University of Guelph 2002-2003 Undergraduate Calendar

X--Degree Programs, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Computing and Information Science (CIS)

Department of Computing and Information Science, College of Physical and Engineering Science.

Major (Honours Program)

Note that some of these courses may have to be taken in Semester 6.

A average grade of 70% in CIS*1650, CIS*1900, CIS*2650, MATH*1200 and MATH*1210 in semesters 1 and 2 is normally required but does not guarantee admission to semester 3 of the Computing and Information Science program.

Semester 1

CIS*1650 [0.50] Programming I

MATH*1200 [0.50] Calculus I

Two of (only one of PHYS*1000 or PHYS*1110 may be selected):

BIOL*1030 [0.50] Biology I

CHEM*1040 [0.50] General Chemistry I

PHYS*1000 [0.50] An Introduction to Mechanics

PHYS*1110 [0.50] Introductory Physics with Applications I

One of:

ENGL*1200 [0.50] Reading the Contemporary World

ENGL*1410 [0.50] Major English Writers

Semester 2

CIS*1900 [0.50] Discrete Structures in Computer Science

CIS*2650 [0.50] Programming II

MATH*1210 [0.50] Calculus II

Two of (only one of PHYS*1010 or PHYS*1130 may be selected):

BIOL*1040 [0.50] Biology II

CHEM*1050 [0.50] General Chemistry II

PHYS*1010 [0.50] Introductory Electricity and Magnetism

PHYS*1130 [0.50] Introductory Physics with Applications II

Semester 3

CIS*2420 [0.50] Data Structures

CIS*2450 [0.50] Software Systems Development and Integration

MATH*2150 [0.50] Applied Matrix Algebra

STAT*2040 [0.50] Statistics I

0.50 elective**

Semester 4***

CIS*2030 [0.50] Structure and Application of Microcomputers

CIS*3110 [0.50] Operating Systems

CIS*3430 [0.50] System Analysis and Design in Applications

MATH*2130 [0.50] Numerical Methods

0.50 elective**

Semester 5***

CIS*3530 [0.50] Data Base Systems and Concepts

CIS*3650 [0.50] Compilers

MATH*3240 [0.50] Operations Research

1.00 elective**

Semester 6

CIS*3120 [0.50] Digital Systems

CIS*3200 [0.50] Software Engineering

CIS*3490 [0.50] The Analysis and Design of Computer Algorithms

1.00 elective**

Semester 7

CIS*4600 [0.50] Elements of Theory of Computation

0.50 4000 level CIS course

0.50 3000 level or 4000 level CIS course

1.00 elective**

Semester 8

1.00 from a CIS course at the 4000 level

1.50 elective**

*a third must be taken before graduation

**electives must include at least 1.50 in science courses with at least 0.50 at the 3000 level or above and at least 1.00 credit must be in the Arts or Social Sciences, and 1.00 remaining credit in the introductory science sequence (see * semesters 1 and 2)

***either MATH*2130 in Semester 4 or MATH*3240 in Semester 5 must be taken

Minor (Honours Program)

CIS*1650, CIS*1900, CIS*2420, CIS*2450, CIS*2650, CIS*3110, CIS*3430, STAT*2100, and 2.00 additional credits from CIS courses at the 2000 level or above.

Note: when searching for a course code replace the " * " with a blank

Admission inquiries: Admission Services ~ ~ ~ General calendar inquiries: U.P.S. ~ ~ ~ Last revision: 02 October 2002

© 2002 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph