University of Guelph 2003-2004 Undergraduate Calendar

X--Degree Programs, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Economics (Co-op) (ECON:C)

Department of Economics, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences.

The Economics Co-op program provides an integrated academic/work experience for students with co-operating employer organizations. Students in the program must complete 4 work terms while fulfilling the requirements of their honours Economics program.

All co-op students must complete the Economics core plus an introductory computer science course (CIS*), ECON*2770, and ECON*3740, in their first 4 semesters. Admission in the co-op program is limited to students of high academic standing and will be considered only at semester 1 entry or at the end of semester 2. The first 2 work terms normally follow completion of the first 4 semesters of academic study. Students will only be permitted to take these work terms if they are eligible to continue in the Honours Economics program, have completed the required courses and are maintaining a satisfactory standing in their Economics program. The 3rd and 4th work terms will normally follow the 6th academic semester. For further information on the Economics Co-op program students are urged to consult the department's Program Guide and Co-operative Education Programs in Section X--Degree Programs in this calendar.

Students should review the Economics section in the schedule of studies for additional program information.

Major (Honours Program)

Semester 1

ECON*1050 [0.50] Introductory Microeconomics

One 1000 level calculus course

1.50 electives

Semester 2 (Winter)

ECON*1100 [0.50] Introductory Macroeconomics

One computer science course

1.50 electives

Summer Semester

Optional -- at the discretion of the student.

Semester 3 (Fall)

COOP*1100 [0.00] Introduction to Co-operative Education

ECON*2310 [0.50] Intermediate Microeconomics

ECON*2410 [0.50] Intermediate Macroeconomics

ECON*2740 [0.50] Economic Statistics

ECON*2770 [0.50] Introductory Mathematical Economics

0.50 elective

Semester 4 (Winter)

ECON*3740 [0.50] Introduction to Econometrics

One economic history course*

1.50 elective

Summer Semester

COOP*1000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term I

Fall Semester

COOP*2000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term II

Semester 5 (Winter)

ECON*3600 [0.50] Macroeconomics in an Open Economy

ECON*3770 [0.50] Mathematical Economics and Game Theory

One 3000 level economics course

1.00 elective

Summer Semester

Optional -- at the discretion of the student.

Semester 6 (Fall)

ECON*3710 [0.50] Advanced Microeconomics

One 4000 level Economics course (ECON*4640 is recommended)

1.50 electives

Winter Semester

COOP*3000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term III

Summer Semester

COOP*4000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term IV

Semester 7 (Fall)

ECON*4710 [0.50] Advanced Topics in Microeconomics

One 4000 level Economics course

1.00 electives

0.50 restricted electives

Semester 8 (Winter)

ECON*4810 [0.50] Advanced Macroeconomic Theory

0.50 Economics at the 4000 level

1.50 electives

*the economic history course may be taken in any semester

Note: when searching for a course code replace the " * " with a blank

Admission inquiries: Admission Services ~ ~ ~ General calendar inquiries: Undergraduate Program Services ~ ~ ~ Last revision: 14 May 2003

© 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph