University of Guelph 2003-2004 Undergraduate Calendar

X--Degree Programs, Bachelor of Science in Technology [B.Sc.(Tech.)]

Applied Pharmaceutical Chemistry (APPC:C)

Major (Honours Program)

This major will require the completion of 20.25 credits as indicated below:

Semester 1 - Fall

BIOL*1030 [0.50] Biology I

CHEM*1040 [0.50] General Chemistry I

MATH*1200 [0.50] Calculus I

PHYS*1000 [0.50] An Introduction to Mechanics

0.50 credit from an Arts/Social Science elective

Semester 2 - Winter

BIOL*1040 [0.50] Biology II

CHEM*1050 [0.50] General Chemistry II

COOP*1100 [0.00] Introduction to Co-operative Education

MATH*1210 [0.50] Calculus II

PHYS*1010 [0.50] Introductory Electricity and Magnetism

XSEN*2010 [0.50] Effective Business and Technical Writing

Semester 3 - Fall

CHEM*2060 [0.50] Structure and Bonding

CHEM*2400 [0.75] Analytical Chemistry I

CHEM*2880 [0.50] Physical Chemistry

CIS*1200 [0.50] Introduction to Computing

STAT*2040 [0.50] Statistics I

Winter Semester

COOP*1000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term I

Semester 4 - Summer

CHEM*2070 [0.50] Structure and Spectroscopy

CHEM*2580 [0.50] Introductory Biochemistry

CHEM*2700 [0.50] Organic Chemistry I

MICR*2030 [0.50] Microbial Growth

0.50 elective

Fall Semester

COOP*2000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term II

Semester 5 - Winter

XSEN*2020 [0.50] Management Studies: Business and Human Relations

XSEN*3020 [0.50] Pharmaceutical Analysis

XSEN*3030 [0.50] Pharmacology and Applied Toxicology

XSEN*3040 [0.50] Occupational Health and Chemistry

XSEN*4050 [0.50] Biopharmaceuticals

Note: All courses in Semester 5 are taught by Seneca College.

Semester 6 - Summer

CHEM*3360 [0.50] Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology

CHEM*3430 [0.50] Analytical Chemistry II: Instrumental Analysis

CHEM*3570 [0.50] Analytical Biochemistry

CHEM*3750 [0.50] Organic Chemistry II

0.50 elective

Fall Semester

COOP*3000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term III

Semester 7 - Winter

XSEN*3060 [0.50] Pharmaceutical Analysis - Advanced

XSEN*4010 [0.50] Pharmaceutical Calculations

XSEN*4020 [0.50] Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry

XSEN*4030 [0.50] Pharmaceutical Product Formulations

XSEN*4040 [0.50] Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Note: All courses in Semester 7 are taught by Seneca College.

Summer Semester

COOP*4000 [0.00] Co-op Work Term IV

Semester 8 - Fall

CHEM*3440 [0.50] Analytical Chemistry III: Analytical Instrumentation

CHEM*4730 [0.50] Synthetic Organic Chemistry

0.50 elective

One of:

CHEM*3640 [0.50] Chemistry of the Elements I

CHEM*4520 [0.50] Metabolic Processes

CHEM*4550 [0.50] Biochemistry and Structure of Macromolecules

CHEM*4570 [0.50] Applied Biochemistry

One of:

HK*3940 [1.25] Human Physiology

MBG*2000 [0.50] Introductory Genetics

PATH*3610 [0.50] Principles of Disease

TOX*4590 [0.50] Biochemical Toxicology

Note: when searching for a course code replace the " * " with a blank

Admission inquiries: Admission Services ~ ~ ~ General calendar inquiries: Undergraduate Program Services ~ ~ ~ Last revision: 14 May 2003

� 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph