Department of Biomedical Sciences.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Department of Environmental Biology.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.
TOX*2000 Principles of Toxicology F(3-0). [0.50].
This course will establish the scientific principles underlying the toxic actions of various substances and will introduce the various challenges within the field of toxicology. The chemical nature of injurious substances, their uptake and metabolism by non-target organisms, and their mode of toxic action will be studied in addition to the methods used in safety evaluations and risk assessment. Department of Biomedical Sciences.
Prerequisites: (CHEM*1050 or CHEM*2300), (MATH*1080 or equivalent), (BIOL*1040 or equivalent) (CHEM*2300 may be taken concurrently)
TOX*3300 Analytical Toxicology F(3-3). [0.50].
A course in trace analysis designed for students in toxicology and related programs. Analytical techniques of value in analyzing samples of toxicological importance will be presented with emphasis also on sample collection and preparation prior to analysis. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Prerequisites: CHEM*2480, CHEM*2580, TOX*2000(TOX*2000 may be taken concurrently)
Restrictions: CHEM*3430, CHEM*3450
TOX*3360 Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology S,W(3-0). [0.50].
The chemistry of the natural environment; the influence of pollutants upon the environment, including methods of introduction of pollutants to, and removal of pollutants from, the environment. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. (Also listed as CHEM*3360.)
Prerequisites: CHEM*1050
Restrictions: CHEM*1310
Equates: CHEM*3360
TOX*4000 Medical Toxicology F(3-3). [0.50].
The toxicology of mammalian body systems: dose-response, mechanisms and systemic sites of action of major groups of chemical toxicants. The course is designed for students majoring in biomedical toxicology. Department of Biomedical Sciences.
Prerequisites: BIOM*3090, TOX*3300
TOX*4100 Toxicological Pathology W(2-2). [0.50].
Evaluation of the pathologic responses of cells and tissues to toxic compounds. The course is designed for students majoring in toxicology. Department of Pathobiology.
Prerequisites: PATH*3610 (or equivalent)
TOX*4200 Topics in Toxicology W(0-4). [0.50].
Topics in toxicology will consist of oral and written presentations by students, faculty members, and guest lecturers. The emphasis will be on the broad integrative aspects of toxicology with particular reference to the whole organism and higher levels of natural systems; risk assessment and regulatory toxicology. This course is designed for B.Sc. Honours Toxicology students in their 7th or 8th semester. Departments of Biomedical Sciences and Environmental Biology.
Prerequisites: TOX*2000, TOX*3300
TOX*4550 Ecotoxicological Risk Characterization W(3-0). [0.50].
A biologically based, advanced course that will give students working knowledge of current processes and techniques for ecotoxicological risk characterization. The course material will cover the topics of problem definition, dose response characterization, exposure characterization, risk assessment, and risk management decision making. (Also listed as ENVB*4550.)
Prerequisites: TOX*2000, ENVB*3030
TOX*4590 Biochemical Toxicology F(3-0). [0.50].
The biotransformation of drugs, carcinogens, and other toxicants, including consideration of human health implications of these metabolic processes. The enzymes catalyzing these reactions will be discussed in detail. Designed for students specializing in toxicology or biochemistry. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Prerequisites: (1 of CHEM*3430, CHEM*3450, TOX*3300), CHEM*3560, MBG*2020