Management Economics in Industry and Finance (MEIF) |
Department of Economics, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences.
The Management Economics in Industry and Finance major is designed to offer students an appreciation of business problems in the areas of industrial organization and finance using the analytical orientation of the discipline of Economics and the tools of Business Management, Marketing and Accounting. This major combines the applied thrust of business courses with the analytical rigor of Economics.
The major provides a suitable education for a career in the business world or in the public service. It also constitutes a useful preparation for more advanced studies, including graduate studies in Economics, Business Administration, Law, and Public Policy. The major is administered by the Department of Economics and students are urged to consult the departmental advisor. A planning guide is available in the department. Students should note that most courses carry prerequisites and that ECON*1050 and ECON*1100 are normally prerequisites for all other courses in Economics.
Students who fail any Economics course twice or who do not achieve a 65% average in Economics courses taken during the first 4 semesters in this major are likely to encounter difficulties in the more advanced courses. They are strongly advised to consult the departmental advisor in Economics to discuss the options available.
For this major, 9.50 credits are specified, 6.00 are restricted electives and 4.50 are free electives. A possible program sequence is outlined below.
ECON*1050 [0.50] Introductory Microeconomics
One of:
MATH*1000 [0.50] Introductory Calculus
MATH*1080 [0.50] Elements of Calculus I
MATH*1200 [0.50] Calculus I
0.50 from a Social Science course other than Economics
1.00 electives
AGEC*2220 [0.50] Financial Accounting
ECON*1100 [0.50] Introductory Macroeconomics
1.00 electives
One of:
CIS*1200 [0.50] Introduction to Computing
CIS*1500 [0.50] Introduction to Programming
CIS*1650 [0.50] Programming I
AGEC*2230 [0.50] Management Accounting
ECON*2310 [0.50] Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON*2720 [0.50] Business History
ECON*2770 [0.50] Introductory Mathematical Economics
0.50 elective
AGEC*3310 [0.50] Operations Management
AGEC*3320 [0.50] Financial Management
ECON*2410 [0.50] Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON*2740 [0.50] Economic Statistics
0.50 elective
ECON*3600 [0.50] Macroeconomics in an Open Economy
ECON*3710 [0.50] Advanced Microeconomics
ECON*3740 [0.50] Introduction to Econometrics
0.50 restricted electives
0.50 elective
AGEC*4370 [0.50] Marketing Management
0.50 restricted electives
0.50 credit in a 4000 level Economics course**
0.50 elective
One of:
ECON*3510 [0.50] Money, Credit and the Financial System
ECON*3560 [0.50] Theory of Finance
COST*3040 [0.50] Business and Consumer Law
HTM*4390 [0.50] Individuals and Groups in Organizations
0.50 restricted electives
0.50 credit in a 4000 level Economics course**
One of:
ECON*3510 [0.50] Money, Credit and the Financial System
ECON*3560 [0.50] Theory of Finance
AGEC*4250 [0.50] Business Policy
0.50 restricted electives
0.50 credit in a 4000 level Economics course**
0.50 elective
One of:
ECON*3530 [0.50] Industrial Organization
ECON*4800 [0.50] Theory of Strategic Management
*ECON*2720 in Semester 3 may be replaced by any Economic History credit including (with appropriate prerequisites) a 4000 level credit. In that case this credit will count towards meeting the requirements of 1.50 Economics credits at the 4000 level - see items marked ** in semester 6-8.
**ECON*4710 and ECON*4810 are recommended for students wishing to pursue graduate studies.
Note: Only one of ECON*4900, ECON*4910 may count as one of the required minimum number of 4000 level economics credits in the B.Comm. program.
ECON*3200 [0.50] Economics of Industrial Relations
ECON*3300 [0.50] Economics of Health and the Workplace
ECON*3500 [0.50] Urban Economics
ECON*3520 [0.50] Labour Economics
ECON*3530 [0.50] Industrial Organization
ECON*3580 [0.50] Economics of Regulation
ECON*3610 [0.50] Public Economics
ECON*3620 [0.50] International Trade
ECON*3660 [0.50] Economics of Equity Markets
ECON*3770 [0.50] Mathematical Economics and Game Theory
One of:
AGEC*3330 [0.50] Intermediate Accounting
AGEC*4240 [0.50] Futures and Options Markets
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