2006-2007 University of Guelph Undergraduate Calendar

VIII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures


Changes to the Published Undergraduate Course Timetable

Additional Hours/Sections

If it becomes necessary to schedule additional sections by adding lectures/labs/seminars based on course selection numbers, the request is to be initiated by the Chair/Director or Department Timetable Coordinator and made to the Assistant Registrar, Scheduling.

Cancellations and Time Changes

If course cancellation or class meeting time changes are required once the course timetable has been published on WebAdvisor, the Chair/Director is responsible for obtaining the approval of the Associate Vice-President (Academic) through the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Curriculum (CUC), and the appropriate Dean. Requests to the CUC should be made by the Chair/Director in writing via electronic mail, copying the Dean and the Assistant Registrar, Scheduling. If approved, the CUC will notify the Dean and the Assistant Registrar, Scheduling. After the commencement of Course Selection, the Chair/Director is responsible for ensuring that students are not disadvantaged by any changes. This involves choosing alternate times that are conflict free for all registered students, and communicating via electronic mail to all students, the details of any change affecting their schedules.

  • Time changes after the publication of the timetable, prior to the commencement of classes. Changes in scheduled meeting times are approved only in emergency circumstances following the procedure above.

  • Time changes after the commencement of classes. Changes in scheduled meeting times are normally not made until after the end of the Course Selection/Add period unless the change is to accommodate students who would otherwise be unable to register in the course. Time changes made after the commencement of classes must not create conflicts for any registered students and must have the unanimous written approval of all registered students, as determined by a secret ballot. New times must comply with University scheduling regulations. The academic unit should keep a record of student approval on file, and a request for the time change and new room assignment should be submitted by the Chair/Director or Department Timetable Coordinator to the Scheduling Coordinator. The instructor is responsible for ensuring that all registered students can attend during the new meeting time(s) and for informing the students of the new time(s) and room assignment(s).

Classroom Assignment Changes/Bookings

  • Classroom changes prior to the commencement of classes*. At the request of the Chair/Director or Department Timetable Coordinator, the Assistant Registrar, Scheduling and Scheduling Coordinators may reassign classroom space based on course selection figures. Scheduling will make notification of changes affecting other academic units to the Department Timetable Coordinator for those units.

  • Classroom Changes and Bookings after the commencement of classes*. Instructors requiring classroom changes after the commencement of classes should forward their request through their Chair/Director or Department Timetable Coordinator to the Scheduling Reservations Clerk, via electronic mail. If classroom space assigned to a course is no longer required, instructors should also notify Scheduling by this means, as soon as possible. If rooms are required only occasionally for classes, they should not be held for full semesters, rather one-time or temporary bookings should be made through the Scheduling Reservations Clerk.

  • Classroom bookings for non-regularly scheduled classes, meetings, conferences, tests, etc. may be made through the Scheduling Reservations Clerk, by University of Guelph faculty, staff and students.

* To ensure that highest priority needs are met first and to reduce confusion on campus at the beginning of each semester, Scheduling will accommodate requests for classroom changes in the week preceding the commencement of classes and the first two weeks of classes based on the reasons below only. Requests made for other reasons will be neither accepted nor accommodated during this three-week period.

  1. enrollment changes

  2. student/instructor disability

  3. exceptional circumstances which may be submitted by the Chair/Director to the Scheduling Reservations Clerk for approval by the Assistant Registrar, Scheduling.