IX--Scholarships and Other Awards, In-course Awards for Bachelor of Science in Agriculture |
AICF McRorie Scholarships in Agriculture |
Established by the Agricultural Institute of Canada in memory of a former president, Douglas McRorie, P.Ag., FAIC, Vice-President (Agricultural Services) of the Royal Bank of Canada. Students may be awarded a McRorie Scholarship on one occasion only. Each of the two recipients in a given year must be pursuing different majors within O.A.C. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0403]
Qualification(s): Students in B.SC.(Agr.) or B.COMM., Agricultural Business major, who have completed semesters 4, 5 or 6 and have a minimum 70% cumulative average may apply. Students must have completed at least one course in the field of economics or financial management.
Allied Accounting & Tax Services Scholarship |
Provided by the Allied Group of Companies of London, Ontario. Application not required. [C0004]
Qualification(s): Student graduating from the B.SC.(Agr.) program with the highest cumulative average in all semesters
Semester(s): 8
Amount: One award of $250
Glenn (Andy) W. Anderson Scholarship |
Family and friends of Glenn (Andy) Anderson (O.A.C.'54 Crop Science) have created a scholarship to honour him at the time of his retirement after 41 years as a Professor in O.A.C. He had an interest in weed science throughout his career. Students are to apply, including a letter of reference from a Crop Science faculty member, to Student Financial Services, by April 1. [I0380]
Qualification(s): Offered to O.A.C. diploma students with an interest in agronomy or crop science who enter the B.SC.(Agr.) Degree program and who demonstrate a commitment to and an interest in weed science. Selection will be based on performance in courses in weed science, summer employment and/or work activity in the agricultural chemical industry and/or leadership activities in weed science and related areas. Preference will be given to a student who has resided in Ontario for at least 12 months prior to admission to the University of Guelph.
John A. Archibald Memorial Scholarship |
Awarded in memory of John A. Archibald, former Director of the Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0014]
Qualification(s): Outstanding student with an interest in courses in the Department of Land Resource Science who has completed semester 6. The recipient will be chosen on the basis both of high academic standing and participation in extracurricular activities.
Semester(s): 6
Amount: One award of $1,200
Joseph Arlen Memorial Award in Horticulture |
Application not required. [C0330]
Qualification(s): Student graduating from the B.SC.(Agr.) program with an interest in Horticultural Science with the highest cumulative average in all semesters
Semester(s): 8
Blackburn Scholarship |
In commemoration of the 125th Anniversary of the Ontario Agricultural College, Dr. D.J. Blackburn, a retired faculty member in Rural Extension Studies and former Director of the Associate Diploma Program has established this scholarship. Apply by letter citing athletic contributions to the O.A.C. Awards Committee by April 1. [I0404]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. degree or diploma student who has participated in intercollegiate athletics and maintained a minimum cumulative average of 70% while registered at Guelph. Athletic excellence and leadership will be used to determine the recipient.
Bruce County Graduation Prize |
Offered by the Corporation of the County of Bruce. Application not required. [C0037]
Qualification(s): Student from Bruce County with the highest academic standing in the final full-time semester (4 course minimum), at the 8th semester level, in the B.SC.(Agr.) program
Semester(s): 8
Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers Scholarship |
Provided by the Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1.
Qualification(s): Student who has competed semesters 4, 5, or 6 in B.SC.(Agr.) or B.COMM., Agricultural Business major, with a minimum 70% average in the previous 2 semesters of full-time equivalent study, participated in extracurricular activities, and has an interest in the input supply industry in agriculture. [I0444]
Samuel Carr Scholarship |
Offered from the estate of Samuel Leister Carr. Apply by letter to the O.A.C. Awards Committee by April 1. [C0048]
Qualification(s): Student completing the requirements for the B.SC.(Agr.) program with a minimum of 70% standing in semester levels 7 and 8 and who has demonstrated willingness to assume responsibility and leadership in College and community activities. Preference will be given to candidates who, upon graduation, take an active part in the operation of a farm, that are involved with the management and day-to-day operation of the farm , farm related business, or horticultural enterprise and who have a capital investment in the farm or business.
Semester(s): 8
J. Ross Cavers International Exchange Scholarship |
O.A.C.'53 provides this scholarship in memory of J. Ross Cavers, their honorary year member and Professor Emeritus. Apply to Student Financial Services, by April 1. [T0051]
Qualification(s): Undergraduate student in O.A.C. with travel and/or housing costs associated with a semester or more of academic study or cooperative work experience through a recognized university outside Canada. Students must have completed [7.50] credits and have satisfactory academic standing in their undergraduate course work. Preference will be given to a candidate who has exhibited qualities of leadership.
J. Ross Cavers Memorial Scholarship |
The members of O.A.C.'53 have established, in honour of their highly respected Honorary President and now Honorary Year member, Professor Emeritus Cavers, a scholarship to assist Canadian students to become more aware of international agriculture and hence to contribute to solutions of world food problems. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0349]
Qualification(s): Canadian citizen with high academic standing over the first two semesters of the B.SC.(Agr.) program who enrols in the minor in International Agriculture. Participation in extracurricular activities will also be taken into account. Students must register for the International Field Study course (AGR*2500) in the year the award is received.
Semester(s): 4
Michael Chepesuik International Travel Grant |
Offered in memory of the late Michael W. Chepesuik, O.A.C.'30. Application by letter should be made to the O.A.C. Dean's Office by April 15, and include a description of the study program. [T0373]
Qualification(s): Undergraduate or graduate students pursuing studies in Agricultural Economics and who are studying outside of Canada for one or more semesters
Amount: Travel grant (or grants). Up to 80% of the actual travel costs associated with the study outside of Canada program will be covered up to a maximum of $1,000 per student.
George I. Christie Scholarship |
The late George I. Christie, president of O.A.C. from 1928 to 1945, established a trust fund to provide this annual scholarship for graduate work. Applications approved by the Chair, Department of Animal and Poultry Science, should be submitted to the O.A.C. Dean's office by April 1. [C0347]
Qualification(s): Awarded to a student graduating with high standing in an animal and poultry science courses who proposes to pursue graduate studies in animal science at any institution of his/her choice.
Class of 1905 Scholarship |
Established by the graduating class of 1905. Apply to Student Financial Services, by April 1. [C0060]
Qualification(s): Student who has completed the 6th semester level in a major in an O.A.C. department and is considered to be the most outstanding student in the class and who, through activity in all branches of college life, as well as proficiency in scholarship during the program, has done most for the College, for fellow students and for personal development.
Semester(s): 6
Class of 1933 Scholarship |
Established by the graduating class of 1933 in honour of the late Professor W.J. Squirrell. Apply to Student Financial Services, by April 1. [C0062]
Qualification(s): Graduating students of the BSc(Agr.) program who plan to undertake graduate study in agriculture at a recognized university. Academic standing and involvement in extracurricular activities will be used to determine the recipients.
Semester(s): 8
Amount: One award of $5000 or two awards of $2500
Class of '51 O.A.C. Leadership Awards |
Established by Year '51 O.A.C., on the occasion of its 45th anniversary. At the discretion of the O.A.C. Awards Committee students may be selected before graduation. Application not required. [C0063]
Qualification(s): Students graduating from the degree program in a major in an O.A.C. department who have a 70% standing in the final year of study and who have demonstrated leadership in the College or University extra curricular activities.
Semester(s): 8
Amount: Up to four awards of $1,000
Class '67 O.A.C. Centennial Scholarship |
Offered by the Class of '67 O.A.C. Apply to Student Financial Services, by April 1. [I0067]
Qualification(s): Student in a major in an O.A.C. department who through activity in all branches of college life as well as scholastic achievement has made an outstanding contribution to the University.
Semester(s): 6
Amount: One award of $1,000
Bruce M. Cohoe Prize |
Application not required. [C0069]
Qualification(s): Student in the final semester level with an interest in agronomy with outstanding academic achievement and participation in extracurricular activities at the departmental, College and University levels.
Semester(s): 8
John Deere Foundation of Canada Scholarship |
Established through the generosity of The John Deere Foundation of Canada to recognize academic excellence. Application not required. [I0516]
Qualification(s): Student registered in the B.Sc.(Agr.), B.Sc.(Agr.) Agricultural Economics, B.Sc.(Agr.) Agronomy, B.A. Agricultural Economics, or B.Comm. Agricultural Business program who has completed a minimum of 15.0 credits. Selection will be based on the student with the highest cumulative average. A student may be receive this award once only.
Amount: One award of $2,000
Beth Duncan Gold Medalist |
Offered by the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation to a student in the B.SC.(Agr.) program. Application not required. [C0205]
Qualification(s): Graduating student who has maintained minimum of a 70% standing in all semester levels while participating in and contributing to the extracurricular program on campus.
Semester(s): 8
Amount: One award of a gold medal
Foodland Hydro Scholarship |
The Foodland Hydro was established by the Foodland Hydro Committee. Preference may be given to a student from Bruce, Huron or Middlesex Counties. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0290]
Qualification(s): Student who has completed semester 6 in the B.SC.(Agr.) program and who has an interest in agricultural environmental issues as they are affected by the public interest process.
Semester(s): 6
Robert S. and Ethelyne L. Fulkerson Scholarship |
Professor Robert S. Fulkerson, a former faculty member in the Department of Crop Science and graduate of O.A.C. in 1946, and his wife Ethelyne, have endowed two annual awards. Applications along with a completed Need Assessment Form should be submitted to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0382]
Qualification(s): Students in agronomy or crop science who have completed semester 6 with at least a 70% cumulative average, have an interest in crop production, and are in financial need may apply.
William Godfrey Memorial Scholarship in Horticulture |
In memory of William Godfrey, '33 O.A.C. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0111]
Qualification(s): Student with and interest in Horticultural Science who has completed semester 4 or 6 with a minimum of 70% standing, who has participated in extracurricular activities and who has an interest in tree fruit production. The scholarship is payable in 2 installments with the second installment conditional upon the student obtaining a minimum of 70% standing in semester 5 and 6 or registering in a graduate program in Horticultural Science as applicable.
Semester(s): 4, 6
Amount: One award of $1,600 (two payments of $800)
Robert Harcourt Scholarships |
This fund was established by the late Mrs. R. Harcourt in honour of the late Dr. Robert Harcourt. Application not required. [I0121]
Qualification(s): Students who have completed the 4th or 6th semester levels with an interest in courses in the Department of Land Resource Science.
Semester(s): 4, 6
Heimbecker Award in Entrepreneurship |
The Heimbecker Award in Entrepreneurship has been established by the friends and associates of Herb Heimbecker, on his retirement as a Director of Goderich Elevators, to honour his contributions to the agrifood industry in Canada. Students should apply to Student Financial Services by April 1, including a résumé and a letter highlighting their entrepreneurial skills and their aptitude and interest in business. [I0388]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. student in B.SC.(Agr.) or B.COMM., Agribusiness major, who have completed semester 6 are eligible. Students must have a minimum of a B standing (73%-76%) in their previous full-time year or equivalent [5.00 credits], have demonstrated entrepreneurial skills and display an aptitude and an interest in business.
Intervet Canada Poultry Health Prize |
Awarded at graduation. Evaluated by the faculty in the Department of Animal and Poultry Science. Application not required. [C0327]
Qualification(s): Student enrolled in the B.SC.(Agr.) program registered in courses AGR*4400 or AGR*4500 who submits a paper on some aspect of poultry health as it relates to poultry production.
Amount: One award of $500
Hurnik Award in Agricultural Ethics |
Provided by Dr. Frank Hurnik, Professor Emeritus, and faculty member in Animal and Poultry Science from 1971 to 1997. Dr. Hurnik initiated work in behavioral studies and animal welfare at Guelph, developed the first course in Animal Welfare, and was co-founder and editor of the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. Apply by letter to the Chair, Animal and Poultry Science, by February 1 outlining details of the project or meeting. [I0455]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate or graduate students who are associated with the department of Animal & Poultry Science and who undertake a project or attend a conference/scientific meeting or publish a paper in animal welfare or agricultural ethics may apply. A minimum of B standing for undergraduate students and A- standing for graduate students in the last two semesters is required. The award will be given to the student who has the best presentation, paper or project.
Ross Jones Memorial Scholarship |
In memory of Ross Jones, '71 O.A.C., his friends, colleagues and classmates. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [C0147]
Qualification(s): Graduating student who demonstrates the greatest potential in the area of Weed Science.
Semester(s): 8
Robert Keegan Memorial Scholarship |
Offered by the family of the late Robert Keegan, formerly Professor of Plant Breeding. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [C0148]
Qualification(s): Student in the Agronomy major. The award will be presented to a student with a minimum of 70% standing in his/her final year, a proficiency and interest in grain crops and who has actively participated in student organizations and extracurricular activities.
Semester(s): 8
Land Resource Science Academic Scholarship |
Provided by the Land Resource Science Endowment fund. Application not required. [C0425]
Qualification(s): Student graduating from any major in the department with the highest cumulative average.
Land Resource Science Achievement Scholarship |
Provided by the Land Resource Science Endowment fund. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [C0426]
Qualification(s): Student graduating from any major in the department with a minimum cumulative average of 70%. Preference will be given to students contributing to student life on campus and/or community activities.
Kevin Lang Memorial Scholarship |
In memory of Kevin Lang, '79 O.A.C. Apply to Student Financial Services, by April 1. [I0328]
Qualification(s): Student with an interest in courses in Animal and Poultry Science who, at the completion of semester 6, has contributed most to extra curricular activities related to animal agriculture.
Semester(s): 6
Roderick Long International Travel Gran |
Offered in memory of the late Roderick Long, O.A.C.'54. Eighty percent of the travel costs associate with the study outside of Canada program will be covered up to a maximum of $1,000 per student. Application by letter should be made to the Dean O.A.C. by April 15, and include a description of the study abroad program. [T0360]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate student who is studying outside of Canada on an approved program for one or more semesters
Amount: Travel grant (or grants) totalling $1,500
James MacMillan Memorial Scholarship |
Established in memory of James MacMillan, his great uncle, by Austin Conway of Toronto.] Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. [I0494]
Qualification(s): Kemptville College graduate with high academic standing (a minimum 75% cumulative average) who registers in the O.A.C. degree program in Agriculture or in Agriculture and Business. Financial need may also be considered.
Amount: One award of $2,500
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Shur-Gain Scholarship |
Provided by Shur-Gain, a member of Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0307]
Qualification(s): Undergraduate in Animal Science or Animal Biology who has high academic standing during the first 4 semesters and is continuing in that program. Positive evidence of leadership and contribution to university and/or community life are also given strong consideration.
Semester(s): 4
Amount: $750
Massey Fund Travel Scholarships |
Travel scholarships available from the Massey Fund. Not tenable with other awards that support travel costs. Apply by letter outlining the study abroad/exchange program and travel costs to the O.A.C. Dean's Office by April 15. [T0417]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate students who are participating in an approved study abroad or exchange program outside Canada. Academic standing in the last two full-time semesters or equivalent will be used to determine recipients.
Robert McCann Memorial Scholarship |
Mrs. Edward McCann offers this scholarship in memory of her son. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0184]
Qualification(s): Student who has completed the 4th semester level and entering the 5th semester level with an interest in agroecosystem management. The student must have obtained 70% standing at the end of the 4th semester level and must have been active in student activities.
Semester(s): 4
Charles McGowan Memorial Prize |
Fund established in memory of the late Lieutenant Charles McGowan. Application not required. [C0187]
Qualification(s): Outstanding graduating student in an O.A.C. degree program.
Semester(s): 8
Bruce W. Minshall Memorial Scholarship |
Provided by Dr. W.H. Minshall (O.A.C.'33) in memory of his son Bruce, a graduate of O.A.C. in 1970. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0450]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. students in the B.SC.(Agr.), B.SC.(Env.) or B.SC. degree programs who have completed semester level 6 are eligible. Interest in crop protection and achievement in courses such as CROP*4240, ENVB*3030, ENVB*3210, ENVB*4100, and ENVB*4240 will be considered. Awarded to the student with an interest in crop protection and showing the greatest improvement in academic standing since entering the program.
W. Harold Minshall Scholarship |
Provided by Dr. W.H. Minshall (O.A.C.'33). Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0451]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. students in the B.SC.(Agr.), B.SC.(Env.) or B.SC. degree programs who have completed semester level 6 are eligible. Interest and aptitude in crop protection, particularly in weed biology and management. Interest in crop protection and achievement in courses such as CROP*4240, ENVB*3030, ENVB*3210, ENVB*4100, and ENVB*4240 will be considered. Awarded on the basis of academic standing in the relevant courses and participation in extra curricular activities.
Dawn Morris Memorial Award |
Offered in memory of Dawn Morris, who spent 35 years in farm show business and was former Manager of the Canadian International Farm Equipment Show in Toronto. Students are encouraged to submit information on extracurricular activities to Student Financial Services, by April 1. [C0361]
Qualification(s): Student who is graduating from the Agricultural Business major of the B.COMM. degree or the Agricultural Economics major in the B.SC.(Agr.) degree with a minimum 'B+' average. Selection will be on the basis of relevant course work in agricultural marketing, extracurricular participation and employment activities.
O.A.C.'55 Scholarships |
Provided by the class of O.A.C.'55. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0064]
Qualification(s): Students who are registered in any O.A.C. degree program or students enrolled in the B.SC.(Eng.) program and have completed semester 4. Recipients will have made an outstanding contribution to College life through academic proficiency and participation in extracurricular activities and can be considered to have done the most for the College, for fellow students and in their personal development. Recipients must have a 70% minimum cumulative average.
Amount: One award of $2,000
O.A.C. Alumni Foundation Leadership Awards - First Year |
Established by the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0471]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. degree students (agricultural science, environmental science, agricultural business, landscape architecture, science) who have completed two full-time semesters or equivalent with a cumulative average of at least 70%. Students should include with their application a statement of their accomplishments during their first two semesters in the area of personal development and list their leadership development activities.
Amount: Two awards of $1,000
O.A.C. Centennial Graduate Fellowships |
The Ontario Agricultural College celebrated its 100th Anniversary in 1974. Many organizations and companies associated with the agricultural industry provided funds in conjunction with the Centennial activities. Funds have been established in perpetuity as a permanent commemoration of the Centennial of the College. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [C0209]
Qualification(s): Students graduating from a degree program administered by the Ontario Agricultural College and who plan to pursue graduate studies in any department or school of the Ontario Agricultural College in the year of baccalaureate graduation are eligible for these fellowships. The fellowship will be based on academic achievement in semesters 7 and 8, as well as participation in extracurricular activities throughout the student's university career.
Semester(s): 8
O.A.C.'45 Public Speaking Awards |
Offered by the Class of '45 O.A.C., on the occasion of their 40th anniversary. Application not required. [C0200]
Qualification(s): Graduating students in the B.SC.(Agr.) or B.COMM. Agricultural Business programs who have demonstrated proficiency in public speaking and communication.
Semester(s): 8
O.A.C. Students' Federation Medal |
Application not required. [C0217]
Qualification(s): Graduating student in an undergraduate degree program in a major in an O.A.C. department who has been an outstanding leader in student activities at the College level throughout his or her University career.
Semester(s): 8
Ontario AgriBusiness Association Scholarships |
Provided by the Ontario AgriBusiness Association to worthy students in the B.SC.(Agr.) program. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0101]
Qualification(s): These scholarships are presented to students at the conclusion of both the 4th and 6th semester levels in the B.SC.(Agr.) program. Academic achievement and participation in extra curricular activities will be considered in making these awards.
Semester(s): 4, 6
Amount: Two awards of $200
Ontario Agricultural Co-operatives Scholarships |
These annual scholarships are provided by Ontario Agricultural Co-operatives. The award may be held once only. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0289]
Qualification(s): Students who have completed semester 4 or 6 of the B.SC.(Agr.) degree or B.COMM. degree with a major in Agricultural Business, or semester 2 of the Diploma in Agriculture program. One scholarship will be awarded in the diploma program and two in the degree programs, one at the conclusion of Semester 4, one at the conclusion of semester 6. Students must have at least a cumulative average of 70% and have demonstrated leadership and involvement in one or more of extracurricular activities, community service, or agricultural employment.
Ontario Horticultural Association Scholarship |
Provided by the Ontario Horticultural Association. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0433]
Qualification(s): Student in the B.SC.(Agr.) program who has excelled in courses in horticultural science and who has completed semester 6.
Ottawa-Carleton l983 International Ploughing Match Scholarships |
Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1 with a completed Need Assessment Form and a letter outlining extracurricular activities. [I0227]
Qualification(s): Students from the Region of Ottawa-Carleton in the year they have completed semester 2 in the B.SC.(Agr.) program and who have a cumulative average of 70% (minimum) standing in semesters 1 and 2. Participation in extracurricular activities and financial need will be considered.
Semester(s): 2
Amount: Three awards of $1,000
Pacific Regeneration Technologies (PRT) Scholarship |
Provided by Pacific Regeneration Technologies Inc. (PRT), Canada's largest forestry nursery company. Application not required. [C0511]
Qualification(s): Undergraduate students who have completed at least 15.00 credits or more, and who have taken the forestry ecology course ENVB*4780 are eligible. High academic standing, with a preference to those graduating with a Forest Science minor, or related major/minor, will be used to select the winner.
Amount: One award of $500
Lorne Page Memorial Travel Grants |
Established by Shirley Page in memory of her husband Lorne, a staff member in Animal and Poultry Science for over 34 years. Apply by letter to the Chair, Department of Animal and Poultry Science by February 1, outlining the nature of the conference and your contribution to the program in the department. [I0475]
Qualification(s): Students in Animal Biology or in Agricultural Science with an interest in animal production who have completed 12.50 credits with satisfactory academic standing and who are planning to attend a student conference or activity related to animal production.
Amount: One or two awards totalling $1,000
R.W. (Bob) Pawley Scholarship |
Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0231]
Qualification(s): Student in the B.SC.(Agr.) program upon completion of the first 4 semesters who has had active participation or involvement in production agriculture.
Semester(s): 4
Gary Putnam Memorial Scholarship |
Provided in memory of their son Gary by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Putnam. Apply to the Associate Registrar, Student Financial Services by April 1. [C0241]
Qualification(s): Graduating B.SC.(Agr.) student with high standing in at least 3 courses in pesticides or alternative methods of insect, disease and weed control.
Semester(s): 8
C.W. Riley Prize |
The C.W. Riley Prize was established by a number of his friends and associates. Application not required. [I0246]
Qualification(s): Student, who, on graduation from Agricultural Economics or Agricultural Business, attains the highest proficiency in the area subjects.
Semester(s): 8
Douglas M. Robinson Memorial Prize for Excellence in Communications |
In memory of Douglas Robinson (O.A.C.'53), and in conjunction with the establishment of an innovative curriculum in agricultural science at the University of Guelph in 1995, the Innovative Farmers' Association of Ontario and the Robinson family provide this annual prize. Apply by letter to the Dean's Office, O.A.C. by April 1 outlining how communication has been used creatively and effectively. [I0409]
Qualification(s): Students in the B.SC.(Agr.) program who demonstrate creativity and excellence in communication.
Semester(s): 8
Amount: One annual award of $1,000 or two annual awards of $500
Kae and Gordon Skinner Memorial Scholarship |
Provided by the late Kae Stalker Skinner (MAC'30) and Gordon Skinner (O.A.C.'24), former Registrar of the Ontario Institute of Agrologists. Consideration will be given to participation in the Student Branch of the Ontario Institute of Agrologists. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [C0258]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. student graduating from the B.SC.(Agr.), B.SC., or B.COMM. programs who has made a significant contribution to developing an understanding of the profession of agrology among fellow students.
