XII--Course Descriptions, Molecular Biology and Genetics |
Department of Animal and Poultry Science.
Department of Microbiology.
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
Department of Plant Agriculture.
MBG*1000 Genetics and Society F,W(3-1). [0.50].
Basic principles of genetics at work in human society. The roles of genes and inheritance in the biology of humans and the organisms with which we interact. Introduction to some of the social and ethical consequences of genetic knowledge and practice. This is a science course designed primarily for students in the Arts or Social and Applied Human Sciences. B.SC. students cannot take this course for credit towards their degree requirements. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
MBG*2000 Introductory Genetics S,F,W(3-2). [0.50].
Fundamental aspects of genetics including the chromosomal basis of inheritance, cytogenetics, genes in populations and quantitative traits. Additional topics include extranuclear inheritance, human genetics, bacterial and viral genetics. The molecular nature of the gene and general mechanisms of gene expression will be introduced but not covered in detail as these topics are expanded in MBG*2020. Intended as the foundation course in genetics for science students and is a prerequisite for all upper level courses in molecular biology and genetics including MBG*2020. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
Prerequisite(s): 1.00 credit at the 1000 level in biological science
MBG*2020 Introductory Molecular Biology F,W(3-2). [0.50].
Introduction to the processes by which genetic information is stored, replicated, and expressed in living organisms and the experimental techniques used to study these processes. DNA, gene-protein relationships, and the genetic code. Replication, chromosomes, transcription, and translation. Techniques employed in molecular cloning and applications. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
Prerequisite(s): CHEM*2580, MBG*2000
MBG*3000 Population Genetics F(3-2). [0.50].
This course is designed to explore the concepts of random mating, inbreeding, random drift, assortative mating and selection as they relate to natural populations. The dynamic genetic structure of populations and its relationship to the process of speciation is examined. The role and significance of molecular genetics as it relates to population genetics, evolution, systematics and phylogeny is also considered. Department of Zoology.
MBG*3050 Human Genetics W(3-3). [0.50].
A course designed to introduce the student to the study of biological inheritance in humans. The course includes discussion of the genetic basis of human individual differences, gene frequencies in human populations, human behavioral genetics, human cytogenetics, biochemical genetics and developmental genetics, medical genetics and other aspects of human heredity. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
MBG*3060 Quantitative Genetics W(3-2). [0.50].
The nature of Mendelian inheritance when extended to quantitative traits that are jointly influenced by the environment and the simultaneous segregation of many genes. Prediction of response to natural and artificial selection in populations. Department of Animal and Poultry Science.
Prerequisite(s): MBG*2000, 0.50 credit in statistics
MBG*3070 Bacterial Genetics W(3-3). [0.50].
Genetics of prokaryotic microorganisms and their viruses. Some major topics covered are: regulation of gene expression, analysis of bacterial and phage genomes, plasmids, transposable elements, and mutation studies. This course is restricted to students in the B.Sc. Major in Microbiology or Molecular Biology and Genetics programs, unless approval by the course instructor is obtained. Department of Microbiology.
Prerequisite(s): MBG*2020, MICR*2030
MBG*3080 Bacterial Genetics S,W(3-0). [0.50].
Lecture portion only of MBG*3070. Department of Microbiology.
Prerequisite(s): MBG*2020, MICRO*1000
MBG*3090 Applied Animal Breeding F(3-2). [0.50].
The basis of, and methods for, effective use of modern animal breeding tools for practical improvement of livestock species. An examination and comparison of the structure of genetic improvement programs across species. International aspects and challenges to animal breeding programs.
Prerequisite(s): MBG*2000, 0.50 credit in statistics
MBG*3100 Plant Genetics F(3-2). [0.50].
Reproduction in plants, genetic and cytogenetic structure of plants, nature of phenotypic variability in plants, patterns of response to selection in plant populations, measurement of continuous and discontinuous genetic variability in plant populations. Department of Plant Agriculture.
Prerequisite(s): (MBG*2000 or AGR*2451/2 for B.SC. (AGR.) students only), STAT*2040
MBG*3200 Genetics: Our Uncertain Heritage F(3-0). [0.50].
An examination of the ethical, social, and political issues arising from genetic manipulation, reproductive intervention and biotechnology through the joint application of principles of modern genetics and moral philosophy. Topics include eugenics, cloning, surrogate parenting, abortion, gene therapy, DNA fingerprinting and genetic diagnosis. Related issues such as scientific freedom, access to genetic information and public policy are also considered. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. (Offered in even-numbered years.)
MBG*3350 Laboratory Methods in Molecular Biology I F(0-8). [0.75].
Laboratory based instruction in the basic methodologies of Molecular Biology. Students will have the opportunity to develop technical skills and practical knowledge sufficient to perform basic procedures independently, and to diagnose and analyze experimental results obtained with these techniques. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
Prerequisite(s): CHEM*2580, MBG*2020
MBG*3360 Laboratory Methods in Molecular Biology II W(0-8). [0.75].
Laboratory based instruction in the basic methodologies of Molecular Biology. Students will have the opportunity to develop technical skills and practical knowledge sufficient to perform advanced agendas independently, and to diagnose and analyze experimental results obtained with these techniques. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
MBG*3600 Introduction to Genomics S,W(1.5-0). [0.25].
Genomics is the analysis of the structures and functions of entire genomes, whose nucleotide sequences are now known in part or in entirety for many different organisms. This computer-based course will provide an introduction to the methology and applicability of this new discipline. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. (Offered through distance education format only.)
Prerequisite(s): MBG*2020
MBG*4030 Challenges and Opportunities in Animal Production F(3-2). [0.50].
Theoretical and scientific aspects of practical animal breeding programs which lead to genetic improvement of efficiency and profitability of animal production. Integrates quantitative genetics with concepts of statistics, economics, biology and biotechnology and expands into development of practical breeding plans. Department of Animal and Poultry Science.
Prerequisite(s): MBG*3060
MBG*4040 Genetics and Molecular Biology of Development F(3-2). [0.50].
An examination of the genetic mechanisms which specify organismic development. Molecular biology of determination and cell differentiation, homeotic genes, oncogenes, genetic control of morphogenesis and pattern formation. Application of embryo manipulation techniques in basic science and medicine. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. (Offered in odd-numbered years.)
Prerequisite(s): MBG*2020
MBG*4060 Transmission Genetics F(3-2). [0.75].
A critical review of genetic methodologies employed in higher eukaryotes and how formal genetic analysis can be integrated with molecular genetics in studying diverse biological research areas such as meiotic recombination, DNA repair, embryonic development, transposable elements and neurobiology. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. (Offered in even-numbered years.)
MBG*4070 Genetics and Molecular Biology of Development F(3-0). [0.50].
Lecture portion only of MBG*4040. (Offered in odd-numbered years.)
Prerequisite(s): MBG*2020
MBG*4080 Molecular Genetics F(3-0). [0.50].
The chemical nature of genetic material, transcription and the control of gene expression. DNA cloning and the use of recombinant DNA molecules in modifying gene expression. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
Prerequisite(s): MBG*2020
MBG*4160 Plant Breeding W(3-2). [0.50].
Application of genetic principles to plant improvement. Topics include breeding objectives, mating systems, selection, testing and germplasm maintenance of horticultural and crop plants. Department of Plant Agriculture.
Prerequisite(s): [MBG*2000 or (MBG*3100, AGR*2451/2 (for B.SC. (AGR.) students only)], STAT*2040
MBG*4240 Applied Molecular Genetics W(3-0). [0.50].
Molecular and cellular aspects of biotechnology. In vitro manipulations of animal and plant cells. Genetic engineering in eukaryotes and development of transgenic organisms. Methods of gene therapy and molecular biology of cancer and its treatment. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
Prerequisite(s): MBG*2020
MBG*4270 DNA Replication and Environmental Mutagenesis W(3-0). [0.50].
DNA replication, recombination and repair. Mechanisms of mutation and relation to carcinogenesis. Methods for detection of environmental mutagens and risk assessment. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. (Offered in odd-numbered years.)
Prerequisite(s): MBG*2020
MBG*4300 Plant Molecular Genetics W(3-0). [0.50].
Molecular genetics of plants. Topics include: plant genome diversity and synteny; Arabidopsis thaliana genome, hormonal, environmental and developmental regulation of gene expression; chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes; and gene expression and silencing in transgenics. The course will be delivered using a lecture and paper discussion format. Students will learn and use a variety of computer techniques to search and analyze plant genome databases.
Prerequisite(s): MBG*2020
MBG*4350 Structural Molecular Biology W(3-0). [0.50].
Architecture of protein and nucleoprotein complexes associated with gene expression; computational sequence analysis and structure prediction; gene and molecular evolution. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. (Offered in even-numbered years.)
MBG*4500 Research Project in Molecular Biology and Genetics I S,F,W(0-12). [1.00].
Independent theoretical and laboratory research on a topic in the discipline under the supervision of individual faculty. Students must make arrangements with both a faculty supervisor and the course coordinator prior to preregistration.
Prerequisite(s): MBG*3350, permission of the course coordinator and registration in semester 7 or 8 of the B.Sc. program, Molecular Biology and Genetics Major
MBG*4510 Research Project in Molecular Biology and Genetics II S,F,W(0-12). [1.00].
Independent theoretical and laboratory research on a topic in the discipline under the supervision of individual faculty. Students must make arrangements with both a faculty supervisor and the course coordinator prior to preregistration.
Prerequisite(s): MBG*4500, registration in semester 7 or 8 of the B.Sc. program, Molecular Biology and Genetics Major
MBG*4600 Topics in Molecular Biology and Genetics S,F,W(1-3). [0.50].
Independent study of a current topic in Molecular Biology and Genetics, selected from the recent research literature and involving a review and critical appraisal of underlying experimental principles. The course comprises independent library research, participation in weekly meetings, and written and oral presentations. Students must make arrangements with both faculty supervisor and the course coordinator in a prior course selection period. Open to students in semesters 6, 7, and 8 of the B.Sc. Major in Molecular Biology and Genetics. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
Prerequisite(s): MBG*3350, permission of course coordinator
Exclusions: MBG*4500, MBG*4510, MICR*4240
MBG*4620 Molecular Cytogenetics W(3-3). [0.50].
Cellular controls of cell proliferation and DNA replication; chromosome structure, behaviour, and aberrations. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. (Offered in even-numbered years.)
Prerequisite(s): (BIOL*2200 or BIOL*2210), MBG*2020