University of Guelph 2002-2003 Undergraduate Calendar

X--Degree Programs, Bachelor of Science in Engineering [B.Sc.(Eng.)]

Specialization Requirements

Major Water Resources Engineering Program Regular and Co-op (WRE/WRE:C)

School of Engineering, College of Physical and Engineering Science.

Water resources engineering focuses on the use and management of land and water resources in rural and urban watersheds. The hydrologic and hydraulic behaviour of watershed flow systems is combined with engineering science and. Water management includes flood prevention, warning and control; drainage; design of natural channels; irrigation; and erosion prevention and control. The supply of water for municipal, industrial and agricultural purposes is considered in the context of resource conservation. Identification of potential point and diffused sources of pollutants is used to develop efficient, environmentally sustainable and economical methods to preserve high-quality water to sustain human life and water-dependent ecosystems.

Major (Honours Program)

Semester 1 - Regular or Co-op

CHEM*1040 [0.50] General Chemistry I

CIS*1500 [0.50] Introduction to Programming

ENGG*1100 [0.75] Engineering and Design I

HIST*1250 [0.50] Science and Society Since 1500

MATH*1200 [0.50] Calculus I

Semester 2 - Regular or Co-op

CHEM*1050 [0.50] General Chemistry II

ENGG*1210 [0.50] Engineering Mechanics I

ENGG*1500 [0.50] Engineering Analysis

MATH*1210 [0.50] Calculus II

PHYS*1130 [0.50] Introductory Physics with Applications II

Semester 3 - Regular or Co-op **

COOP*1100 [0.00] Introduction to Co-operative Education

ENGG*2100 [0.75] Engineering and Design II

ENGG*2120 [0.50] Material Science

ENGG*2400 [0.50] Engineering Systems Analysis

MATH*2270 [0.50] Applied Differential Equations

MICR*1020 [0.50] Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology

One of:

GEOG*2000 [0.50] Geomorphology

0.50 Restricted Elective **

** you may take GEOG*2000 in Semester 3 or ENGG*3340 in Semester 7. If you take GEOG*2000 in Semester 3 take it with no electives and a total of 1.00 restricted electives in Semester 7. If you elect to take ENGG*3340 in Semester 7 take it with 0.50 restricted electives total and take 0.50 restricted electives in Semester 3.

Semester 4 - Regular or Co-op

ENGG*2230 [0.50] Fluid Mechanics

ENGG*2450 [0.50] Network Theory

ENGG*2550 [0.50] Water Management

ENGG*2560 [0.50] Environmental Engineering Systems

MATH*2130 [0.50] Numerical Methods

STAT*2120 [0.50] Probability and Statistics for Engineers

Semester 5 - Regular or Co-op

ENGG*3240 [0.50] Engineering Economics

ENGG*3260 [0.50] Thermodynamics

ENGG*3590 [0.50] Water Quality

ENGG*3650 [0.50] Hydrology

ENGG*3670 [0.50] Soil Mechanics

0.50 restricted elective

Semester 6 Regular / Semester 7 Co-op

ENGG*3100 [0.75] Engineering and Design III

ENGG*3430 [0.50] Heat and Mass Transfer

GEOL*3060 [0.50] Groundwater

1.50 restricted electives

Semester 7 Regular / Semester 6 Co-op **

ENGG*3340 [0.50] Geographic Information Systems in Environmental Engineering

ENGG*4250 [0.75] Watershed Systems Design

ENGG*4360 [0.75] Soil-Water Conservation Systems Design

ENGG*4370 [0.75] Urban Water Systems Design

1.00 restricted elective**

** you may take GEOG*2000 in Semester 3 or ENGG*3340 in Semester 7. If you take GEOG*2000 in Semester 3 take it with no electives and a total of 1.00 restricted electives in Semester 7. If you elect to take ENGG*3340 in Semester 7 take it with 0.50 restricted electives total and take 0.50 restricted electives in Semester 3.

Semester 8 (Winter) Regular or Co-op

ENGG*4150 [1.00] Water Resources Engineering Design IV

1.50 restricted electives

Restricted Electives (see Program Guide for more information)

Note: when searching for a course code replace the " * " with a blank

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© 2002 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph