2004-2005 University of Guelph Undergraduate Calendar

VIII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures


Granting of Credit while on Rustication

Senate's Policy on granting of credit for work done while on rustication is outlined below. It applies to any university credit course taken during the rustication period, be it distance or on-campus, taken in open learning programs from either this university or another university.

  1. Students who have been required to withdraw for reasons of academic performance and who take university credit courses during their rustication period, will be eligible for up to 1.00 credit (one full-year course) provided they meet the criteria for readmission and the criteria for the transfer of credit.

  2. Students who take university courses after the two-semester rustication period or after a period of suspension may transfer all these credits, provided the student meets the criteria for readmission and the criteria for the transfer of credit.

  3. Students who have been suspended for academic misconduct will not receive any credit for courses taken during the suspension period.