University of Guelph 2002-2003 Undergraduate Calendar

X--Degree Programs, Bachelor of Science in Technology [B.Sc.(Tech.)]

Physics and Technology (PHTC:C)

Major (Honours Program)

This major will require the completion of 20.75 credits as indicated below:

Semester 1 - Fall

BIOL*1030 [0.50] Biology I

CHEM*1040 [0.50] General Chemistry I

CIS*1650 [0.50] Programming I

MATH*1200 [0.50] Calculus I

PHYS*1000 [0.50] An Introduction to Mechanics

Semester 2 - Winter

CHEM*1050 [0.50] General Chemistry II

CIS*2650 [0.50] Programming II

COOP*1100 [0.00] Introduction to Co-operative Education

MATH*1210 [0.50] Calculus II

PHYS*1010 [0.50] Introductory Electricity and Magnetism

PHYS*2040 [0.50] Fundamental Electronics and Sensors

Semester 3 - Fall

MATH*2160 [0.50] Linear Algebra I

MATH*2200 [0.50] Advanced Calculus I

PHYS*2440 [0.75] Mechanics I

PHYS*2460 [0.75] Electricity and Magnetism I

One of:

MATH*2000 [0.50] Set Theory

0.50 elective

Winter Semester

COOP*1000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term I

Semester 4 - Spring

BIOL*1040 [0.50] Biology II

MATH*2170 [0.50] Differential Equations I

PHYS*2260 [0.50] Experimental Basis of Quantum Physics

PHYS*3240 [0.50] Statistical Physics I

One of:

CIS*2420 [0.50] Data Structures

CIS*2450 [0.50] Software Systems Development and Integration

Fall Semester

COOP*2000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term II

Semester 5 - Winter

XSEN*3100 [0.50] Communication Systems and Circuits

XSEN*3110 [0.50] Computer Information Systems II

XSEN*3120 [0.50] Microprocessors I

XSEN*3130 [0.50] Advanced C Programming

XSEN*3140 [0.50] Operating Systems

Semester 6 - Spring

XSEN*4100 [0.50] Object Oriented Programming Using C

XSEN*4110 [0.50] Control Processes

XSEN*4120 [0.50] Data Communications I

XSEN*4130 [0.50] Digital Communications

XSEN*4140 [0.50] Technical Writing

Fall Semester

COOP*3000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term III

Semester 7 - Winter

ENGG*3410 [0.50] Systems and Control Theory

MATH*2210 [0.50] Advanced Calculus II

PHYS*2470 [0.75] Electricity and Magnetism II

PHYS*3220 [0.50] Waves and Optics

STAT*2120 [0.50] Probability and Statistics for Engineers

Summer Semester

COOP*4000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term IV

Semester 8 - Fall

MATH*3100 [0.50] Differential Equations II

PHYS*3230 [0.50] Quantum Mechanics I

PHYS*4240 [0.50] Statistical Physics II

0.50 elective

One of:

PHYS*4180 [0.50] Advanced Electromagnetic Theory

PHYS*4500 [0.50] Advanced Physics Laboratory

Note: At least 0.50 in electives must be taken from courses in the Arts or Social Sciences.

Note: when searching for a course code replace the " * " with a blank

Admission inquiries: Admission Services ~ ~ ~ General calendar inquiries: U.P.S. ~ ~ ~ Last revision: 02 October 2002

© 2002 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph