XVI. Administration and FacultyCollege of Social and Applied Human SciencesA.E. Joseph, Dean, B.A. (LIV.), M.A. (QU.), PH.D. (MCM.) S. Desmarais, Associate Dean, B.A., M.A., PH.D. (WAT.) D. Palmateer Pennee, Associate Dean, Arts and Social Science, B.A., M.A. (GUELPH), PH.D. (MCG.) K. Bertrand, Senior Manager Advancement, B.A.H. (QU) C. Hernandez, Manager, Research Development, B.A. (YORK) L. Zehr, Bachelor of Applied Science Program Counsellor, B.A.SC., M.SC. (GUELPH.) D. Reimer, Acting Bachelor of Arts Program Counsellor, B.A. (GUELPH) M. Cowan, Acting Assistant Bachelor of Arts Program Counsellor, B.A. (GUELPH) P. Swidinsky, Assistant Bachelor of Arts Program Counsellor, B.A. (GUELPH) S. Lapenskie, Assistant Bachelor of Arts Program Counsellor, B.A. (WESTERN), M.F.A. (GUELPH) � |