XVI. Administration and FacultyAdministrative DepartmentsCommunications and Public AffairsC. Cunningham, Director, B.E.S. (WAT.) L. Bona Hunt, Associate Director, News Service, B.SC. (UTAH) B. Chance, Editor, @Guelph, B.A. (GUELPH), M.A. (TOR.), M.A. (W.ONT.) R. Cooper, News Service Officer, B.A., B.Ed. (YORK, CAN.), M.A. (W.ONT.) M. Dickieson, Manager Publications, B.J. (MISSOURI) L. Graham, Publications Assistant, B.A. (GUELPH) A. Rawkins, Web Designer S. Robertson, Manager, University Website, B.A. (YORK, CAN.) A. Vowles, Staff Writer, B.SC. (GUELPH) V. Ward, Administrative Assistant |