University of Guelph 2003-2004 Undergraduate Calendar

IX--Scholarships and Other Awards, Entrance Awards for Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Entrance Scholarships - D.V.M.

Jennifer Margaret Francis Memorial Award

This award is normally made once every four years and may be held by the student throughout the D.V.M. program providing both financial need continues and academic performance is maintained. The award is payable over 4 years to a student from the Region of Ottawa-Carleton entering Phase 1 of the D.V.M. program. Apply to the Student Financial Services by September 30 with a completed Need Assessment Form. [E2000]

Qualification(s): Student from the Region Ottawa-Carleton entering Phase 1 of the D.V.M. program, based on financial need and academic performance.

Phase(s): 1

Amount: One award of $6,000 (paid $1,500 per year for a maximum of four years)

Grey County Cattlemen's Association Entrance Award

The Grey County Cattlemen's Association has donated an entrance scholarship to a student from Grey County entering Phase 1 of the D.V.M. program. Application not required. [E2073]

Qualification(s): Student from Grey County entering Phase 1 of the D.V.M. program with the highest average.

Phase(s): 1

Amount: One award of $100

Elaine Harris Memorial Scholarship

Family and friends of Elaine Harris, who in her short lifetime demonstrated exemplary care and love for all animals, have established this scholarship. Application not required. [E2108]

Qualification(s): Student entering Phase 1 of the D.V.M. program. The recipient will be selected on the basis of academic performance in the required courses for the D.V.M. application. Preference will be given to the student who has graduated from a program in Animal Health and/or Veterinary Technology.

Phase(s): 1

Amount: One award of $500

Quinte District Veterinary Medical Association Scholarship

Award provided by the Quinte Animal Welfare Foundation. Application not required. [E2002]

Qualification(s): Student entering Phase 1 of the D.V.M. program from one of the following Counties - Lennox and Addington, Prince Edward, Hastings or Northumberland with the highest average on eight required courses and MCAT score.

Phase(s): 1

Amount: One award of $250

Entrance Access Awards - D.V.M.

Robert, Louis and Helen Shaw Memorial Degree Scholarships

Established by the Shaw Scholarship Committee with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply by letter, including a summary of local agricultural activities and a completed Need Assessment Form, to Student Financial Services by September 30. ACCESS AWARD [E4520]

Qualification(s): Students registered in the B.A.Sc, B.Comm. in Agricultural Business, B.Sc.(Agr.) or D.V.M. programs studying agriculture, horticulture, equine studies, food and nutrition or veterinary sciences with demonstrated financial need, a 70% cumulative average and involvement in local agricultural activities. Preference will be given to first year students from Peterborough County. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

Amount: A number of awards of $1,000

Entrance Bursaries - D.V.M.

Eleanor McEwen Bursary

Established by the Jean Rich Foundation, this award is paid out over four years at $5,000 per year. Not tenable with other awards of $5,000 per year or greater. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by Oct. 7. [E2153]

Qualification(s): Students entering the Phase 1 of the D.V.M. program with the greatest demonstrated need of financial assistance. Satisfactory academic progress and continued demonstration of financial need is required to receive each annual payment of this award.

Amount: One award of $20,000 (paid at $5,000 per year for four years)

Peter Rich Bursaries

Established by the Jean Rich Foundation, this award is paid out over four years at $5,000 per year. Not tenable with other awards of $5,000 per year or greater. Apply with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by Oct. 7. [E2123]

Qualification(s): Students entering the Phase 1 of the D.V.M. program with the greatest demonstrated need of financial assistance. Satisfactory academic progress and continued demonstration of financial need is required to receive each annual payment of this award.

Amount: One award of $20,000 (paid at $5,000 per year for four years)

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Admission inquiries: Admission Services ~ ~ ~ General calendar inquiries: Undergraduate Program Services ~ ~ ~ Last revision: 14 May 2003

© 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph