University of Guelph 2003-2004 Undergraduate Calendar

XII--Course Descriptions, Drama

School of Literatures and Performance Studies in English.

NOTES: Admission to the following courses is not guaranteed, and is by audition, submission of a portfolio and/or interview only:

DRMA*2620 [0.50] Special Studies in Theatre Practice

DRMA*3110 [0.50] Acting II

DRMA*3120 [0.50] Acting III

DRMA*3410 [0.50] Special Studies in Production I

DRMA*3420 [0.50] Special Studies in Production II

DRMA*3600 [0.50] Directed Readings and Special Independent Studies

DRMA*3610 [0.50] Directed Readings and Special Independent Studies

DRMA*3620 [0.50] Special Studies Seminar

DRMA*3630 [0.50] Special Studies Seminar

DRMA*4090 [0.50] Directing

DRMA*4210 [0.50] Scenography

DRMA*4250 [0.50] Honours Project in Theatrical Production I

DRMA*4260 [0.50] Honours Project in Theatrical Production II

DRMA*4650 [0.50] Honours Essay

For times and dates of auditions and interviews, students should consult the School. All students applying for entry to these courses must obtain the signature of the Drama Program advisor or the Director, who will admit students only after consultation with the instructor.

The Drama program has a particular interest in the drama and theatre of Canada. Course offerings will reflect this concentration where appropriate.

DRMA*1000 Introduction to Theatre F,W(3-3) [0.50]

This course deals with the nature and function of drama and theatre in society, and with the role and function of different aspects of theatre in production, including playwriting, directing, acting, design and technical theatre. It concerns itself with the social and cultural role played by theatre as an art form, and with how theatre is produced and produces its effects. The course is designed to introduce students to ways of discussing, analyzing and writing about the theatrical event. It will include attendance at selected productions, and a fee will be charged for the cost of travel to them.

DRMA*1050 Script Analysis F,W(3-0) [0.50]

An introduction to the reading and analysis of scripts, and the different ways in which critics, directors, actors, and designers approach them. The course will include exercises in the written analysis of a limited number of scripts.

DRMA*1090 Public Presentation F,W(2-3) [0.50]

This course introduces students to acting techniques which are useful to those making public presentations in any number of contexts, including the classroom and employment situations. The course will not be counted towards a major or minor in Drama.

DRMA*1500 Introduction to Film F(2-3) [0.50]

A study of films from a variety of periods and places, this course aims to introduce the basic components of film language and to promote the understanding of film as an art form. Through the viewing and analysis of selected films key concepts such as photography, editing and movement will be explored, as will matters such as style, authorship, and genre.

DRMA*2080 Acting I F,W(2-3) [0.50]

A studio course for drama students applying classroom theory to acting problems. The course is required of, but not restricted to, students in a drama specialization.

DRMA*2220 Introduction to Technical Theatre and Design F,W(2-3) [0.50]

An introduction for drama students to the theory and practice of theatrical production and design, including sets, costumes, lighting, sound, and technical drawing. Students may be expected to serve on some evenings and weekends in technical capacities on a production.

DRMA*2300 Introduction to Theatre History, Criticism and Theory F(3-0) [0.50]

This course will initiate the student into the academic study of theatre history, criticism and theory. It will focus on a variety of historical, critical and theoretical approaches to the analysis of drama and theatre.

DRMA*2400 Theatre for Young Audiences W(2-2) [0.50]

A study of the theory and practice of theatre for young audiences, including script analysis and practical performance exercises.

DRMA*2500 Contemporary Cinema W(2-3) [0.50]

The course is designed to give the student knowledge and understanding of contemporary cinematic expression.

DRMA*2620 Special Studies in Theatre Practice F,W(2-3) [0.50]

Students will perform in School productions; or students with prior experience may apply to serve in technical capacities on productions. Admission is by application to the School.

DRMA*3080 Acting Studio F,W(2-3) [0.50]

A studio course in acting that will address particular issues and techniques, and may conclude with a small-scale production.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*2080

DRMA*3110 Acting II F,W(2-3) [0.50]

A continuation of DRMA*2080. Students will perform in a public production. Admission is by audition only.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*2080

DRMA*3120 Acting III F,W(2-3) [0.50]

A continuation of DRMA*3110 . Students will perform in a public production. Admission is by audition only.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*3110

DRMA*3180 Concepts and Methods of Theatre History W(3-0) [0.50]

A study of theatre history and historiography, focusing on the relationships between the plays written in selected historical periods and the theatrical and cultural conditions that shaped them. The course will explore various approaches and methods of historical interpretation.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*2300

Restriction(s): DRMA*3021/2

DRMA*3220 Technical Production I F,W(2-3) [0.50]

A continuation of DRMA*2220, focusing on the theory and application of theatrical crafts, and including work in a technical capacity on a School production.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*2220

DRMA*3230 Technical Production II F,W(2-3) [0.50]

A continuation of DRMA*3220, focusing on the theory and application of theatrical crafts, and including work in a technical capacity on a School production. Students will normally work in different capacities in DRMA*3220 and DRMA*3230.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*3220

DRMA*3240 Theatrical Organization F(3-0) [0.50]

A study of various models of theatrical organization such as theatrical funding, board and management structures, production management, technical direction, and stage management, together with their implications for theatrical production and interpretation.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*1000

DRMA*3320 Applied Criticism of Drama and Theatre F(3-0) [0.50]

This course is designed to engage students in critical practice as applied to theatrical production.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*1050, (1 of DRMA*1000, DRMA*2080, DRMA*2220, ENGL*2120)

