The University of Guelph offers general and honours programs leading to the B.Sc. degree. The general program consists of a minimum of 15.00 credits (usually 30 semester courses) involving normally 6 semesters of study. The requirements for the honours program is a minimum of 20.00 credits (usually 40 semester courses) which may be obtained over 8 semesters of study. Some majors may require more than 20.00 credits.
Most of the B.Sc. programs operate on the three semester system. In this system each of the Fall, Winter and Summer semesters is of 12 weeks' duration. Two semesters are equivalent to 1 academic year at a university on the traditional system. In the three semester system, students may vary their rate of progress towards graduation. However, since many science courses must be taken in a certain sequence and not all courses are offered each semester, most science students are required to proceed from semester to semester in restricted patterns. Furthermore, the advanced courses of the honours programs are offered only in the regular fall and winter semesters.
Additional information may be obtained from Admissions Services, Office of Registrarial Services. The three-semester system and the pass-by-course method of advancement allow considerable flexibility of program arrangement. In addition, a variety of program contents is available which the student may modify to meet individual requirements.
On entrance to the B.Sc. program, the student may elect to follow an intended area of specialization or to postpone this decision until a later semester. The choice of a particular program of study may be most effectively made at the end of Semester 3 or 4. Judicious selection of courses in each and every semester will allow the easiest transfer between programs without incurring the need for additional semesters of study. The program counsellor of the particular college from which it is anticipated that the majority of science courses will be taken should be consulted for advice.
The general B.Sc. degree requires the successful completion of 15.00 credits. Normally 2.50 credits (usually 5 courses) are taken in each semester so that the degree may be completed in 6 semesters. The general science program is designed to give a broad general training in biological science, chemistry, physics and mathematical science. This is achieved by requiring each student to take a minimum of 1.50 credits (usually 3 courses) in each of the above areas. The courses to be taken in semesters 4 to 6 may be selected to allow a broad study of the sciences.
In order to graduate in the honours program, students must fulfill the course requirements for the program and have achieved a 60%, or higher, cumulative average. Normally 2.50 credits (usually 5 courses) are taken in each semester so that the degree may be completed in generally 8 semesters. The following types of honours programs are offered:
Honours Major Programs
Major in a subject
Major in a subject (with a minor)
These programs permit a student to study science in greater depth than is permitted by the general program. The student is required to take a minimum of 1.00 credit (usually 2 courses) in each of biological science, chemistry, physics and mathematical science. In each of semesters 3 to 8, students select science credits so that the total program provides a broad science training with concentration in an area of physical science or biological science.
A major normally consists of certain prescribed courses (minimum of 8.00 credits) and a number of elective courses to complete the requirements for the degree. The composition of science courses selected must contain a sufficient number (minimum of 6.00 credits) of 3000 and 4000 level courses including a grouping (minimum of 2.00 credits) particularly at the 4000 level. A major program may be studied in conjunction with a minor in an area of science, humanities or social science.
Students should seek advice from the program counsellor of either the College of Biological Science or the College of Physical and Engineering Science dependent upon their primary area(s) of interest. Refer to B.Sc. Program Requirements: Regulation 6. Double-Counting of Credits.
A minor is a group of courses which provides for exposure to and mastery of the fundamental principles of a subject. A minor consists of a minimum of 5.00 credits (normally 10 courses). It may also require certain other courses from other areas to be taken along with the specified courses of the minor. A minor is taken in conjunction with a major.
Regulations 1, 2, 3 and 4 apply to all B.Sc. students.
BIOL*1020 for students lacking biology
CHEM*1060 for students lacking chemistry
PHYS*1020 for students lacking physics
Students in the B.Sc. program who intend to apply for admission to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program should register for the Major Biological or Major Physical Science program, or the major of their choice. Prospective candidates for the D.V.M. program should consult the new admission requirements for the program. Students may obtain assistance in selecting a program that will meet the requirements for the Doctor of Veterinary Program and for continuation in biological or physical science programs by consulting the appropriate Program Counsellor.
Students are advised to consult the regulations for continuation of study within the program which are outlined in detail in Section VIII--Undergraduate Degree Regulations & Procedures.
In order to qualify for graduation from the general program the student is required to attain pass standing in a minimum of 15.00 acceptable credits (usually 30 courses).
Recommended Schedule for Students in Biological Science Areas
BIOL*1030 [0.50] Biology I
CHEM*1040 [0.50] General Chemistry I
MATH*1080 [0.50] Elements of Calculus I
PHYS*1070 [0.50] Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences I
0.50 Arts or Social Science elective
BIOL*1040 [0.50] Biology II
CHEM*1050 [0.50] General Chemistry II
0.50 elective
One of:
MATH*2080 [0.50] Elements of Calculus II
STAT*2040 [0.50] Statistics I
One of:
PHYS*1080 [0.50] Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences II
PHYS*2040 [0.50] Fundamental Electronics and Sensors
0.50 credit in biological science
0.50 credit in chemistry
0.50 credit in physics
0.50 credit in mathematical science
0.50 elective
A minimum of 2.50 credits in each semester, including at least 2.00 acceptable science credits per semester. For details consult 'Total Course Requirements'.
