2004-2005 University of Guelph Undergraduate Calendar

VIII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures


Mid-Term Examinations

Term tests must not be scheduled during the last five class days prior to the final examination period. Exceptions may be granted by the Dean (or designates) for practical evaluations such as Laboratory or Studio tests, with the scheduling of such tests indicated in the course outline. Short quizzes which have been a regularly scheduled part of the course and which are intended to review small amounts of material are not considered term tests and may be held during the last five class days.

Departments are urged by the Board of Undergraduate Studies to make every effort to schedule term tests and examinations in regularly scheduled class time. The Board recommends that faculty make every effort to accommodate students representing the University in extra-curricular activities when there is a conflict between those activities and scheduled tests or examinations held outside regularly scheduled classes.

The directors of schools and department chairs must apply the policy having due regard to the special needs of courses over which they have jurisdiction.

The Board of Undergraduate Studies has reaffirmed the commitment to maintain the 17:20 to 19:00 time slot free of academic activities as much as possible. However, from time to time approval may be given to scheduling classes or labs in that time slot. Requests for scheduling out-of-class mid-term examinations should also be restricted as much as possible to regular academic hours (8:30-17:20 and 19:00-22:00). In the event that appropriate space is not available during regular hours, the use of the 17:20-19:00 time slot may be approved.

Instructors are cautioned that if there is a scheduling conflict between a scheduled class for another course and the proposed time for the mid-term examination, the scheduled class takes priority and students with such a conflict must be accommodated.

All rooms for mid-term examinations are to be booked through the Reservations Clerk, Schedules Section, Undergraduate Program Services.

Department Chair's Responsibilities

Department chairs shall:

  • be responsible for the conduct of all term examinations.

  • appoint an adequate number of invigilators to assist the instructor-in charge.

Instructor's Responsibilities

Faculty members:

  • are urged to exercise discretion when requiring certification of illness and, in particular, are encouraged not to require certification of illness affecting semester work when the assessment in question constitutes a small proportion of the course grade, or when alternative means for carrying out the assessment are available.

  • shall take an attendance record at each term examination. The attendance record is for the department's use and is not submitted to Registrarial Services.