DRMA*3410 Special Studies in Production I F,W(2-3) [0.50]

Students will serve in such capacities as stage managers, assistant stage managers, assistant directors, assistant designers, dramaturges, producers, or publicists on School productions, and will study the functions of these roles in theatrical production. Admission is by application to the School.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*3220

DRMA*3420 Special Studies in Production II F,W(2-3) [0.50]

A continuation of DRMA*3410. Students will normally work in different capacities in DRMA*3410 and DRMA*3420. Admission is by application to the School.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*3410

DRMA*3430 Theatrical Design: Sets and Props F(2-3) [0.50]

A study of the history, theory, and practice of theatrical design, with focus on the principles of set and prop design.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*2220

Restriction(s): DRMA*3211

DRMA*3440 Theatrical Design: Costume and Lighting W(2-3) [0.50]

A study of the history, theory, and practice of theatrical design with focus on the principles of costume and lighting design.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*2220

Restriction(s): DRMA*3211

DRMA*3530 Canadian Film W(2-3) [0.50]

This course is designed to give the student knowledge and understanding of Canadian film and film makers.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*1500

DRMA*3550 Theories of Drama and Theatre W(3-0) [0.50]

A study of selected theoretical approaches to the study of drama and theatre.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*2300

DRMA*3600 Directed Readings and Special Independent Studies U(3-0) [0.50]

Independent study based upon bibliographies established in consultation with the instructor. An essay normally will constitute the written requirement for the course. Tutoring and/or consultation will be arranged, depending on the topic or materials for study. Special studies may also be arranged in the practical aspects of the theatre, with appropriate assignments, not leading to a production. Projects for this course are subject to the approval of the School, and must be submitted to the Director, on forms provided by the School, no later than the last day of classes in the semester prior to enrolment in the course.

Prerequisite(s): 3.00 credits in Drama including DRMA*1050, DRMA*2300

DRMA*3610 Directed Readings and Special Independent Studies U(3-0) [0.50]

Same as DRMA*3600.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*3600

DRMA*3620 Special Studies Seminar F(3-0) [0.50]

A seminar course that provides for intensive study of a specific aspect of drama and/or theatre.

Prerequisite(s): 3.00 credits in Drama including DRMA*1050, DRMA*2300

DRMA*3630 Special Studies Seminar F(3-0) [0.50]

Same as DRMA*3620.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*3620

DRMA*3700 Fundamentals of Directing F(2-3) [0.50]

A study of the basic theories of directing, complemented by practical in-class directing exercises.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*1050, DRMA*2080

DRMA*3850 Canadian Drama and Theatre F(3-0) [0.50]

A study of Canadian plays in their historical, cultural, and theatrical contexts.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*2300 or any 2000 level literature course

Restriction(s): DRMA*3331/2

DRMA*3950 Drama in London W(2-4) [0.50]

A course designed for students taking the London Semester consisting of a study of theatre events in London, through attending performances, reading texts and meeting for weekly seminars.

DRMA*4090 Directing F,W(3-2) [0.50]

The application of the fundamentals of directing through the direction of a one-act play. Admission is by application to the School.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*370

DRMA*4210 Scenography W(2-3) [0.50]

An integrated studio course in scenographic concepts and techniques for the theatre. Admission is by application to the School.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*3430

DRMA*4250 Honours Project in Theatrical Production I F,W(0-6) [0.50]

The completion, under direction, of a project in acting, directing, dramaturgy, design or technical theatre. Students will normally work in different capacities in DRMA*4250 and DRMA*4260. Admission is by application to the School.

Prerequisite(s): 1 of DRMA*3110, DRMA*3220, DRMA*3430, DRMA*3440, DRMA*3700 as appropriate

DRMA*4260 Honours Project in Theatrical Production II F,W(0-6) [0.50]

Same as DRMA*4250.

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*4250

DRMA*4300 Seminar in Theatre History F(3-0) [0.50]

A study in depth of one aspect or period of theatre history or historiography. (Offered in even-numbered years.)

Prerequisite(s): 0.50 credit in theatre history at the 3000 level

DRMA*4310 Seminar in Theory of Drama and Theatre F(3-0) [0.50]

A study in depth of one aspect of dramatic or theatrical theory. (Offered in odd-numbered years.)

Prerequisite(s): DRMA*3550

DRMA*4320 Seminar in Dramatic Literature W(3-0) [0.50]

A study in depth of one aspect of dramatic literature. (Offered in even-numbered years.)

Prerequisite(s): 0.50 credit in dramatic literature at the 3000 level

DRMA*4330 Seminar in Canadian Drama and Theatre W(3-0) [0.50]

A study in depth of one aspect of Canadian drama and theatre. (Offered in odd-numbered years.)

Prerequisite(s): 0.50 credit at the 3000 level in dramatic, Canadian literature or theatre history

DRMA*4340 Playwriting F(3-0) [0.50]

A study of the theory and practice of playwriting. Admission is by application to the instructor .

Prerequisite(s): 0.50 credit in dramatic literature or creative writing at the 3000 level

DRMA*4650 Honours Essay U(3-0) [0.50]

The completion, under direction, of a scholarly essay in the study of drama and/or theatre. Admission is by application to the instructor.

Prerequisite(s): at least 1.00 credit in dramatic literature, theory, or theatre history at the 3000 level or above

Note: when searching for a course code replace the " * " with a blank

Admission inquiries: Admission Services ~ ~ ~ General calendar inquiries: Undergraduate Program Services ~ ~ ~ Last revision: 14 May 2003

© 2003 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph