X--Degree Programs, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture [B.Sc.(Agr.)] |
Department of Plant Agriculture, Horticultural Science Division.
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. A. Sullivan, Rm. 4222, Bovey Building, Ext. 52792.
BOT*2100 [0.50] Life Strategies of Plants
CHEM*2580 [0.50] Introductory Biochemistry
HORT*3230 [0.50] Plant Propagation
HORT*3280 [0.50] Greenhouse Production
HORT*3510 [0.50] Vegetable Production
HORT*4300 [0.50] Postharvest Physiology
HORT*4420 [0.50] Fruit Crops
PBIO*3110 [0.50] Crop Physiology
SOIL*4090 [0.50] Soil Management
Note: Students are also required to select the plant science and resources courses in semesters 3 and 4 (AGR*2301/2, AGR*2451/2) and replace AGR*2350 in their schedule of studies with 2 electives from the following courses:
CROP*4240 [0.50] Weed Science
ENVB*3210 [0.50] Plant Pathology
ENVB*4100 [0.50] Applied Entomology
PBIO*3750 [0.50] Plant Tissue Culture
PBIO*4750 [0.50] Genetic Engineering of Plants
Note: BOT*2100 and CHEM*2580 are restricted electives.
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