Semester(s): 8
Society of Management Accountants of Ontario Scholarship |
The scholarship will be awarded in the Spring semester. Application not required. [I0268]
Qualification(s): Full-time student graduating from B.COMM., B.A.(minor in Business Administration), or B.SC.(minor in Business Administration), or B.SC.(Agr.) (major in Agriculture Business or Agricultural Economics), programs. Student with the highest average in the 2 courses Financial Accounting AGEC*2220 and Intermediate Accounting AGEC*3330
Amount: One award of $500 and a free course enrolment in the first complete CMA subject enrolled in the Society's program
Jim Stokman Memorial Scholarship |
Mrs. Stokman and family, including her sons Nick (O.A.C.'77) and Andrew (O.A.C.'84) have established this award in memory of her husband and their father to recognize his lifetime contribution to the family farm. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [I0386]
Qualification(s): Available to O.A.C. students who have completed 5.00 credits with at least 'B' average in one of the following programs: B.SC.(Agr.), B.COMM., B.SC. or B.SC.(Env.). Students must have come from a rural background and have demonstrated community/student involvement both during high school and the first two semesters of University.
Amount: One award of $600
C.M. and D.J. Switzer Scholarships |
Apply by April 1 to Student Financial Services. [I0276]
Qualification(s): One to a student who has completed semester 2 of the Diploma in Agriculture program and one to a student who has completed semester 4 of a degree program in O.A.C. Recipients will have a minimum of 70% standing and have demonstrated outstanding leadership ability in O.A.C. student organizations, class executives and College Royal.
Semester(s): 4
Amount: Two awards of $2,000
Amber (Gibbons) Underwood Communications Award |
Offered in memory of Amber (Gibbons) Underwood (O.A.C.'79, M.SC.'87) by the Gibbons and Underwood families and the class of O.A.C.'79. Application not required. [I0207]
Qualification(s): Students enrolled in the B.SC.(Agr.) program of the Ontario Agricultural College. The recipient will be selected on the basis of their academic performance in one or more of the courses dealing with communications: REXT*3040 Communication Process, REXT*3050, REXT*3060 International Communication and REXT*4060 Agricultural Communication.
Varley and Lyon Exchange Scholarships |
Miss Bertha Manent of New York City has established five or more Mrs. Lillie Jane Lyon Varley and Clarence D. Lyon Exchange scholarships. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1, including a letter from the Dean or Director approving the proposed program of study. [T0298]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. students who are pursuing a course of study for one or two semesters at another college or faculty of agriculture in Canada or in another country. Such course of study must lead to the degree of B.SC.(Agr.), B.COMM. in Agricultural Business or the Diploma in Agriculture at the University of Guelph.
Semester(s): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
W.H. Waddell Scholarship |
Established by Professor W.H. Waddell. Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [C0300]
Qualification(s): Graduating student in the Agronomy major who has a high academic standing in plant breeding and in genetics and has demonstrated an interest in Crop Science.
Semester(s): 8
Doug Wakely Memorial Scholarship |
Provided by the friends and business associates of the late Doug Wakely. Preference will be given to students from the counties/regions of Wellington, Huron, Bruce, Perth or Waterloo. Apply to Student Financial Services, by April 1. [I0334]
Qualification(s): Student in the B.SC.(Agr.) program who has completed course(s) in livestock production or in grain crop production and who has participated in athletics at the University, intramural or community level as a player or in an organizing capacity.
Semester(s): 6
T.K. Warley Agrifood Policy Prize |
Established by Prof. T.K. Warley, former Chair of the Department of Agricultural Economics and a faculty member of the Ontario Agricultural College from 1970 to 1991. Application not required. [I0212]
Qualification(s): Student providing the best term paper written on a public policy issue relating to the agrifood system or rural society in courses such as AGEC*3030 Price and Production Analysis, AGEC*4000 Agricultural and Food Policy, and AGEC*4720 Special Study in Agricultural Economics.
R.J. Watford Prize |
Apply to Student Financial Services by April 1. [C0304]
Qualification(s): Graduating student who has shown proficiency in the poultry courses in semesters 4 to 8. The student shall have a genuine interest in the poultry industry and special consideration will be given to a student who indicates a desire to establish some form of poultry production or who seeks employment in the poultry industry.
Semester(s): 8
Frank E. Wolff International Scholarships |
The late Frank E. Wolff was a faculty member and a graduate of O.A.C. He was active in the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation and in the establishment of the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation. This scholarship fund was established in memory of Frank E. Wolff, Mr. A.O. Wolff and family. As a faculty member, he studied the techniques of artificial insemination of cattle in Denmark and upon his return in 1939, employed these techniques in the O.A.C. herd. To be considered for this award, students must apply for the J. Ross Cavers International Scholarship by April 1. [I0313]
Qualification(s): Students who have an interest in International Agriculture. The scholarships will be awarded to students with a minimum of a 70% standing over the first 4 semester levels of the B.SC.(Agr.) program. Students must register for the International Field Study course (AGRI*2500) in the year the award is received.
Semester(s): 4, 6
Amount: Up to 9 awards of $600
Canada's Outdoor Farm Show Travel Grants |
Established by Canada's Outdoor Farm Show and the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Need Assessment Form by February 1. The letter should outline the reasons for participating in the meeting, competition, etc., and include a brief statement of learning objectives and appropriate involvement in student activities. Upon successful return from travel opportunity, student(s) should be willing to present report to classmates and/or faculty. ACCESS AWARD [T3536]
Qualification(s): Undergraduate students in O.A.C. who have completed semester 4 in Agricultural Science or Agricultural Business or who have completed semester 2 of the Diploma in Agriculture program (Alfred, Guelph, Kemptville, Ridgetown).
Amount: Awards of up to $1,000
Class of O.A.C.'33 Bursaries |
Established by the class of O.A.C.'33 on the occasion of their 65th Anniversary, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3531]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: Up to three awards of $500
Class of O.A.C.'36 Bursaries |
Established by the Class of O.A.C.'36 with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3501]
Qualification(s): An O.A.C. degree student enrolled in any degree program who has demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Food Science Co-op Bursaries |
Established by the Knechtel Scholarship fund and the Toronto section of CIFST, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to assist with Co-op fees. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. ACCESS AWARD [I3509]
Qualification(s): Students registered in the Food Science Co-op program in semester 1 and confirmed registration in the Food Science Co-op program in semester 2. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
David R. Leach Memorial Bursary |
Provided in memory of David R. Leach by his family, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. David entered O.A.C. in 1969 as a member of O.A.C.'73 and graduated with a B.SC. in Agriculture in 1974. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3534]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate degree or diploma student who is physically disabled as determined by the Centre for students with Disabilities, has satisfactory academic standing and who has demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Leroux Bursaries |
Established by Mr. Hector Leroux, O.A.C.'44, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3535]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. degree students in the B.SC.(Agr.), B.SC., B.COMM. or B.SC.(Env.) programs with demonstrated financial need. Satisfactory academic standing is required. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Walter and Marian MacDougald Scholarship |
Established by the family of Walter and Marian MacDougald on the 50th wedding anniversary of their parents, in recognition of their gift of life-long learning to their five children, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply to Student Financial Services by October 7 with a completed Need Assessment Form and a résumé that includes evidence of demonstrated leadership. ACCESS AWARD [I4530]
Qualification(s): Students demonstrating financial need with a minimum of 10.0 credits and less than 15.0 credits and who are in the following programs/majors/minors: B.A.SC., B.SC.(Agr.), B.SC.(Env.), B.SC. (Food Science, Animal Biology, Nutrition, or Forest Science), or D.V.M. are eligible. Students will have demonstrated leadership and a commitment to excellence and a minimum cumulative average of 70%. Recipients will be enrolled in a program involved in food supply or utilization, farmland conservation or wood- lot management. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Masterfeeds Bursaries |
Established by Masterfeeds and the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3514]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. students in B.SC.(Agr.) Animal Science or B.SC. Animal Biology majors who have demonstrated financial need and, at the time of application, have a cumulative average of 60%. Students may receive one or two bursaries annually. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
O.A.C.'38 Lloyd Minshall Bursaries |
Established by O.A.C.'38 Alumni, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to recognize the many contributions of Lloyd Minshall to his classmates and to O.A.C. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3529]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need in semesters 5, 6, 7 or 8 and O.A.C. graduate students are eligible to apply. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: Seven awards of $1,000
O.A.C.'47 Travel Bursaries |
Provided by O.A.C.'47 on the occasion of its 50th anniversary and with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply by letter with a completed Travel Award Application and a Need Assessment Form for Travel awards to Student Financial Services by October 1, February 1 or June 1. ACCESS AWARD [T3505]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need and who are participating in a study abroad program for academic credit at an approved institution. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: Three awards of up to $600 each
O.A.C.'52 Bursaries |
Offered by the class of O.A.C.'52, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3516]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. students in the B.SC.(Agr.), B.COMM., B.SC. ,or B.SC.(Env.) programs with demonstrated financial need and a 60% minimum cumulative average. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: Five awards of up to $1,000
O.A.C.'55 Access Bursaries |
Provided by the class of O.A.C.'55 with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3517]
Qualification(s): Students at any semester level in an O.A.C. degree program or students enrolled in the B.SC.(Eng.) program with demonstrated financial need and a 60% minimum cumulative average. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: Up to eight awards of $500
O.A.C.'57 Bursaries |
Provided by the Class of O.A.C.'57 with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3518]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate degree students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
O.A.C. Alumni Foundation Access Bursaries |
Provided by the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3533]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Ontario Cattlemen's Association Degree Bursaries |
Provided by the Ontario Cattlemen's Association and the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply by letter with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3506]
Qualification(s): Students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in semester 5 or above in the B.SC.(Agr.), B.COMM.(Agricultural Business), B.S.c.(Animal Biology) or B.SC.(Food Science) program and have a 60% minimum cumulative average. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Ontario Egg Producers' Marketing Board Bursaries |
Provided by the Ontario Egg Producers' Marketing Board and the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3507]
Qualification(s): Students with demonstrated financial need who have completed semester 2 and are enrolled in the B.SC.(Agr.) or B.COMM.(Agricultural Business) programs and who have a 60% minimum cumulative average. Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated an interest in the poultry industry. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Ontario Federation of Agriculture Bursaries |
Provided by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a letter and a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3520]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. students with demonstrated financial need enrolled in the B.SC.(Agr.), B.COMM., B.SC. or B.SC.(Env.) programs. Preference will be given to students from farm families who have participated in 4H and/or rural community activities. A student may receive up to three bursaries annually ($1,500). Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Ontario Agri Business Association Degree Bursaries |
Provided by the Ontario Agri Business Association and the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply by letter stating involvement in extracurricular and /or community activities along with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3502]
Qualification(s): Students with demonstrated financial need in semesters 5 to 8 of the B.SC.(Agr.) program either unspecialized or in the following majors: Agricultural Economics, Animal Science, or Agronomy; or the B.COMM., Agricultural Business major, programs. Students must have a 60% minimum cumulative average in their last four semesters and may receive up to $1,500 annually. Preference will be given to students involved in extracurricular and/or community activities. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Robert, Louis and Helen Shaw Memorial Degree Scholarships |
Established by the Shaw Scholarship Committee with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply by letter, including a summary of local agricultural activities and a completed Need Assessment Form, to Student Financial Services by September 30. ACCESS AWARD [I4520]
Qualification(s): Students registered in the B.A.Sc, B.COMM. in Agricultural Business, B.SC.(Agr.) or D.V.M. programs studying agriculture, horticulture, equine studies, food and nutrition or veterinary sciences with demonstrated financial need, a 70% cumulative average and involvement in local agricultural activities. Preference will be given to first year students from Peterborough County. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: A number of awards of $1,000
T.K. Warley Bursaries |
Established by O.A.C. Alumni Association, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to recognize Professor T.K. Warley's significant contribution to the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation and to students through teaching and promotion/development of "Experience Agriculture". A degree student may receive this bursary twice. Apply by letter stating qualifications with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I3510]
Qualification(s): Students with demonstrated financial need who are in semester 5 to 8 of any degree program within O.A.C. A minimum 65% is required, as is participation in student activities, governance, and/or college affairs. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Donald P. Watson Bursaries in Horticultural Science |
Established by the estate of Donald P. Watson, O.A.C.'34, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD [I4501]
Qualification(s): Undergraduate students majoring in Horticultural Science, Landscape Architecture, Agronomy, Agricultural Science or Environmental Science, who have completed a minimum of 10.00 credits and who have demonstrated financial need. Recipients must have satisfactory academic standing in their last 10.00 credits. The scholarships will be awarded based on financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: A number of awards ranging from $500 to $2,000
Gwen Karr Memorial Bursary |
Mr. T.K.C. Karr, O.A.C.'32, has provided an endowment fund to assist students in a degree or diploma program of the Ontario Agricultural College. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. [I3010]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. students with demonstrated financial need.
Grant Misener Bursaries |
Dr. Andrew Grant Misener, an alumnus of the University of Guelph, has provided this endowment fund. These bursaries provide financial assistance to students with established need and are distributed at the discretion of the University Bursary Committee. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. [I3025]
Qualification(s): Students in the B.SC.(Agr.) program
Ontario Grape Growers Bursary |
Offered by the Ontario Grape Growers Action Committee. Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Need Assessment Form by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. [I3033]
Qualification(s): Students with good academic standing in semesters 3 to 6 of a degree program or semesters 3 to 4 of a diploma program administered by O.A.C., and demonstrated need of financial assistance.
Ontario Pork (Degree) Bursary |
Provided by Ontario Pork Producers' Marketing Board. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. [I3049]
Qualification(s): B.SC.(Agr.) and B.COMM., Agricultural Business major, students with demonstrated financial need who have completed semester 4 and who have satisfactory academic standing and an interest in pork production.
Archie and Isabelle (Cook) Rintoul Bursary |
Offered by Archie and Isabelle (Cook) Rintoul of O.A.C.'26 and MAC '27 respectively. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form by October 7 to Student Financial Services. [I3018]
Qualification(s): Students enrolled in the B.A.Sc. program or the Hotel and Food Administration, Housing and Real Estate Management or Marketing Management majors of the B.COMM. program and the department of Environmental Biology in the B.SC., B.SC.(Agr.) or the B.SC.(Env.) degree programs. Students who have completed semester 4 [10.00 credits] and who have demonstrated financial need are eligible.
Amount: Two awards of $500 (one in each of the two colleges)
Robb Travel Grants |
In recognition of her love of agriculture, travel bursaries have been provided by the estate of Martha Robb, Paris, Ontario. Apply to the Dean, O.A.C., by April 15. [T3028]
Qualification(s): O.A.C. students who are attending another university on a Letter of Permission.
Amount: 80% of the travel costs will be covered up to $750 per student.
© 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph