XIV. General InformationStudent Rights and ResponsibilitiesJudicial ProcessesEvery student has a RIGHT to a full and fair hearing, by an impartial tribunal, of the merits of any charge brought against him or her under these regulations. Every student who is charged with a non-academic offence has a right to present a full and complete defence, and to be accompanied by an advisor (or legal counsel) at any hearing of the charge against him/her. Students charged are presumed innocent until found guilty on the basis of evidence presented, using the balance of probabilities as the standard of proof. The University has devised a process which provides for appropriate disciplinary penalties to be imposed. These penalties may include fines (up to $1,000), probationary periods, warnings and, in extreme cases, a recommendation for suspension or expulsion. Every student has a responsibility to comply with a Summons or Decision and Order of the Judicial Committee and/or Hearing Board. Failure to do so may constitute a breach of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The President or designate may implement an interim suspension if, in his/her opinion, a student's conduct raises a reasonable apprehension of harm to the student or to others in the University community, or the normal functioning of the University. A Judicial proceeding will be undertaken as soon as possible to allow for a hearing of the case and, in any event, no longer than fourteen working days from the laying of the charge. The Judicial Committee at the main campus and each Regional College has the authority to enforce these regulations if a breach of the regulations occurs off-campus, which affects the rights of the members of the University community to use and enjoy University facilities. Each Judicial Committee is an appointed Tribunal of students, staff and faculty that hears reported incidents of student behaviour that represent alleged infractions of the student regulations and formal complaints against students under the policy Human Rights at the University of Guelph. The Judicial Committee may also act as an appeal body to hear appeals regarding decisions of a non-academic nature imposed by a University of Guelph department or Regional College where there is no other existing appeal process. Decisions of a Judicial Committee may be appealed to the Hearing Board or in the case of the Regional Colleges, the Appeal Board.. The Hearing/Appeal Board is a student/faculty tribunal appointed from a roster of candidates, based on recommendations from the Colleges. The Board hears appeals from decisions of the Judicial Committee when one or more of the grounds for appeal are satisfied. Further information on the Judicial process may be obtained from the Judicial Officer, Senate Secretariat, 4th floor, University Centre, at ext. 53116 or from the Director's Office at each Regional College. Further information and additional copies of the Student Rights and Responsibilities document are available from the Office of Student Affairs, 4th floor, University Centre, at ext. 53868 for from the Director's Office at each Regional College. It can be viewed on-line at <http://www.studentaffairs.uoguelph.ca/> Comments on the document and specific suggestions for amendments or additions to the student regulations are welcome at any time and should be referred to the Office of Student Affairs. � |