VIII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and ProceduresSchedulingUndergraduate Course TimetableThe scheduling of all undergraduate courses is the responsibility of the Assistant Registrar, Scheduling. All courses are scheduled according to the Senate approved “Slot-system” which allows for 3 x 1 hour slots meeting at the same time on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 2 x 1.5 hour slots meeting at the same time on Tuesday and Thursday and 3-hour evening slots M-F. This basic grid is overlaid with 3-hour and other class formats in such a way as to minimize conflicts and maximize efficient use of teaching space. The University scheduling day runs from 0830-1730 and 1900-2200; Senate has approved the 1730-1900 “dinner hour” as a period which shall be free of all regular class meetings, labs, seminars. The scheduling cycle for each S, F and W semester commences one year in advance. The final timetable for each semester is published on WebAdvisor two weeks prior to the commencement of the initial Course Selection period for that semester. Chair/Director’s ResponsibilitiesThe Chair/Director or the designated Department Timetable Coordinator is responsible for the following:
Instructor's ResponsibilitiesInstructors are responsible for communicating to the Chair/Director or Department Timetable Coordinator, prior to the established deadline, any information relevant to the scheduling of courses in the subsequent academic year. Registrar's ResponsibilitiesThe Assistant Registrar, Scheduling creates the university timetable according to the following priorities: