2006-2007 University of Guelph Undergraduate Calendar

X. Degree Programs

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences [B.Sc.(Env.)]

Earth and Atmospheric Science (EAAS)

Department of Land Resource Science, Ontario Agricultural College


Please note that not all courses in the "One of:" options are available each semester (F, W, S). Students are encouraged to seek advice from the appropriate advisor when selecting and scheduling courses.

In this major there are fees charged to cover partial costs of some field trips. Students in need of financial assistance should approach the Chair of the department offering the course.

Semester 1
BIOL*1030 [0.50] Biology I
CHEM*1300 [0.50] Introductory Environmental Chemistry
ENVS*1010 [0.50] Introduction to Environmental Sciences
MATH*1080 [0.50] Elements of Calculus I
PHYS*1080 [0.50] Physics for Life Sciences
Semester 2
BIOL*1040 [0.50] Biology II
CHEM*1310 [0.50] Introductory Environmental Chemistry II
ECON*1050 [0.50] Introductory Microeconomics
GEOG*1300 [0.50] Introduction to the Biophysical Environment
PHYS*1130 [0.50] Physics with Applications
Semester 3
GEOL*1050 [0.50] Geology and the Environment
MET*2030 [0.50] Meteorology and Climatology
STAT*2040 [0.50] Statistics I
1.00 core requirements or electives
Semester 4
SOIL*2010 [0.50] Soil Science
2.00 core requirements or electives
Semester 5
GEOL*2110 [0.50] Earth Material Science
1.50 core requirements, restricted electives or electives
One of:
MATH*1210 [0.50] Calculus II
MATH*2080 [0.50] Elements of Calculus II
STAT*2050 [0.50] Statistics II
Semester 6
SOIL*3600 [0.50] Remote Sensing
One of:
GEOL*3060 [0.50] Groundwater
SOIL*3070 [0.50] Environmental Soil Physics
1.50 core requirements, restricted electives or electives
Semester 7
SOIL*4210 [0.50] Earth and Atmospheric Science Field Camp
2.00 core requirements, restricted electives or electives
Semester 8
2.50 core requirements, restricted electives or electives
Restricted Electives

Students in the Earth and Atmospheric Science major are required to choose 2.50 credits from the following lists. Students are encouraged to consult with the faculty advisor for assistance.

List A - Environmental Geology
GEOL*2020 [0.50] Stratigraphy
GEOL*2200 [0.50] Glacial Geology
GEOL*3100 [0.50] Non-Renewable Earth Resources
GEOL*3130 [0.50] Agrogeology
GEOL*4090 [0.50] Sedimentology
GEOL*4130 [0.50] Clay and Humic Chemistry
List B - Soil Science
PBIO*4100 [0.50] Soil Plant Relationships
SOIL*3060 [0.50] Environmental Soil Chemistry
SOIL*3070 [0.50] Environmental Soil Physics
SOIL*3080 [0.50] Soil and Water Conservation
SOIL*3170 [0.50] Soil Processes in Landscape
SOIL*3200 [0.50] Environmental Soil Biology
SOIL*4090 [0.50] Soil Management
List C - Water
ENGG*2550 [0.50] Water Management
ENGG*3650 [0.50] Hydrology
GEOG*3610 [0.50] Environmental Hydrology
GEOG*4150 [0.50] Sedimentary Processes
GEOL*3190 [0.50] Environmental Water Chemistry
SOIL*3080 [0.50] Soil and Water Conservation
List D - Atmosphere
GEOG*2110 [0.50] Climate and the Biophysical Environment
MET*3050 [0.50] Microclimatology
MET*4210 [0.50] Atmospheric Experimentation and Instrumentation
MET*4300 [0.50] Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry