XIV. General InformationStudent Rights and ResponsibilitiesOffensesI. Civil/Criminal Statutes.You retain your RIGHTS as a citizen when you become a member of the University community. You have the RESPONSIBILITY to abide by Federal, Provincial and Municipal statutes in addition to the University's own regulations, including, but not limited to the Acceptable Use Policy and Guidelines for the University of Guelph Computing and Networking Facilities2 and the In-line Skates, Roller Blades and Skateboards Policy3. The University's interest may cause it to initiate a hearing (refer to Judicial Processes) whether or not criminal or civil action is taken with respect to the same incident(s). 2 Refer to the University's Acceptable Use Policy available on line at http://www.uoguelph.ca/AUPG.html. 3 Refer to the University's In-Line Skates, Roller Blades and Skateboards Policy available at the Director's Office at each Regional College or electronically on the University's Financial Services website: http://www.fin.uoguelph.ca/uploadFiles/GE380.pdf. II. Offenses against Persons.1. Bodily HarmYou have the RIGHT to an environment that is safe and free from unwanted attention. You have the RESPONSIBILITY not to engage in activities likely to endanger the health or safety of yourself or another person, or to assault or threaten to assault another person, or to knowingly cause another person to fear bodily harm. 2. HarassmentYou have the RIGHT to an environment characterized by mutual respect. You have the RESPONSIBILITY to treat all members of the University community with respect and without harassment. Harassment is defined as any attention or conduct (oral, written, graphic or physical) by an individual or group who knows, or ought reasonably to know, that such attention or conduct is unwelcome/unwanted, offensive, or intimidating. III. Offenses involving Property.1. Facilities, Telecommunications, Library, University Property and Private PropertyYou have the RIGHT to the use of University facilities. You have the RESPONSIBILITY to:
2. Permits and IdentificationYou have the RIGHT, upon payment of any required fee, to access certain special services as a University community member. You have a RESPONSIBILITY not to acquire or use meal cards, University identification, computer identification, bus passes or parking permits that are stolen, cancelled, lost, false, altered or expired. 3. GroundsYou have the RIGHT to use of the University grounds. You have the RESPONSIBILITY to observe the following specific limitations:
IV. Disruption.You have the RIGHT to an environment that, while safeguarding dissent, is free from interference and disruption. You have the RESPONSIBILITY not to interfere with the normal functioning of the University, nor to intimidate, interfere with, threaten or otherwise obstruct any activity organized by the University, including classes, or to hinder other members of the University community from being able to carry out their legitimate activities, including their ability to speak or associate with others. V. Other.