*refer to B.Sc. Program Requirements: Regulation 1, Entry Credits and Regulation 3, 1000 Level Credits
Recommended Schedule for Students in Physical Science Areas
BIOL*1030 [0.50] Biology I
CHEM*1040 [0.50] General Chemistry I
MATH*1200 [0.50] Calculus I
PHYS*1000 [0.50] An Introduction to Mechanics
0.50 Arts or Social Science elective
BIOL*1040 [0.50] Biology II
CHEM*1050 [0.50] General Chemistry II
MATH*1210 [0.50] Calculus II
PHYS*1010 [0.50] Introductory Electricity and Magnetism
0.50 elective
0.50 credit in biological science
0.50 credit in chemistry
0.50 credit in physics
0.50 elective
One of:
CIS*1200 [0.50] Introduction to Computing
CIS*1650 [0.50] Programming I
STAT*2040 [0.50] Statistics I
STAT*2100 [0.50] Introductory Probability and Statistics
A minimum of 2.50 credits in each semester, including 2.00 acceptable science courses per semester. For details consult 'Total Course Requirements'.
*refer to B.Sc. Program Requirements: Regulation 3, 1000 Level Credits
Total Course Requirements for all Students in the General Science Program
Total of 15.00 credits (usually 30 courses) as follows:
*at least 2.00 credits (usually 4 courses) of the additional science courses must be 3000 or 4000 level
The following honours majors are available:
20.00 credits - Animal Biology
20.00 credits - Biological Science
20.00 credits - Bio-Medical Science
20.00 credits - Human Kinetics
20.00 credits - Marine and Freshwater Biology
20.00 credits - Microbiology
20.00 credits - Molecular Biology & Genetics
20.00 credits - Nutritional and Nutraceutical Sciences
20.00 credits - Plant Biology
20.00 credits - Wild Life Biology
20.00 credits - Zoology
20.25 credits - Biochemistry
21.25 credits - Biophysics
21.75 credits - Chemical Physics
20.25 credits - Chemistry
20.00 credits - Physical Science
21.25 credits - Physics
21.25 credits - Theoretical Physics
20.75 credits - Biomedical Toxicology
20.00 credits - Earth Surface Science*
20.00 credits - Ecology*
20.00 credits - Environmental Biology*
20.00 credits - Environmental Toxicology
*also see B.SC.(ENV.)
Computing Science, Mathematics, Statistics
20.00 credits - Computing & Information Science
20.00 credits - Mathematics
20.00 credits - Statistics
20.50 credits - Food Science
20.00 credits - Psychology
Co-operative Educational Programs:
20.00 credits - Applied Mathematics and Statistics
20.25 credits - Biochemistry
20.25 credits - Biomedical Toxicology
21.25 credits - Biophysics
21.25 credits - Chemical Physics
20.25 credits - Chemistry
20.00 credits - Computing & Information Science
20.00 credits - Environmental Toxicology
20.50 credits - Food Science
20.00 credits - Microbiology
21.25 credits - Physics
Minors are available in the following science areas with the particular credit requirements being given (additional minors are available from the College of Arts and the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences). A minor may include additional prerequisites - consult with the appropriate departmental advisor.
5.00 credits - Biology
5.00 credits - Biomedical Science
5.00 credits - Biotechnology
5.00 credits - Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
5.00 credits - Genetics
5.00 credits - Microbiology
5.00 credits - Neuroscience
5.00 credits - Nutritional Sciences
5.00 credits - Plant Biology
5.00 credits - Zoology
5.00 credits - Biochemistry
5.00 credits - Chemistry
5.00 credits - Physics
5.00 credits - Ecology
5.00 credits - Forest Science
5.00 credits - Geographic Info. Sys. (G.I.S.) and Environmental Analysis
5.00 credits - Geology
5.00 credits - Computing & Information Science
5.00 credits - Mathematical Science
5.00 credits - Mathematics
5.00 credits - Statistics
5.00 credits - Business Administration
5.00 credits - Food Science
5.00 credits - Psychology
Students are advised to consult the regulations for continuation of study within the program which are outlined in detail in Section VII--Undergraduate Degree Regulations & Procedures.
Schedules 1 and 2
In order to qualify for graduation from the 20.00 credits (usually 8 semester) honours B.Sc. program, the student must have completed successfully the courses approved for the program.
Note: A student registered in an honours program who has passed 20.00 credits (usually 40 or more course attempts) but who is not eligible to continue in the honours program may be granted the degree from the general program.
Co-operative Education Program
Admission to the Co-operative Education program may be granted on entry to the University or by application normally before the conclusion of Semester 2. Application forms can be obtained from the appropriate departmental faculty co-op advisor. In-course students will need to complete successfully an interview in the appropriate department. Students must be either a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident. A cumulative average of 70% is required in the science courses taken in Semesters 1 and 2 to permit continuation in the program.
Conditions for Graduation from the B.Sc. Co-operative Education Program
Conditions for graduation are the same as the corresponding regular B.Sc. program. In addition, all work reports and work performance evaluations must have a grade of satisfactory or better.
© 2002 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph