2007-2008 University of Guelph Undergraduate Calendar

X. Degree Programs

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Food Science (FOOD)

Department of Food Science, Ontario Agricultural College

Major (Honours Program)

Students may enter this major in Semester 1 or any semester thereafter. A student wishing to declare the major must consult the Faculty Advisor.

Semester 1 - Fall
BIOL*1030 [0.50] Biology I
CHEM*1040 [0.50] General Chemistry I
MATH*1080 [0.50] Elements of Calculus I
PHYS*1070 [0.50] Introductory Physics for Life Sciences
0.50 Arts or Social Science electives
Note: CIS*1200, rather than an Arts or Social Science credit is recommended for those needing to improve their computer skills.
Students who are admitted deficient in one OAC/4U course in Biology, Chemistry or Physics must take the equivalent introductory course in first semester. The first-year science core in that subject should be completed by Semester 3.
Semester 2 - Winter
BIOL*1040 [0.50] Biology II
CHEM*1050 [0.50] General Chemistry II
MATH*2080 [0.50] Elements of Calculus II
PHYS*1080 [0.50] Physics for Life Sciences
0.50 Arts or Social Science electives
Semester 3 - Fall
BIOC*2580 [0.50] Introductory Biochemistry
CHEM*2880 [0.50] Physical Chemistry
FOOD*2150 [0.50] Introduction to Nutritional and Food Science
STAT*2040 [0.50] Statistics I
0.50 electives
Semester 4 - Winter
FOOD*2100 [0.50] Communication in Food Science I
FOOD*2620 [0.50] Food Engineering Principles
MICR*2030 [0.50] Microbial Growth
NUTR*3210 [0.50] Fundamentals of Nutrition
0.50 electives
Semester 5 - Fall
FOOD*3010 [0.50] Food Chemistry
FOOD*3160 [0.75] Food Processing I
FOOD*3230 [0.75] Food Microbiology
0.50 electives
Semester 6 - Winter
FOOD*3020 [0.50] Food Chemistry Laboratory
FOOD*3170 [0.50] Food Processing II
1.50 electives
Semester 7 - Fall
FOOD*3260 [0.50] Industrial Microbiology
FOOD*3700 [0.50] Sensory Evaluation of Foods
FOOD*4120 [0.75] Food Analysis
0.75 electives
Semester 8 - Winter
FOOD*4100 [0.25] Communication in Food Science II
FOOD*4700 [0.50] Food Product Development
1.75 electives
  1. ENGL*1200 is recommended for those students needing to improve their English grammar.

  2. FOOD*2150 could be replaced by FOOD*2010 with permission of department advisor.

  3. Of the 6.50 electives credits:

    At least 2.00 must be Arts or Social Sciences.

    At least 2.00 must be from list of Restricted Electives.

    At least 0.5 must be from additional science electives.

Restricted Electives:
FOOD*4010 [0.50] Food Plant Sanitation and Quality Control
FOOD*4070 [0.50] Food Packaging
FOOD*4090 [0.50] Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
FOOD*4110 [0.50] Meat and Poultry Processing
FOOD*4140 [0.25] Communication in Food Science III
FOOD*4220 [0.25] Topics in Food Science
FOOD*4230 [0.25] Research in Food Science I
FOOD*4240 [0.25] Research in Food Science II
FOOD*4400 [0.50] Dairy Processing
FOOD*4520 [0.50] Cereal Technology
MCS*3010 [0.50] Quality Management
POPM*4040 [0.50] Epidemiology of Food-borne Diseases
Credit Summary (20.00 total credits)

4.00 - 1st year science required

9.50 - Required in semesters 3-8

2.00 - Restricted electives

2.00 - Arts or Social Science electives

0.50 - Additional Science electives

2.00 - Free electives

Minor (Honours Program)

The Minor in Food Science consists of 5.00 credits as follows:

BIOC*2580 [0.50] Introductory Biochemistry
FOOD*3010 [0.50] Food Chemistry
FOOD*3230 [0.75] Food Microbiology
MICR*2030 [0.50] Microbial Growth
One of:
FOOD*2010 [0.50] Principles of Food Science
FOOD*2150 [0.50] Introduction to Nutritional and Food Science
NUTR*2150 [0.50] Introduction to Nutritional and Food Sciences
One of:
FOOD*2410 [0.50] Introduction to Food Processing
FOOD*3160 [0.75] Food Processing I
Restricted Electives

Choose from the following list to bring the total to a minimum of 5.00 credits for the Minor:

FOOD*2620 [0.50] Food Engineering Principles
FOOD*3170 [0.50] Food Processing II
FOOD*3260 [0.50] Industrial Microbiology
FOOD*3700 [0.50] Sensory Evaluation of Foods
FOOD*4010 [0.50] Food Plant Sanitation and Quality Control
FOOD*4070 [0.50] Food Packaging
FOOD*4090 [0.50] Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
FOOD*4110 [0.50] Meat and Poultry Processing
FOOD*4120 [0.75] Food Analysis
FOOD*4400 [0.50] Dairy Processing
FOOD*4520 [0.50] Cereal Technology
FOOD*4700 [0.50] Food Product Development
NUTR*3210 [0.50] Fundamentals of Nutrition
POPM*4040 [0.50] Epidemiology of Food-borne Diseases