School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences.
The Hotel and Food Administration major prepares graduates to assume positions of responsibility in any aspect of the hospitality field. It includes principles of administration, theories of interpersonal relations, human resources management, and communications. Distinctive courses include Hospitality Facilities Management and Design and Lodging Management. The courses in this program relate to the management of both the accommodation and food service facilities used by the public and private sector. The major is administered by the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management and students are urged to consult the departmental advisor.
For this major, 14.00 of the 20.00 credits are specified as core requirements, 3.50 as restricted electives, and 2.50 as electives. Verified work experience in the hospitality industry is required for students to be eligible for graduation.
Group work is a significant part of core credit work.
ECON*1050 [0.50] Introductory Microeconomics
HTM*1000 [0.50] Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Management
POLS*1400 [0.50] Public Management and Administration
PSYC*1200 [0.50] Dynamics of Behaviour
One of:*
CHEM*1100 [0.50] Chemistry Today
HTM*2700 [0.50] Introductory Foods
*CHEM*1100 to be taken by students without OAC Chemistry. If not taken, a total of 4.00 restricted electives are required.
ECON*1100 [0.50] Introductory Macroeconomics
HTM*2000 [0.50] Hospitality and Tourism Purchasing Management
HTM*2100 [0.50] Lodging Operations
1.00 from List A or List B or electives
2.50 from List A or List B or electives
STAT*2060 [0.50] Statistics for Business Decisions
2.00 from List A or List B or electives
HTM*4050 [0.50] Beverage Management I
2.00 from List A or List B or electives
HTM*3120 [0.50] Operations Analysis in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
2.00 from List A or List B or electives
2.50 from List A or List B or electives
2.50 from List A or List B or electives
List A - Further Required Courses
The following 8.50 credits are also required. The numbers in parentheses show the semester in which the course may be taken and for which consideration has been given in timetabling. Further details on the scheduling of courses will be provided in writing prior to each course selection period by the School's departmental advisor.
Semester 1 or 2
HTM*2700 [0.50] Introductory Foods
Semester 2 or 3
HTM*2010 [0.50] Hospitality and Tourism Business Communications
Semester 3 or 4
AGEC*2220 [0.50] Financial Accounting
COST*2020 [0.50] Information Management
COST*3040 [0.50] Business and Consumer Law
HTM*2030 [0.50] Control Systems in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
HTM*2200 [0.50] Organizational Design and Effectiveness
Semester 4 or 5
HTM*3070 [0.50] Hospitality and Tourism Management Accounting
Semester 5 or 6
AGEC*3320 [0.50] Financial Management
HTM*3000 [0.50] Human Resources Management
HTM*3080 [0.50] Marketing in the Hospitality Industry
HTM*3090 [1.00] Foodservice Operations Management
Semester 7 or 8
HTM*4090 [0.50] Hospitality and Tourism Facilities Management and Design
HTM*4100 [0.50] Developing Managerial Skills
HTM*4190 [0.50] Hospitality and Tourism Operations Planning
HTM*4200 [0.50] Policy Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Management
In addition to the 14.00 required credits listed above, students must take a minimum of 3.50 restricted electives throughout the program. Students may choose to explore a variety of subjects or may choose to study an area allied to their major in some depth. Restricted electives are listed below and have been grouped in major topical areas which are related to, or are an extension of, the professional interests of the major. Students may, however, choose restricted electives from any of those listed without regard to the categories, which are intended to be suggestive.
Courses dealing with the social and economic environment of business firms and other administrative entities in the hospitality industry:
ECON*2310 [0.50] Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON*2410 [0.50] Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON*3510 [0.50] Money, Credit and the Financial System
ECON*3520 [0.50] Labour Economics
ECON*3560 [0.50] Theory of Finance
PHIL*1010 [0.50] Social and Political Issues
PHIL*2600 [0.50] Business and Professional Ethics
SOC*2190 [0.50] Technology and Society
Courses dealing with human behaviour particularly as related to work and work groups:
ANTH*1150 [0.50] Anthropology
ECON*2200 [0.50] Industrial Relations
HTM*4390 [0.50] Individuals and Groups in Organizations
PSYC*2310 [0.50] Introduction to Social Psychology
SOAN*2040 [0.50] Globalization of Work and Organizations
SOC*1100 [0.50] Sociology
Courses dealing with market forces and consumer behaviour:
AGEC*4360 [0.50] Marketing Research
COST*1000 [0.50] Introduction to Marketing Management
COST*2600 [0.50] Fundamentals of Consumer Behaviour
COST*3600 [0.50] Consumer Information Processes
COST*3620 [0.50] Advertising Management
Courses related to the study of tourism:
GEOG*3490 [0.50] Recreational Behaviour and Resources
HTM*3100 [0.50] Dimensions of Tourism
UNIV*3500 [0.50] Recreation and Tourism Planning
Courses relating to institutional foodservice management:
AGR*1250 [0.50] Agrifood System Trends and Issues
CHEM*1040 [0.50] General Chemistry I
CHEM*1050 [0.50] General Chemistry II
FOOD*2150 [0.50] Introduction to Nutritional and Food Sciences
FOOD*2420 [0.50] Introduction to Food Microbiology
FOOD*3230 [0.75] Food Microbiology
FOOD*3700 [0.50] Sensory Evaluation of Foods
HTM*2740 [0.50] Cultural Aspects of Food
NUTR*1010 [0.50] Nutrition and Society
NUTR*2050 [0.50] Family and Community Nutrition
Specialized courses in Hospitality and Tourism Management:
HTM*3060 [0.50] Lodging Management
HTM*3150 [0.50] Experiential Learning in the Hospitality Industry
HTM*3200 [0.50] Club Management Operations
HTM*3780 [0.50] Economics of Food Usage
HTM*4110 [0.50] Restaurant Operations
HTM*4120 [0.50] Hospitality Business Management
HTM*4130 [0.50] Current Management Topics
HTM*4140 [0.50] Current Management Topics
HTM*4150 [0.50] Current Management Topics
HTM*4180 [0.50] Beverage Management II
HTM*4500 [0.50] Special Study in Hospitality and Tourism
Other subjects related to the study of administration:
AGEC*2230 [0.50] Management Accounting
AGEC*3310 [0.50] Operations Management
AGEC*3330 [0.50] Intermediate Accounting
AGEC*4250 [0.50] Business Policy
AGEC*4370 [0.50] Marketing Management
AGEC*4410 [0.50] Sales and Sales Management
COST*2100 [0.50] Personal Financial Management
Other restricted electives:
CIS*1000 [0.50] Introduction to Computer Applications
COST*2820 [0.50] Housing Finance
COST*3010 [0.50] Quality Management
ECON*3520 [0.50] Labour Economics
ENGL*1200 [0.50] Reading the Contemporary World
ENGL*1410 [0.50] Major English Writers
PHIL*2100 [0.50] Critical Thinking
REXT*3040 [0.50] Communication Process
REXT*3060 [0.50] International Communication
Students may select up to 2.00 credits in any foreign language as restricted electives.
In addition to the 14.00 required credits and the 3.50 restricted electives, the student has 2.50 electives throughout the program which may be fulfilled by selecting courses in any subject provided that the student is qualified to take the course and can schedule it.
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