related to the processing of meat products. Practical applications of processing techniques, quality control, packaging and merchandising are emphasized in the laboratory. Eggs and processed egg products are dealt with to a lesser extent. (Offered in odd-numbered years.)
Prerequisite(s): ANSC*2340 or FOOD*3160
FOOD*4120 Food Analysis F(3-4). [0.75].
Quantitative analysis of foods by chemical and physical methods. Determination of major and minor constituents of foods.
Prerequisite(s): 0.50 credit in analytical chemistry or FOOD*3100 taken as corequisite
FOOD*4340 Cheese and Fermented Dairy Foods W(3-3). [0.50].
The manufacture, chemistry and microbiology of cheese and fermented dairy foods. Quality control and yield efficiency. Laboratories include manufacture of representatives from all cheese families and a variety of other fermented milk products. (Offered in even-numbered years.)
Prerequisite(s): CHEM*2580 or MICR*2030
FOOD*4350 Processing Plant Technology F(3-2). [0.50].
This course will examine the operation of the modern food and dairy processing plant. Selected topics will include metals and corrosion, steam production, refrigeration, waste management, and plant automation. The case study approach will be used to illustrate operational and automation decisions and the factors which influence these decisions.
FOOD*4400 Dairy Processing W(3-3). [0.50].
Production, processing and marketing of fluid milk and frozen dairy products and butter . Public health aspects of pasteurization, composition and formulation of mixes, and discussion of the various unit operations involved in processing of fluid products, frozen dessert products and butter. Purchase and marketing of dairy products will also be discussed. (Offered in odd-numbered years.)
Prerequisite(s): CHEM*2580, FOOD*2150
FOOD*4520 Cereal Technology W(2-3). [0.50].
The technology and chemistry of the principal cereals; kernel structure and its chemistry with respect to the technological characteristics and nutritive value. Processing of wheat, corn, sorghum, rice, oats and barley; utilization of products and by-products. Bread-making process, dough rheology and technology; breakfast cereals and protein-enriched cereal products. (Offered in even-numbered years.)
FOOD*4700 Food Product Development W(2-3). [0.50].
The course examines the research and development processes related to food products. Technological developments affecting food product development will be examined. Experience in planning, conducting, and communicating results as a team working on developing a food product.
Prerequisite(s): FOOD*3100