2004-2005 University of Guelph Undergraduate Calendar

VI. Schedule of Fees

Special University Fees

The following Special University Fees are charged on a user-fee basis as outlined below:

Account Deferral Fee

$60.00 per occurrence

B.L.A. Student Society Fee

$50.00 per semester

Cheque Refusal Fee

For each cheque upon which payment is refused by the bank on which it is drawn.*

* students with a second occurrence may be placed on a cash or certified cheque basis and/or forfeit their mail registration privilege.

Appeals of the Cheque Refusal Fee must be made in writing to the Secretary of the Cheque Refusal Fee Appeals Committee. Appeals are to be made within ten days of notification by Student Financial Services. Appeal forms are available from Undergraduate Program Services.

$60.00 per cheque in the amount of $418.00 or greater upon which payment is refused ($30.00 per cheque in the amount of less than $418.00).

Cheque Processing Fee

Applied to students receiving short term loans or OSAP advances.

$20.00 per occurrence

Co-operative Education Application Fee

For each in-course applicant who is accepted into a co-operative education program.


Distance Education Resource Fee

Non-refundable after the six-day add period.

$70.00 per D.E. course

Equipment Fund for D.V.M.

Charged to semester 1,3,5,7 students


Equipment Fund for B.SC. (ENG.)

Charged per full-time semester


Graduation Fee

Payable at time of submission of application for graduation. The fee covers the cost of the diploma and diploma case, and gown rental. It is applicable to all students (except those in continuing, unclassified or non degree categories) upon their first registration in the semester level as noted below:

Associate Diploma in Agriculture (semester 4)

All other Programs (semester 8)


Late Graduation Fee

Payable at time of submission of a late application for graduation.


Late Registration Fee

Payable at the time of late registration (fee payment).

Appeals against the late fee must be made in writing to the Secretary of the Late Appeals Committee within 10 class days from the commencement of classes. Appeal forms are available from Undergraduate Program Services, Office of Registrarial Services.

$60.00 per occurrence

Official Transcript

$8.00 each copy

Program Transfer Fee

For each applicant requesting a transfer from one degree program to another, or readmission.

$40.00 per occurrence

Registration Reinstatement Fee

Registration will be cancelled for students who have not paid or made satisfactory arrangement for payment by the 10th class day for the semester. There is a $200.00 reinstatement fee levied for students wishing to register after the 10th class day. Reinstatement will not be allowed after October 15th for the fall semester, February 15th for the Winter semester and June 15th for the summer semester.

$200.00 per occurrence

Supplemental Privilege

Students who write supplemental examinations at an outside centre may be required to pay an invigilator fee directly to that centre. Notification of non-payment will result in the withholding of grades.

$50.00 per occurrence

Note: If the student pays the fee for the supplemental privilege and subsequently chooses not to write it, a refund will be made if the request is submitted in writing at least 15 days prior to the scheduled date of the supplemental to Undergraduate Programs Services, Office of Registrarial Services. No refunds will be made for fees paid for examinations which were to be written at another university or college under the direction of the student.

T2202A Replacement

Upon request for re-issue of T2202A


University College Connection

Involvement in University College Connection is a two-semester commitment for which students are billed a participation "Cluster Fee", payable in semester 1.
