University of Guelph 2003-2004 Undergraduate Calendar

XII--Course Descriptions, Geography

Department of Geography.

Students majoring in other departments may take a number of Geography courses without the prerequisites listed below if they obtain the permission of the instructor.

Note: Several courses in Geography are listed as acceptable for the Natural and Mathematical Science B.A. Distribution Requirements or as Non-Science Electives for B.Sc. students.

For courses without a semester designation, or with an alternate year designation, please check with the department.

GEOG*1200 People, Places and Spatial Organization F,W(3-0) [0.50]

This course introduces key concepts in Human Geography and illustrates their practical application. Topics include population mobility and migration, settlement systems, urban and rural land use patterns and locational decision-making. (Also offered through distance education format.)

GEOG*1220 Human Impact on the Environment F,W(3-0) [0.50]

A global overview of the changing relationships among society, technology and the environment. This course emphasizes the major stages of human use of resources and the environmental consequences of global changes in production systems. It contrasts Third and First World experiences, focusing on core-periphery relationships. (Also offered through distance education format.)

GEOG*1300 Introduction to the Biophysical Environment F,W(3-2) [0.50]

An introduction to Physical Geography. The principles and processes governing climate-landform-soil-vegetation systems and interrelationships. Natural and human-induced changes to environmental systems. Laboratories will address techniques of measurement, representation and analysis of environmental systems through maps, air photographs, remote sensing and field observations. (Also offered through distance education format.)

Restriction(s): GEOG*1350

GEOG*1350 Introduction to the Biophysical Environment F,W(3-0) [0.50]

An introduction to Physical Geography. The principles and processes governing climate-landform-soil-vegetation systems and interrelationships. Natural and human-induced changes to environmental systems. This is the non-laboratory version of GEOG*1300.

Restriction(s): GEOG*1300

GEOG*2000 Geomorphology F(3-2) [0.50]

An introduction to geomorphology emphasizing weathering, slope and fluvial processes within drainage basins, and glacial and periglacial processes. Application of field and laboratory techniques.

Prerequisite(s): 1 of GEOG*1300, GEOG*1350, GEOL*1000, GEOL*1100

GEOG*2030 International Political Geography W(3-0) [0.50]

Examination of the changing world political map from the perspective of national and ethnic identities, their territorial attachments and intra- and inter-state structures and processes. Territorial restructuring, international law, localization and globalization are considered. Particular attention is paid to settlement and development processes and strategies in various parts of the world.

Prerequisite(s): 5.00 credits, GEOG*1220 is recommended

GEOG*2110 Climate and the Biophysical Environment W(3-1) [0.50]

The interrelationships between the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere to produce distinct physical landscapes (climates, soils, vegetation). Emphasis on the role of climate and the flows of energy, water, and biogeochemicals.

Prerequisite(s): GEOG*1300 or GEOG*1350

GEOG*2210 Environment and Resources W(3-0) [0.50]

This course examines the interrelationships between people and biophysical processes. The main themes are: 1) characteristics of natural resources and processes through which they are developed and used and 2) human response to environmental conditions, including natural hazards and global change. Contemporary Canadian case studies will be presented at the regional and national scales. (Also offered through distance education format.)

Prerequisite(s): GEOG*1220 is recommended

GEOG*2230 Economic Geography F(3-0) [0.50]

An introduction to the spatial distribution of economic activity. The course examines patterns, processes and problems in extractive activities, manufacturing, marketing and the service sector, including the transportation of commodities and people. The principles of economic location are applied to regional economic analysis and development.

Prerequisite(s): GEOG*1200

GEOG*2420 Aerial-photo Interpretation F(2-3) [0.50]

An introduction to the principles and techniques of air photo interpretation and elementary photogrammetry. Topics include stereoscopic viewing, parallax, flightline planning, and mapping from air photos. Lab exercises focus on specific applications in natural habitats and in rural and urban settings.

Prerequisite(s): 0.50 credit in geography and/or earth science

GEOG*2460 Analysis in Geography F(3-2) [0.50]

The application of modern techniques to geographic study. The interpretation of geographic phenomena by objective methods. Major honours students in Geography must complete this course by the end of semester 4.

Prerequisite(s): 0.50 credit at the 1000 level in Geography

GEOG*2480 Cartographic Methods W(3-2) [0.50]

An introduction to the theory and techniques of processing and displaying spatial data. Mapping concepts such as scale, co-ordinate systems, map projections, generalization, data symbolization and map design are examined using both manual and automatic Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approaches. Major honours students in Geography must complete this course by the end of semester 4.

Prerequisite(s): 5.00 credits

GEOG*2510 Canada: A Regional Synthesis F(3-0) [0.50]

This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the nature and basis of Canadian regionalism. The first section of the course stresses the biophysical base and the inequality of the natural resource endowment. The historical geographic approach and the systematic overviews of contemporary Canada stress respectively the development and nature of the Canadian space-economy. The final section on regions, regionalism and nationalism provides an overview of the heartland-hinterland dichotomy and centrifugal and centripetal forces operative in the nation.

GEOG*3000 Fluvial Processes U(3-2) [0.50]

This course examines processes and landforms associated with rivers. Particular emphasis is placed on the interaction between water and sediment movement and channel morphology. Case studies of human impact on river systems are presented.

Prerequisite(s): GEOG*2000

GEOG*3020 Global Environmental Change F(3-1) [0.50]

Major global environmental issues examined include climate change, deforestation, desertification and global fisheries. This course is interdisciplinary, exploring the interactions of bio-physical processes with human socio-economic dynamics, including policy initiatives. Particular attention is given to global climate change, its causes, its nature and extent, its implications for ecosystems and societies, and its policy ramifications.

Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits, GEOG*2210 is recommended

GEOG*3050 Third World Urbanization U(3-0) [0.50]

An analysis of the spatial and temporal patterns of urbanization in the Third World. Global, national and regional scales of urbanization are addressed through the presentation of concepts and theories and their application to contemporary processes. Specific foci include housing and employment, urban-rural relations, regional disparities, urban structural characteristics, and the relationship between urbanization and development processes.

Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits, GEOG*2030 is recommended

Restriction(s): GEOG*2050

GEOG*3110 Biotic and Natural Resources F(2-2) [0.50]

This course focuses on the ecological basis for resource management, evaluates a number of current ecological theories and addresses their implications for resource management.

Prerequisite(s): 1 of BIOL*2010, BOT*2050, ENVB*2030, GEOG*2110

GEOG*3210 Management of the Biophysical Environment F(3-0) [0.50]

An examination of resource management, focusing on public and private decision-making processes. Consideration of techniques for evaluating resources, including EIA and risk analysis. Emphasis is on the economic, social and environmental implications of resource development and use. Contemporary Canadian case studies will be presented at appropriate scales. (Also offered through distance education format.)

Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits (GEOG*2210 is recommended)

GEOG*3320 Agricultural Systems and Dynamics U(3-0) [0.50]

This course explores the structure and dynamics of food production systems in advanced economies. Particular attention is paid to the interaction of farms with the environmental, economic, social and institutional forces that shape local types and regional patterns of agricultural activity. The concept of sustainability is used as a focus for the consideration of selected trends in agriculture and associated policy and planning issues.

Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits

GEOG*3380 The Making of the Ontario Landscape U(3-0) [0.50]

The evolution of resource use systems, settlement patterns and built environments, their interrelationships and contribution to the Ontario landscape. Emphasis is given to the interpretation and analysis of source materials. (Offered in alternate years.)

Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits

GEOG*3400 Urban Geography U(3-0) [0.50]

A study of the evolution of the internal structure and functions of the city. Emphasis is placed on processes of social and economic change in the context of the built environment.

Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits

GEOG*3480 Geographic Information Systems F,W(3-2) [0.50]

An introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Topics include data input and output, map creation, analysis functions, data quality issues, data management and implementation. Students are introduced to a range of GIS applications, including those in resource analysis and management. This course requires some familiarity with numerical methods and computer operations.

Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits (GEOG*2480 is recommended)

GEOG*3490 Recreational Behaviour and Resources U(3-0) [0.50]

Trends and problems in the development, use and management of outdoor recreational and tourist resources. Emphasis is on the spatial, socio-economic and environmental implications of the relationship between recreational behaviour and resources.

Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits

GEOG*3510 China U(3-0) [0.50]

The study of an ancient civilization significantly affected by the spread of a global capitalist economy and the development of socialism. Patterns of human organization and resource use will be examined according to the four major periods of China's recent history, namely, feudalism, colonialism, "Maoism", and "modernism". (Offered in alternate years.)

Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits

GEOG*3530 U.S.A. U(3-0) [0.50]

The spatial evolution of the United States as a complex economy and society. Selected themes and case studies are explored in relation to the development of varied regional systems and landscapes. (Offered in alternate years.)

Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits

GEOG*3600 Geography of a Selected Region U(3-0) [0.50]

The study of an area outside Anglo-America which will include topics in physical, economic, social and historical aspects of geography. (Offered in alternate years.)

Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits

GEOG*3610 Environmental Hydrology W(3-1) [0.50]

An introductory course in hydrology, the study of water in the environment. Emphasis is placed on understanding and modeling the hydrologic cycle. Topics include hydrologic processes, water resources, and case studies of freshwater systems.

Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits, (1 of GEOG*2000, GEOG*2110, other 2000 level earth science or engineering science course is recommended)

GEOG*3620 Desert Environments U(2-2) [0.50]

This course investigates the interrelationships among various biophysical processes that control weathering rates, sediment transport and landform/landscape development in arid environments. Topics will include: the concept of desertification, use and misuse of surface and ground water, salinization and the effect of human disturbance on landscape development. (Offered in alternate years.)

Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits, (1 of GEOG*2000, GEOG*2110, other 2000 level earth science or engineering science course is recommended)

GEOG*4110 Environmental Systems Analysis U(2-2) [0.50]

An integrated systems approach to solving issues of environmental evaluation, impact and development. Focus will be on the biophysical components of the environment.

Prerequisite(s): GEOG*3110 or GEOG*3610

GEOG*4150 Sedimentary Processes U(2-2) [0.50]

This course examines the basic properties and flow characteristics of fluids that control the entrainment and transport of sediment by air and water. Bedform development in fluvial, coastal and aeolian environments are also discussed in relation to fluid flow mechanics. Lectures are complemented by weekly labs using the wind tunnel, flume and wave tank.

Prerequisite(s): GEOG*3000

GEOG*4200 City, Region and Economic Globalization U(3-0) [0.50]

Many of the traditional features of cities and regions are undergoing change by powerful forces of economic globalization. The course examines spatial patterns and processes of restructuring and adaptation in the urban sector of Canada and other developed economies. Evolving forms of cities, new production and service regions and redundant spaces are considered in the context of changing processes and policies.

Prerequisite(s): GEOG*3400

GEOG*4210 Environmental Resource Analysis U(3-1) [0.50]

This course provides an opportunity for advanced studies in resource management. A central aim is the development of an understanding of principles, practices and emerging issues relating to environmental impact assessment. The preparation and presentation of a group project is an integral component of the course.

Prerequisite(s): GEOG*3210

Equate(s): ENVS*4220

GEOG*4250 Coastal Processes U(2-2) [0.50]

This course examines the geomorphic processes and associated landforms found in the coastal zone. Initially the focus is on developing an understanding of the major controls on coastal erosion and sediment transport, including waves, nearshore currents and water level fluctuations. This is followed by the study of features and processes in selected coastal environments such as beaches, barrier islands and spits, coastal sand dunes and bluff coasts. In each case applications to problems of coastal management are introduced.

Prerequisite(s): 1 of GEOG*3000, GEOG*3610, GEOG*3620

GEOG*4390 Rural Systems in Transition U(3-0) [0.50]

This course examines patterns and processes of rural restructuring and adaptation in Canada and other advanced economies. Themes include the New Rural Economy, settlement systems and population dynamics, and emerging trends in rural service provision. Particular attention is paid to the nature of competing demands on rural resources and to the links between restructuring processes and the sustainability of rural communities.

Prerequisite(s): GEOG*3320

GEOG*4480 Applied Geographic Information Systems U(2-2) [0.50]

This course adopts a project-oriented approach to the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in spatial analysis. Students will have the opportunity to design and implement a research project using GIS techniques to investigate a problem in any area of Geography.

Prerequisite(s): GEOG*3480

GEOG*4690 Geography Field Research F(3-6) [1.00]

This course provides an opportunity for senior students to develop skills in the design, implementation and presentation of a field research project. The course involves a field trip of about 10-14 days, either in Canada or abroad. This component of the course takes place between the end of the summer session and the start of classes in the fall semester. Classes during the fall semester focus on the analysis and interpretation of data and incorporate student research seminars. Information on the location and cost of the field research course is available from the department in the winter semester prior to each fall offering. Open to majors in Geography (B.A. and B.SC.(Env.) and in Earth Surface Science (B.SC.) with an overall average of at least 70% at the time of registration.

Prerequisite(s): 12.50 credits

GEOG*4880 Senior Seminar in Geography U(3-0) [0.50]

A critical overview of the evolution and current status of Geography. Particular emphasis will be given to the variety of approaches and convergence and divergence within the discipline. The interaction between human and physical geographers and their approaches to issues and the subject will be analyzed. Open to major honours students in Geography at semester 6 or above.

GEOG*4990 Independent Study in Geography U(3-0) [0.50]

The independent study option is designed to provide senior undergraduate students with an opportunity to pursue library or field research under faculty supervision and to prepare a research report. Formal agreement between the student and the faculty supervisor is required, as is approval of the department chair. Open to majors in Geography (B.A. and B.SC.(Env.) and in Earth Surface Science (B.SC.) with an overall average of at least 70% at the time of registration.

Note: when searching for a course code replace the " * " with a blank

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