X. Degree Programs

Bachelor of Engineering [B.Eng.]

Computer Engineering Program Regular and Co-op (CENG/CENG:C)

School of Engineering, College of Physical and Engineering Science

Computer Engineering is a field of engineering that focuses on the design and organization of computer systems. Graduates in Computer Engineering are able to apply mathematical, scientific and engineering principles to design and integrate computer systems suitable for applications in a wide range of fields. The program provides students with a common base of knowledge essential to computer engineering and then allows them to select from a menu of electives to attain a degree of specialization in one of four areas or to choose electives to broaden their knowledge base. Elective concentrations are available in areas of Electronic Design automation, Software Design, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, and Microsystems.

Major (Honours Program)

Semester 1 - Regular or Co-op
CHEM*1040 [0.50] General Chemistry I
CIS*1500 [0.50] Introduction to Programming
ENGG*1100 [0.75] Engineering and Design I
MATH*1200 [0.50] Calculus I
One of:
ENGG*1210 [0.50] Engineering Mechanics I
HIST*1250 [0.50] Science and Society Since 1500
Note: ENGG*1210 or HIST*1250 must be taken in semester 1; the remaining course must be taken in semester 2.
Semester 2 - Regular or Co-op
CIS*2500 [0.50] Intermediate Programming
ENGG*1500 [0.50] Engineering Analysis
MATH*1210 [0.50] Calculus II
PHYS*1010 [0.50] Introductory Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS*1130 [0.50] Physics with Applications
One of:
ENGG*1210 [0.50] Engineering Mechanics I
HIST*1250 [0.50] Science and Society Since 1500
Semester 3 - Regular or Co-op
CIS*2430 [0.50] Object Oriented Programming
CIS*2520 [0.50] Data Structures
CIS*2910 [0.50] Discrete Structures in Computing II
COOP*1100 [0.00] Introduction to Co-operative Education
ENGG*2400 [0.50] Engineering Systems Analysis
ENGG*2410 [0.50] Digital Systems Design Using Descriptive Languages
MATH*2270 [0.50] Applied Differential Equations
Semester 4 - Regular or Co-op
ENGG*2100 [0.75] Engineering and Design II
ENGG*2450 [0.50] Electric Circuits
ENGG*3380 [0.50] Computer Organization and Design
MATH*2130 [0.50] Numerical Methods
STAT*2120 [0.50] Probability and Statistics for Engineers
0.50 restricted electives (CIS*2750 for the software engineering stream
Semester 5 - Regular or Co-op
ENGG*2120 [0.50] Material Science
ENGG*3240 [0.50] Engineering Economics
ENGG*3450 [0.50] Electrical Devices
ENGG*3640 [0.50] Microcomputer Interfacing
1.00 restricted electives
Semester 6 - Regular / Semester 7 - Co-op
CIS*3110 [0.50] Operating Systems
CIS*3490 [0.50] The Analysis and Design of Computer Algorithms
ENGG*3100 [0.75] Engineering and Design III
ENGG*3210 [0.50] Communication Systems
ENGG*3410 [0.50] Systems and Control Theory
0.50 restricted electives
Semester 7 - Regular / Semester 6 - Co-op
ENGG*4080 [0.50] Analog Integrated Circuits
ENGG*4420 [0.75] Real-time Systems Design
ENGG*4450 [0.50] Large-Scale Software Architecture Engineering
1.00 restricted electives
Semester 8 - Regular or Co-op
ENGG*4170 [1.00] Computer Engineering Design IV
ENGG*4540 [0.50] Advanced Computer Architecture
ENGG*4550 [0.50] VLSI Digital Design
1.00 electives
Restricted Electives (see Program Guide for more information)

A maximum of 1.50 credits at the 1000 level is allowed for elective requirements

  • 2.00 credits in Complimentary Studies (Students need to take 0.50 credits from each of the three sub-lists noted in the Program Guide. The remaining 0.50 credits can be taken from any Complementary Studies sub-list)

  • 2.00 credits in Computer engineering electives.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1
