2007-2008 University of Guelph Undergraduate Calendar

XIV. General Information


OPIRG-Guelph (Ontario Public Interest Research Group - Guelph) is a part of a provincial network of "PIRGs" that engage in research, education, and action on a variety of environmental and social justice issues. We often act as a bridge between the campus and community. Recent projects include a permaculture garden on campus, creation of an annual Environment Week pull-out in the Guelph Tribune. We continually host events and workshops on a range of topics. Working groups of OPIRG raise awareness of such issues as political prisoners worldwide, sustainable food growing practices, and unfair international labour practices.

OPIRG-Guelph maintains an alternative library with books, documents, periodicals, videos and DVDs that students and OPIRG members can access. The Research for Credit program allows students to apply their course work to community projects. Volunteer opportunities include being involved with or starting working groups, helping in the library or office, and sitting on the board of directors. Core funding (supplemented by grants and donations) is provided per semester through full-time graduate and undergraduate student fees. The fee is refundable in the first three weeks if requested. OPIRG (ext. 52129 or 824-2091) is located at 1 Trent Lane. OPIRG-Guelph can be reached by email at opirg@uoguelph.ca.