X--Degree Programs, Bachelor of Science in Engineering [B.Sc.(Eng.)] |
School of Engineering, College of Physical and Engineering Science.
The minor can be satisfied by taking the following additional courses:
AGEC*2220 [0.50] Financial Accounting
CHEM*2580 [0.50] Introductory Biochemistry
ENGG*2660 [0.50] Biological Engineering Systems I
ENGG*3830 [0.50] Bio-Process Engineering
FOOD*2150 [0.50] Introduction to Nutritional and Food Sciences
MICR*1020 [0.50] Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology
0.75 Biological Engineering Design Course*
One of:
ENGG*4260 [0.75] Water and Wastewater Treatment Design
ENGG*4300 [0.75] Food Processing Engineering Design
Two of:
COST*3010 [0.50] Quality Management
FOOD*4070 [0.50] Food Packaging
FOOD*4110 [0.50] Meat and Poultry Processing
One of:
FOOD*3160 [0.75] Food Processing I
FOOD*4520 [0.50] Cereal Technology
One of:
FOOD*3230 [0.75] Food Microbiology
FOOD*4350 [0.50] Processing Plant Technology
*students must select a food application project for the design course in the student's major program
NOTE: Courses taken for the minors are credited to appropriate elective areas.
© 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph