College Faculty of Environmental Design and Rural Development, School of Rural Extension Studies.
REXT*2000 Introduction to Rural Extension F(3-0). [0.50].
Introduction to Rural Extension including history and philosophy; learning and motivation; the rural setting; adoption/ technology transfer processes; marketing; planning; extension teaching/communication methods and technology; evaluation; extension agencies and programs.
REXT*3000 Program Development and Evaluation W(3-0). [0.50].
Concepts and processes of program development and evaluation of rural extension programs. Programs designed with client involvement, situational analysis and priority setting will receive particular attention. (Offered in odd-numbered years.)
REXT*3040 Communication Process S,W(3-0). [0.50].
Introduction to the study of the communication process, with emphasis on the examination of symbols, meaning, patterns of miscommunication and their correctives. (Offered through distance education format only.)
REXT*3050 Agricultural Communication I F(3-0). [0.50].
Practical and effective ways of communicating information to a broad audience via the media, focusing mainly on print media (newspapers and magazines) and agricultural media. Strong emphasis on writing and preparing ready-to-use material and strategies for getting it published. (Students will develop an understanding of the news/communications business and find where they can fit into it or use it to their advantage to get a job. Contact with professionals will be a major part of the course).
Prerequisites: 10.00 credits
Equates: REXT*4050
REXT*3060 International Communication W(3-0). [0.50].
An inquiry into the role of communication in global development. Emphasis is on the application of interpersonal, inter-cultural communication and the mass media in the development process.
REXT*3080 Technology in Extension S(3-0). [0.50].
An examination of the issues involved in using media in formal and non-formal teaching situations. The comparative characteristics of media will be examined. The "system approach" to the adoption of teaching strategies will be emphasized. The relationships between people and machines in education will be considered. (Offered through distance education format only.)
Prerequisites: 10.00 credits including 1 of CIS*1000, CIS*1200, equivalent
REXT*3100 Teaching and Learning in Non-Formal Education W(3-0). [0.50].
Learning principles, theories and practices in extension education. Emphasis is on non-formal teaching-learning situations. (Offered in even-numbered years.)
REXT*4020 Rural Extension in Change and Development F(3-0). [0.50].
The planning and management of development programs with emphasis on the role of non-formal education and counselling in influencing behavioral change and adoption of innovation. Case studies include cross cultural and international considerations.
REXT*4060 Agricultural Communication II W(3-0).. [0.50].
Application of practical and effective writing and communication techniques, mainly through the production of print publications and the further development and application of journalistic writing and editing skills. Special emphasis on issues important to the agri-food industry.
Prerequisites: REXT*3050 or equivalent
Restrictions: instructor consent required
REXT*4100 Leadership Development in Rural Organization (3-0). [0.50].
The management of rural extension programs with emphasis on the functions and dimensions of leadership and the development of leadership in rural organizations.
Prerequisites: 10.00 credits
REXT*4200 Experiential Learning in Rural Extension S,F,W. [0.50].
A special study option that enables undergraduates in Semesters 5 through 8 to undertake student-initiated experiential learning opportunities in Rural Extension Studies which is conducted on-campus or off-campus in an organization or commercial setting. The results of the project must be communicated in a written report and an oral presentation or poster display. Students must make arrangements with advisory faculty prior to registering for the experiential learning project course and obtain appropriate approval. It is the responsibility of the student to make the arrangements for the placement.
Prerequisites: 10.00 credits
Restrictions: instructor consent required