XIV. General Information

Student Services

Student Health Services

Student Health Services, located in the John T. Powell Building, provides comprehensive medical and healthcare services to all students and their immediate families.

Student Health Services provides acute care intervention and continuing care for any health related problems. Health Services has a multi-disciplinary team that includes family physicians, psychiatrist, nurses, dietitians, and health educators. In addition to appointment clinics, specialty programs include the Wellness Centre, Walk-in Clinic, a dispensary and immunization clinics.

Students are required to bring their OHIP card, other provincial health plan information or UHIP card when attending Health Services for care.

To make an appointment, for general enquiries, hours of operations or for after-hour care information call extension 52131.

Wellness Centre

It is a student-run resource centre providing information on alcohol consumption, body image, eating disorders, drugs, smoking, human rights, LGBTQ issues, mental health, sexual health, physical health, nutrition and spirituality. The Wellness Centre is located on the second floor of the J.T. Powell building and is open to drop-ins Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. The centre is staffed by trained Peer Helpers and volunteers and guarantees confidentiality. More information can be found at The Wellness Centre website http://www.wellnesscentre.uoguelph.ca/index.html.

Students can reach The Wellness Centre regarding questions or concerns by calling 519-824-4120 ex 53327, or by email at wellness@uoguelph.ca. To contact the Wellness Educator, Melanie Bowman, please call 519-824-4120 x 56046 or email at mbowman@uoguelph.ca

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1
