X. Degree ProgramsBachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences [B.Sc.(Env.)]Environmetrics (ENVM)Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Physical and Engineering Science. Department of Computing and Information Science, College of Physical and Engineering Science. MajorPlease note that not all courses in the "One of:" options are available each semester (F, W, S). Students are encouraged to seek advice from the appropriate advisor when selecting and scheduling courses. Semester 1Semester 2Semester 3
Semester 4
Semester 5
Semester 6Semester 7
Semester 8
Restricted ElectivesStudents in the Environmetrics major are required to choose 3.50 credits of restricted electives. A minimum of 2.50 credits must be at the 3000/4000 level and of these a minimum of 1.00 must be at the 4000 level. List