X--Degree Programs, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences [B.Sc.(Env.)] |
Environmetrics (ENVM/ENVM:C) |
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Physical and Engineering Science.
Department of Computing and Information Science, College of Physical and Engineering Science.
CIS*1650 [0.50] Programming I
MATH*2080 [0.50] Elements of Calculus II
0.50 core requirement, restricted elective or elective
One of:
MATH*2150 [0.50] Applied Matrix Algebra
MATH*2160 [0.50] Linear Algebra I
Note: MATH*2160 is preferred for mathematics emphasis.
One of:
STAT*2040 [0.50] Statistics I
STAT*2100 [0.50] Introductory Probability and Statistics
Students electing List C - Computing must consult the Environmetrics Faculty Advisor for course scheduling in semesters 4 through 8.
MATH*2130 [0.50] Numerical Methods
MATH*2170 [0.50] Differential Equations I
STAT*2050 [0.50] Statistics II
1.00 core requirements, restricted electives or electives
2.50 core requirements, restricted electives or electives
MATH*3510 [0.50] Biomathematics
STAT*3510 [0.50] Environmental Risk Assessment
1.50 core requirements, restricted electives or electives
2.50 core requirements, restricted electives or electives
2.50 core requirements, restricted electives or electives
Students in the Environmetrics major are required to choose 3.50 credits of restricted electives from 1 of the following lists:
List A - Mathematics
MATH*2200 [0.50] Advanced Calculus I
MATH*2210 [0.50] Advanced Calculus II
MATH*3100 [0.50] Differential Equations II
MATH*3170 [0.50] Partial Differential Equations and Special Functions
MATH*3240 [0.50] Operations Research
MATH*4430 [0.50] Advanced Numerical Methods
One of:
MATH*4070 [0.50] Case Studies in Modeling
MATH*4510 [0.50] Environmental Transport and Dynamics
List B - Statistics
STAT*3100 [0.50] Introductory Mathematical Statistics I
STAT*3110 [0.50] Introductory Mathematical Statistics II
STAT*3240 [0.50] Applied Regression Analysis
STAT*3320 [0.50] Sampling Theory with Applications
STAT*4350 [0.50] Applied Multivariate Statistical Methods
STAT*4510 [0.50] Advanced Risk Analysis
One of:
STAT*4340 [0.50] Statistical Inference
STAT*4360 [0.50] Applied Time Series Analysis
List C - Computing
Students electing List C - Computing must consult the Environmetrics Faculty Advisor for course scheduling in semesters 4 through 8.
CIS*1900 [0.50] Discrete Structures in Computer Science
CIS*2420 [0.50] Data Structures
CIS*2450 [0.50] Software Systems Development and Integration
CIS*2650 [0.50] Programming II
CIS*3460 [0.50] System Simulation
CIS*3490 [0.50] The Analysis and Design of Computer Algorithms
CIS*3650 [0.50] Compilers
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