VIII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and ProceduresDeferred PrivilegesProceduresDepartment Chair's ResponsibilitiesTo request a deferred examination from the individual instructor upon request from the Schedules Section, Office of Registrarial Services and to inform instructors of students who have been granted deferred conditions. To forward the examination papers to the Schedules Section by the date indicated in the request letter. To distribute the completed examination booklets to the appropriate instructor for marking. In the case where the student is unable to make contact with the instructor to determine the nature of a deferred condition, take necessary steps to assist the student in determining the requirements for the condition. To initial all grades submitted by instructors and forward them to the Examinations Clerk, Scheduling Section, Office of Registrarial Services, by the date indicated in the request letter. Instructor's ResponsibilitiesIn the case of a deferred condition, the instructor is to complete the "Terms of Supplemental/Deferred Condition" form, provide the student with a copy and keep a copy. The instructor must adhere to the deadlines for the completion of the condition and the submission of the final grades to the Schedules Section, Office of Registrarial Services. Registrar's ResponsibilitiesUndergraduate Program Services informs the student and the Schedules Section of the academic review decisions and evaluates the continuation of study status when the deferred grades have been recorded. The Schedules Section informs the department that the Academic Review Sub-Committee has granted a deferred condition or examination; informs students who have been granted a deferred condition that it is their responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange the condition; specifies a deadline for completion of deferred conditions; prepares a deferred examination timetable and notifies all students who have been granted a deferred examination; requests the deferred examination papers from the chair of the department; invigilates the deferred examinations; forwards the completed examination papers to the chair of the department; and collects the final grades. Student's ResponsibilitiesWhen the Academic Review Sub-Committee grants a deferred condition, it is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor and present the "Terms of Supplemental/Deferred Condition" form upon notification. The student must contact the instructor immediately in order to be able to complete the condition prior to the deadline specified by the Schedules Section, Undergraduate Program Services. The deadline is normally the last day of the deferred examination period for that semester. The student should have the instructor complete the form stating the exact nature of the deferred condition. If the student cannot contact the instructor, he/she must contact the chair of the department offering the course. If the student does not make the required contact within the deadline specified by the Schedules Section, the University will assume that the student does not intend to complete the condition, and cancel the deferred privilege. When a deferred examination is granted, it is the student's responsibility to appear for the deferred examination on the date and time designated on the deferred examination timetable. |