Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences.
The Gerontology major is designed to provide students with an appreciation of the aged and the aging experience from social, psychological, and biological perspectives. The major places this study within the broader framework of life span human development and dynamics of functioning in a variety of social contexts. A focus on basic knowledge of aging as well as the application of that knowledge is reflected in required courses and suggested electives.
Students enrolled in the Gerontology major study aging within the perspective of the family. This approach provides the student with a broad, applied social science education as well as a fully integrated package of aging related courses. Students graduate with a degree leading to a variety of professional career opportunities in the human service, education, mental health, life skills support and counselling, and social policy fields. Our graduates also may pursue graduate study in family studies, human development, or one of the base social science disciplines. All students in the Gerontology Major must complete a minimum of 20.00 credits including the core of 14.50 required credits as outlined in the Schedule of Studies. In addition to these core requirements, there are many courses in various departments throughout the University which may be taken as electives. A list of suggested electives follows the description of required courses.
Semester 1
COST*1800 [0.50] Housing and Community Planning
FRHD*1010 [0.50] Human Development
PSYC*1200 [0.50] Dynamics of Behaviour
SOC*1100 [0.50] Sociology
One of:
ENGL*1200 [0.50] Reading the Contemporary World
FREN*1200 [0.50] Intermediate French I
Semester 2
FRHD*1020 [0.50] Couple and Family Relationships
FRHD*2060 [0.50] Adult Development and Aging
NUTR*1010 [0.50] Nutrition and Society
PSYC*1100 [0.50] Principles of Behaviour
0.50 elective
Note: Elective in Semester 2 must be BIOL*1020 if the student does not have standing in OAC Biology or equivalent.
Semester 3
NUTR*2050 [0.50] Family and Community Nutrition
POLS*1400 [0.50] Public Management and Administration
STAT*2080 [0.50] Introductory Applied Statistics I
One of:
BIOM*2000 [0.50] Concepts of Physiology
MBG*1000 [0.50] Genetics and Society
PSYC*2410 [0.50] Behavioural Basis of Neuroscience, I
0.50 elective
Semester 4
COST*2100 [0.50] Personal Financial Management
STAT*2090 [0.50] Introductory Applied Statistics II
1.00 elective
One of:
CIS*1000 [0.50] Introduction to Computer Applications
CIS*1200 [0.50] Introduction to Computing
COST*2020 [0.50] Information Management
Semester 5
FRHD*3060 [0.50] Principles of Social Gerontology
FRHD*3070 [0.50] Research Methods - Family Studies
1.50 electives
Semester 6
FRHD*3120 [0.50] Families in Canadian Context
FRHD*3400 [0.50] Communication in Family Consultation
HAFA*2200 [0.50] Organizational Design and Effectiveness
HAFA*3000 [0.50] Human Resources Management
0.50 elective
Semester 7
FRHD*4061 [1.00] Family and Community: Field Placement
FRHD*4160 [0.50] Issues in Social Gerontology
FRHD*4250 [0.50] Aging and Health
0.50 elective
Semester 8
FRHD*4062 [1.00] Family and Community: Field Placement
FRHD*4260 [0.50] The Aged, Family Relations, and Social Policy
1.00 elective
Courses in different departments which complement the major and which may be taken as electives include:
BIOM*4050 [0.50] Physiology of Aging
COST*1000 [0.50] Introduction to Marketing Management
COST*2810 [0.50] Social Aspects of Housing
COST*3040 [0.50] Business and Consumer Law
ENGL*2840 [0.50] Literature and Aging
FRHD*4810 [0.50] Thesis I
FRHD*4910 [1.00] Thesis II
HIST*2800 [0.50] The History of the Modern Family
SOAN*3460 [0.50] Ethnicity and Aging
UNIV*3500 [0.50] Recreation and Tourism Planning
Note: Students intending to apply for admission to a graduate program should include among their electives both FRHD*4810 and FRHD*4910.
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