University of Guelph 2003-2004 Undergraduate Calendar

X--Degree Programs, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Plant Biotechnology (PBTC)

Department of Botany, College of Biological Sciences.

Department of Environmental Biology, Ontario Agricultural College.

Department of Plant Agriculture, Ontario Agricultural College.

Major (Honours Program)

Semester 1

BIOL*1030 [0.50] Biology I

CHEM*1040 [0.50] General Chemistry I

MATH*1080 [0.50] Elements of Calculus I

PHYS*1070 [0.50] Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences I

0.50 Arts or Social Science elective

Semester 2

BIOL*1040 [0.50] Biology II

CHEM*1050 [0.50] General Chemistry II

PHYS*1080 [0.50] Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences II

0.50 Arts or Social Science elective

One of:

CIS*1200 [0.50] Introduction to Computing

CIS*1500 [0.50] Introduction to Programming

Semester 3

BIOL*2210 [0.50] Introductory Cell Biology

CHEM*2580 [0.50] Introductory Biochemistry

MBG*2000 [0.50] Introductory Genetics

0.50 elective

One of:

AGR*2451 [0.50] Plant Agriculture

BOT*2000 [0.50] Plants, Biology and People

Semester 4

MBG*2020 [0.50] Introductory Molecular Biology

MICR*2030 [0.50] Microbial Growth

STAT*2040 [0.50] Statistics I

0.50 elective

One of:

AGR*2452 [0.50] Plant Agriculture

BOT*2100 [0.50] Life Strategies of Plants

Semester 5

BOT*3310 [0.50] Plant Physiology

CIS*2100 [0.50] Scientific Computing and Applications Development

MBG*3100 [0.50] Plant Genetics

PBIO*3750 [0.50] Plant Tissue Culture

0.50 elective

Semester 6

MBG*3350 [0.75] Laboratory Methods in Molecular Biology I

MBG*4300 [0.50] Plant Molecular Genetics

0.75 elective

One of:

PBIO*4150 [0.50] Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Plant Development

PBIO*4750 [0.50] Genetic Engineering of Plants

Semester 7

PBIO*4000 [0.50] Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Plant-Microbe Interactions

PBIO*4030 [0.50] Plant Cell Biology

PBIO*4300 [1.00] Research Opportunities in Plant Biotechnology I

0.50 elective

Semester 8

BOT*4380 [0.50] Metabolism in the Whole Life of Plants

1.50 elective

One of:

PBIO*4150 [0.50] Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Plant Development

PBIO*4750 [0.50] Genetic Engineering of Plants

Restricted Electives

From a total of 4.25 remaining credits for electives in Semesters 3-8, at least 3.00 credits must be from the following list of Restricted Electives. Students must select 2.00 restricted electives from List A and 1.00 restricted electives from List B.

List A

A minimum of 2.00 credits must be taken from the following list:

BOT*3410 [0.50] Plant Anatomy

MBG*3200 [0.50] Genetics: Our Uncertain Heritage

MBG*3600 [0.25] Introduction to Genomics

MBG*4350 [0.50] Structural Molecular Biology

MBG*4620 [0.50] Molecular Cytogenetics

MICR*3220 [0.50] Plant Microbiology

MICR*3230 [0.50] Immunology I

MICR*4120 [0.50] Virology

MICR*4230 [0.50] Immunology II

PBIO*3110 [0.50] Crop Physiology

PBIO*4310 [1.00] Research Opportunities in Plant Biotechnology II

PBIO*4600 [0.75] Plant Environment Interaction and Stress Physiology

Note: Students are strongly recommended to take PBIO*4310. Permission of the instructor is required.

List B

A minimum of 1.00 credits must be taken from the following list:

CROP*2110 [0.50] Crop Ecology

CROP*3300 [0.50] Grain Crops

CROP*3310 [0.50] Protein and Oilseed Crops

ENVB*3210 [0.50] Plant Pathology

HORT*3220 [0.50] Turf Management

HORT*3230 [0.50] Plant Propagation

HORT*3280 [0.50] Greenhouse Production

HORT*3510 [0.50] Vegetable Production

HORT*4300 [0.50] Postharvest Physiology

HORT*4420 [0.50] Fruit Crops

MBG*4160 [0.50] Plant Breeding

Minor (Honours Program)

A minor in Plant Biotechnology requires 5.00 credits in the Plant Biotechnology Program chosen in consultation with the Faculty Advisor. The course include:

1.00 credits from Restricted Electives List A (listed under Major above)

0.50 credits from Restricted Electives List B (listed under Major above)

1.50 credits from the following courses:

BOT*3310 [0.50] Plant Physiology

BOT*4380 [0.50] Metabolism in the Whole Life of Plants

MBG*3100 [0.50] Plant Genetics

MBG*4300 [0.50] Plant Molecular Genetics

PBIO*4000 [0.50] Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Plant-Microbe Interactions

PBIO*4030 [0.50] Plant Cell Biology

PBIO*4150 [0.50] Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Plant Development

One of the following 2 groups of courses:

Group A

BOT*2000 [0.50] Plants, Biology and People

BOT*2100 [0.50] Life Strategies of Plants

Group B

AGR*2451/2 [1.00] Plant Agriculture

PBIO*3750 [0.50] Plant Tissue Culture

PBIO*4750 [0.50] Genetic Engineering of Plants

Note: when searching for a course code replace the " * " with a blank

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© 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph