XII--Course Descriptions, Interdisciplinary Social Science |
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences.
ISS*2000 Asia U(3-0) [0.50]
This course will survey China and/or India, noting the major historical trends, cultural factors, economic systems, and political institutions and political processes. Department of Political Science.
ISS*2500 Management in Organizations W(3-0) [0.50]
A first course in management designed to consider the management of any organization whether profit-motivated or non-profit, private or public, from the perspective of the social sciences. School of Hospitality and Tourism Management.
ISS*2990 Introduction to Marx W(3-0) [0.50]
An interdisciplinary course designed to acquaint students with the thought of Karl Marx. Departments of History, Philosophy, Political Science and Sociology and Anthropology.
ISS*3100 London Studies in the Social Sciences W(2-3) [0.50]
An integrated course of studies in the social sciences as they relate to the resources of London. For London Semester students only.
Prerequisite(s): admission to the London Semester
ISS*3150 Paris Studies in the Social Sciences W(2-0) [0.50]
An integrated course of studies in the social sciences as they relate to the resources of Paris. For Paris Semester students only.
Prerequisite(s): admission to the Paris Semester
ISS*3250 Krakow Studies in the Social Sciences I F(3-2) [0.50]
An integrated course of studies in the social sciences as they relate to the resources in Krakow, Poland. For Krakow students only.
Prerequisite(s): admission to the Krakow Semester
ISS*3260 Krakow Studies in the Social Sciences II F(3-2) [0.50]
An integrated course of studies in the social sciences as they relate to the resources in Krakow, Poland. For Krakow students only.
Prerequisite(s): admission to Krakow Semester
ISS*3270 India Studies in the Social Sciences W(3-0) [0.50]
An integrated course of studies in the social sciences as they relate to India. This course looks at selected aspects of one or more areas in the social, geographic, economic and political aspects of Indian society. For India Semester students only.
Prerequisite(s): admission to the India Semester
ISS*3300 Latin American Studies in the Social Sciences W(1-2) [0.50]
An integrated course of studies in the social sciences as they relate to the resources of Latin America.
Prerequisite(s): admission to the Latin America semester, consent of the instructor and satisfactory participation in a bi-weekly preparation seminar during the fall semester
ISS*3420 Women Social and Political Theorists W(3-0) [0.50]
The writings of seventeenth and nineteenth century women social and political theorists will be explored as contributing to the development of classical and contemporary social and political theory. These women wrote on status of women and gender role issues as well as dealing with such fundamental matters as the nature and origin of society/social contract, political rights and obligations, government, constitutional change, revolution, slavery, socialism, the welfare state, imperialism and racism. An important feature of the course would be to show women theorists' contributions on central political interests and the integration of gender issues with those of class and race. Department of Sociology and Anthropology and Department of Political Science.
Prerequisite(s): SOAN*2111/2 or POLS*2000
ISS*4000 Research Project in Environmental Studies F,W(3-0) [0.50]
This course is required of all senior students in the Environmental Studies Minor. It provides an opportunity to formulate and investigate an issue of environmental concern from an integrative human and biophysical perspective. Students must consult with the Environmental Studies co-ordinator before course selection. Department of Geography.
Prerequisite(s): registration in the Environmental Studies minor and 4.00 credits in the minor
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