Administered by the Office of the Dean, College of Physical and Engineering Science on behalf of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Department of Physics.
A minimum of 21.25 credits is required.
The program for the first semester is the same as for the Major in Chemical Physics (regular) program.
BIOL*1040 [0.50] Biology II
CHEM*1050 [0.50] General Chemistry II
COOP*1100 [0.00] Introduction to Co-operative Education
MATH*1210 [0.50] Calculus II
PHYS*1010 [0.50] Introductory Electricity and Magnetism
One of:
CIS*2650 [0.50] Programming II
0.50 Arts or Social Science elective
CHEM*2060 [0.50] Structure and Bonding
MATH*2160 [0.50] Linear Algebra I
MATH*2200 [0.50] Advanced Calculus I
PHYS*2440 [0.75] Mechanics I
PHYS*2460 [0.75] Electricity and Magnetism I
COOP*1000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term I
CHEM*2070 [0.50] Structure and Spectroscopy
CHEM*2480 [0.50] Analytical Chemistry I
MATH*2170 [0.50] Differential Equations I
PHYS*3240 [0.50] Statistical Physics I
0.50 Arts or Social Science elective
COOP*2000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term II
CHEM*3430 [0.50] Analytical Chemistry II: Instrumental Analysis
PHYS*2450 [0.75] Mechanics II
PHYS*2470 [0.75] Electricity and Magnetism II
PHYS*3220 [0.50] Waves and Optics
One of:
CHEM*3870 [0.50] Symmetry and Spectroscopy
0.50 elective
COOP*3000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term III
CHEM*2820 [0.50] Thermodynamics and Kinetics
CHEM*3440 [0.50] Analytical Chemistry III: Analytical Instrumentation
CHEM*3860 [0.50] Quantum Chemistry
PHYS*3230 [0.50] Quantum Mechanics I
One of:
CHEM*3640 [0.50] Chemistry of the Elements I
0.50 elective in odd numbered years
PHYS*4040 [0.50] Quantum Mechanics II
0.50 Arts or Social Science elective
1.00 elective
One of:
CHEM*3870 [0.50] Symmetry and Spectroscopy
CHEM*4880 [0.50] Topics in Advanced Physical Chemistry
COOP*4000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term IV
MATH*3100 [0.50] Differential Equations II
PHYS*3100 [0.75] Electronics
PHYS*4120 [0.50] Atomic and Molecular Physics
PHYS*4240 [0.50] Statistical Physics II
0.50 elective
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