IX. Scholarships and Other Awards

Bachelor of Science

In-course Travel Grants

A.E. Wardlaw Travel Grant [T0665]
Established by Mrs. Alta E. Wardlaw (nee Chapman), a 1912 student at Macdonald Institute. Selection will be based on the cost of the travel and the benefit it will bring to the student's program of study. Preference will be given to the student attending a professional conference/meeting. Apply by May 15 to the CSAHS Awards Committee by completing the CSAHS Awards Application and attach a letter describing the travel, the benefit it will bring to your program and an overall travel budget. This award can only be held once.
Mrs. Alta Ethelwyn Wardlaw
Qualification(s): Students registered in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences who have completed up to 15.0 credits and who will be travelling for academic reasons, or to attend an appropriate professional conference/meeting.
Amount: 1 award of $1,000
A.W. Archibald Memorial Travel Grant [T4541]
Mr. A.W. Archibald, O.A.C. '33 with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, provide these travel grants to students who plan to travel for a semester abroad or to attend other schools outside of Canada for workshops or other academic related purposes. Apply to Student Financial Services with a letter outlining proposed travel plans and academic purpose accompanied by a letter of support from a faculty member or student advisor, and a Need-Based Travel grant application by October 7. ACCESS AWARD.
A.W. Archibald, O.A.C. '33
Qualification(s): Undergraduate students in any O.A.C. program with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: Several awards up to $1000
Aeroplan International Travel Grant [T0604]
Established to provide students with an airline ticket to international destinations served by Air Canada or its Star Alliance partners. Apply to Student Financial Services by June 30 with a "Travel Grant Need-based Application". Preference will be given to students participating in the semester abroad or academic exchanges. Award is subject to the availability of Aeroplan miles and may not be available every year.
Qualification(s): Students registered in a degree program who have completed a minimum of 4.0 credits; have a minimum cumulative average of 70%; have demonstrated financial need; and will be participating in official University of Guelph international travel activities related to their academic program.
Amount: 1 or more awards of a plane ticket
Arthur D. Latornell Undergraduate Travel Grants [T0058]
An endowment fund established in memory of Arthur D. Latornell, O.A.C. '50, who had a life-long professional career in resource management and conservation and a special interest in helping young people. The funds are given to provide twenty-five travel grants. These travel grants are offered to assist students in attending conferences, courses, co-op student exchanges or study abroad programs in these areas. Students may receive this grant only once. Apply to Student Financial Services. Deadline dates are June 30 for Fall and Winter travel, October 1 for Winter travel, and February 1 for Summer travel. Up to 80% of estimated travel costs to a maximum of $1,000.
The Estate of Arthur D. Latornell
Qualification(s): Students travelling as part of their program who have completed a minimum of 4.0 credits with at least a 70% average and whose primary area of interest is related to natural resources management, environmental science, conservation, soil science and/or rural development. Students will be asked to submit a one-page review of their travel experience, including the role the travel grant played, to the University after completion of the travel.
Amount: several up to a maximum of $1000
Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem Travel Grant [T4532]
The Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, have established these travel scholarships to assist students study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Apply with a completed Need-Based Travel Grant Application to Student Financial Services. ACCESS AWARD. Up to three awards totalling $7500.
Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem
Qualification(s): Undergraduate degree students in either the second or third year of study. Applicants must provide documentation that they have approval from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (i) to take courses and (ii) for the period of the visit. Students must also arrange appropriate University of Guelph approvals for a "Letter of Permission" prior to applying. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: A number of awards to a maximum of $7,500
Class of OAC ’59 Experiential Learning Travel Grant [T0702]
The Class of OAC ’59, in recognition of their 50th anniversary since graduation, has established this award to assist students participating in meetings, conferences, seminars, tradeshows, course field trips, semesters abroad, etc. Selection will be based on relevance of intended travel and benefits to program of study. Apply by April 1st to the OAC Awards Office with a letter outlining planned travel, reasons for travel, dates of travel, estimated costs and expected benefits. A reference letter from a faculty member providing criteria for relevance of intended travel and benefits to program of study would be beneficial.
OAC ‘59
Qualification(s): Students registered in any undergraduate degree program of OAC who have completed a minimum 8.0 credits or students registered in the Diploma in Agriculture or Horticulture programs at Alfred, Kemptville or Ridgetown campuses or Turfgrass Diploma at the Guelph campus who have completed 6.0 credits are eligible. Students must have a 70% cumulative average and must have travel related to their studies to be considered.
Amount: Several awards of up to $15,000
D & G Hart Travel Grant [T0601]
Douglas H., O.A.C. 1922, and George M., O.A.C. 1927, were long time supports of O.A.C. and believed greatly in the benefits that travel provided to an individual's personal and professional growth. Apply to the O.A.C. Awards Office by May 15 with a letter of no more than two pages, outlining the intended study program/conference/or other type of travel opportunity, the reasons for choosing the travel program and the anticipated benefits of participation. Letters of recommendation will be considered as part of the application package. This award cannot be held with any other University of Guelph Travel Grant.
Family of Douglas and George Hart
Qualification(s): Students currently enrolled in any O.A.C program with a minimum 70% cumulative average who intend to participate in travel related to course study.
Amount: 1 award of up to awards of $750
Geography Field Trip Travel Grant [T0584]
Established in honour of the retirement of Dr. G.T. Bloomfield, former faculty member and Chair of the department of Geography from 1977 to 1982. Apply to the Chair of the Geography department by May 15 with a one-page essay outlining the benefits and expectations of the field course to their career as a geographer and one letter of reference from a geography professor.
Alumni, Colleagues, and Friends of Dr. G.T. Bloomfield
Qualification(s): Full-time students enrolled in one of the honours program (B.A.H; B.Sc.(ESS); B.Sc.(Env)) offered by the Department of Geography who have completed a minimum of 12.5 credits and have a cumulative average of at least 70% at the time of registration for GEOG*4690.
Amount: 1 award of $400
H.C. Mason Travel Scholarships [T0598]
In memory of the late H.C. Mason, a travel fund, within the O.A.C. Teaching Trust, for O.A.C. students has been established by F.W. Bray of Hamilton. Apply to the O.A.C. Awards Office by May 15, no more than two semesters prior to the commencement of the travel program, with the submission of a letter of no more than two pages outlining the intended study program/conference/or other type of learning opportunity, reasons for choosing the program and the anticipated benefits of participation. A letter of recommendation will be considered as part of the application package. This grant in not tenable with other University of Guelph travel grants.
Mr. F.W. Bray
Qualification(s): Student who are currently registered in an Ontario Agricultural College undergraduate program with a minimum of 70% cumulative average who intend to participate in travel related to course study
Amount: various awards up to $1,500
Human Health & Nutritional Sciences Travel Grant [T0599]
Established by private donation to encourage senior students in the academic programs of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences (H.H. N.S.) to study abroad. Apply by the end of the third week of the semester proceeding the planned semester of departure to the Chair of H.H.N.S. and include a clearly described schedule of study/research plan for the time abroad and budget. The outline should justify how the time abroad will complement the academic program and enhance educational goals. Within the budget, the applicant should identify how the grant will be used. Students should also include verification of acceptance as a visiting or exchange student or Letter of Permission student status.
Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences
Qualification(s): Students enrolled in Human Kinetics, Nutrition and Nutraceutical Sciences or Bio-medical Science majors of the B.Sc. program who have completed 15 credits and are traveling to one of: the University of Copenhagen, Denmark; University of Maastricht, Netherlands; Deakin University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (R.M.I.T.), or the University of Melbourne, Melbourne Australia.
Amount: several awards of up to awards of $2,000
J. Ross Cavers Study Abroad Scholarship [T0051]
O.A.C. '53 provides these scholarships in memory of J. Ross Cavers, their honorary year member, professor emeritus, and respected poultry scientist. Apply by letter outlining the intended semester abroad program, the reasons for choosing the program and the perceived value of participation along with a brief summary of related and extracurricular activities to the O.A.C. Awards Office by May 15. A letter of recommendation will also be considered as part of the application package. Application should be made a maximum of two semesters prior to participation in the intended travel program.
Class of O.A.C. '53
Qualification(s): Undergraduate student in O.A.C. planning to participate in a semester abroad program with a minimum 75% cumulative average. Preference will be given to a candidate who has exhibited qualities of leadership.
Amount: 2 awards of $2,000
J.D. Cunningham Travel Grant [T0605]
Established on honour of the J.D. Cunningham, a professor of microbiology at the University of Guelph. Apply by May 15 to the O.A.C. Awards Office with a letter of no more than two pages outlining the intended study program, conference, or other type of learning opportunity. Include the reason for choosing the program and describe the anticipated benefits of participation. Letters of recommendation will be considered as part of the application package. Upon return from the travel opportunity, the student must be willing to present a report to classmates and/or faculty and/or the Ontario Food Protection Association.
Ontario Food Protection Association
Qualification(s): Students currently enrolled in any O.A.C. program with a minimum cumulative average of 75%. Preference will be given to students in Food Science specializing in Microbiology.
Amount: 1 award of $2,000
Kincardine Shippers Association Travel Grant [T0676]
Established by the members of the Kincardine Shippers Association to assist students in pursuit of their educational goals. Selection will be based on the stated travel benefits, leadership potential and financial need considered. Preference will be given to students from the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss. Apply with a letter of no more than two pages outlining the intended study program or type of learning opportunity, reasons for choosing the program and the anticipated benefits of participation, along with a Need-Based Travel grant application by October 7 to Student Financial Services. A letter of recommendation will be considered as part of the application.
Kincardine Shippers Association
Qualification(s): Students registered in any program offered by O.A.C. with a minimum 70% cumulative average who plan to participate in travel related to course study.
Amount: 1 award of $1,000
Kiyoko Miyanishi International Travel Grant [T0742]
Established by Dr. Kiyoko Miyanishi, a retired faculty member from the Department of Geography, and Dr. Edward A Johnson. Selection will be based on budgetary considerations and academic standing. There are two distinct application deadlines - April 1 for Summer/Fall; and October 1 for Winter/Summer. If a qualified candidate is not selected from the April applicant pool, both awards could be awarded the following fall. Application for funding should be for either of the two semesters following application. To apply, forward a letter to the CSAHS Awards Committee by either application deadline with a description of the international activity. The letter should be accompanied by a budget outlining travel expenses and other revenue sources.
Dr. Kiyoko Miyanishi and Dr. Edward A Johnson
Qualification(s): Full-time students registered in any degree program in CSAHS with a minimum 70% cumulative average who are participating in any course-related international travel.
Amount: 2 awards of $3,500
Lorne Page Memorial Travel Grants [T0475]
Established by Shirley Page in memory of her husband Lorne, a staff member in Animal and Poultry Science for over 34 years. Apply by letter to the Chair, Department of Animal and Poultry Science by February 1, outlining the nature of the conference and your contribution to the program in the department. One or two awards totalling $1,000.
Shirley Page
Qualification(s): Students in Animal Biology or in Agricultural Science with an interest in animal production who have completed 12.50 credits with satisfactory academic standing and who are planning to attend a student conference or activity related to animal production.
Amount: 1 award of $1,000
Mary Beverley-Burton Travel Scholarships [T4512]
Established by the Department of Integrative Biology, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program in honour of Professor Mary Beverley-Burton, of the former Department of Zoology (1968-95), whose research on monogenean worms took her all over the globe. This award is to assist students in attending field courses offered by the Department. Apply with a completed Need-Based Travel Grant Application to Student Financial Services by February 1. ACCESS AWARD
Faculty, staff and alumni of the Integrative Biology Department
Qualification(s): Students in the B.Sc. program who are in good academic standing with at least a 70% cumulative average and with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 3 awards of $500
Massey Fund Travel Scholarships [T0417]
Travel scholarships available from the Massey Fund. Not tenable with other awards that support travel costs. Apply by letter outlining the study abroad/exchange program and travel costs to the O.A.C. Dean's Office by May 15.
O.A.C. Awards Committee
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate students who are participating in an approved study abroad or exchange program outside Canada. Academic standing in the last two full-time semesters or equivalent will be used to determine recipients.
Amount: 6 awards of up to $2,000 each
Mathematics & Statistics Fourth Year Travel Grants [T0624]
Apply by submitting a letter with a brief description of the conference and a detailed budget to the Mathematics and Statistics Undergraduate Awards Committee at least one month prior to the conference. Preference will be given to students presenting a paper or poster or returning to pursue graduate studies in the department. A student may be considered for this grant once only.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Qualification(s): Registered students in year 4 (i.e. who have completed a minimum of 15.0 credits) with a cumulative average of at least 75%, enrolled in any major offered by the Depart. of Math and Stats, and who are planning to attend a conference related to program of study.
Amount: Several grants of up to $250
O.A.C. '05 Excellence Travel Grant [T0060]
In honour of the O.A.C. Class of 1905 and with the support of the O.A.C. Class of 2005. Apply to the O.A.C. Awards Office by May 15 with the submission of a letter of no longer than two pages outlining the intended study program/conference/or other type of learning opportunity, reasons for choosing the program and the anticipated benefits of participation. A letter of recommendation will be considered as part of the application package. This grant in not tenable with other University of Guelph travel grants.
Class of OAC 1905 and the Class of OAC 2005
Qualification(s): Student who are currently registered in an Ontario Agricultural College undergraduate degree program and wish to travel to expand their educational opportunities.
Amount: 1 award of $300
O.A.C. '47 Travel Bursaries [T3505]
Provided by O.A.C.'47 on the occasion of its 50th anniversary and with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Need-based Travel Grant Application at least one month prior to departure by October 1, for winter travel, February 1 for summer travel or June 1 for fall travel. ACCESS AWARD
O.A.C. '47
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need and who are participating in a study abroad program for academic credit at an approved institution. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: several awards of various amounts
O.A.C. '54 International Study Scholarship [T0586]
Established in memory of Beth Duncan to support students participating in an exchange program, study abroad semester, or a field trip course. Submit a letter (of not more than two pages) outlining the intended international study program, reasons for choosing the program and the anticipated benefits of participation. Letters should also include a brief summary of extracurricular and student related activities. Letters of reference will be considered. Apply to the O.A.C. Awards Office by May 15, no more than two semesters prior to the commencement of the program.
Class of O.A.C. '54
Qualification(s): Currently registered students in O.A.C. who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents with a minimum 75% cumulative program average who intend to participate in an exchange program, semester abroad, or field trip course.
Amount: 2 awards of $1,450
Ontario International Education Opportunity Scholarship (OIEOS) [T0614]
On August 31, 2006, the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, Christopher Bentley announced plans to award scholarships to eligible students wishing to pursue studies abroad. The scholarships will be awarded on a combination of financial need and academic merit, with special consideration given to Aboriginal students, francophone students and students with disabilities. Students must be participating in a university approved travel abroad program. Apply by submitting the completed OIEOS application form to Student Financial Services by June 30.
Government of Ontario
Qualification(s): Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or a protected person registered in a minimum of 1.5 credits in any degree program. Students must have completed a minimum 3.0 credits with a minimum 70.0% program average and demonstrated financial need.
Amount: approximately 71 awards of $2,500
OURA Innovation Travel Grant [T4393]
Established in recognition of an innovative student fee protocol put forward by the Student Executive Council to reduce energy use by upgrading campus buildings through an energy retrofit program. Apply to Student Financial Services by October 7th with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form and include one-page description of the intended travel. ACCESS AWARD
Ontario University Registrars' Association (OURA)
Qualification(s): Students registered in any degree program who have completed a minimum of 4.0 credits with a minimum 75% cumulative average and who are participating in a travel program or initiative (research, conference, seminar, etc.) in support of environmental sustainability. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OTSS award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 1 award of $350
Physics Travel Scholarship [T0400]
This award is given annually to assist students with travel and/or housing costs associated with attending a semester or more of academic study or co-operative work experience at a recognized university outside Canada. Depending on availability of funds, more than one recipient may be selected for this award. Applications must be accompanied by a one-page description of the planned travel, including budget, to the Chair of the Department of Physics at least two months prior to departure.
Department of Physics
Qualification(s): Student who has completed at least semester 4 of one of the majors in the Physics program with a cumulative average of 80% or greater, and who has obtained a Letter of Permission to attend a University abroad.
Amount: 1 award of $500
Richard and Sophia Hungerford Undergraduate Travel Scholarships [T4508]
The estate of Richard and Sophia Hungerford, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, has established an endowment to provide travel scholarships to undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who wish to study in developing countries, or attend conferences on development. Apply to Student Financial Services with completed Need-Based Travel Grant Application at least one month prior to departure. Deadline dates are June 30 for Fall and Winter travel, October 1 for Winter travel, and February 1 for Summer travel. Students may not receive this award more than two times during their undergraduate studies. ACCESS AWARD.
The Estate of Richard Hungerford
Qualification(s): Registered undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who have at least a 70% cumulative average in the last 2 semesters of full-time equivalent study are eligible. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: Several awards of varying amounts to a maximum of $1,000
Robb Travel Grants [T3028]
These travel grants have been provided in recognition of her love of agriculture, by the estate of Martha Robb, Paris, Ontario. Apply to the Dean, O.A.C. by May 15.
The estate of Martha Robb
Qualification(s): O.A.C. students who are attending another university on a Letter of Permission.
Amount: Several awards of various amounts
Roderick Long International Travel Grant [T0360]
Offered in memory of the late Roderick Long, O.A.C.'54. Up to eighty percent of the travel costs associate with the study outside of Canada program will be covered up to a maximum of $1,000 per student. Application by letter should be made to the Dean O.A.C. by May 15, and include a description of the study abroad program.
Mr. Roderick W. Long
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate student who is studying outside of Canada on an approved program for one or more semesters
Amount: Several awards of $1,000
The Jean Rich Foundation Travel Grant [T0730]
Selection will be based on budget considerations, and participation in community development projects. There are two distinct application deadlines - April 1 for Summer/Fall and October 1 for Winter/Summer. If a qualified candidate is not selected from the April applicant pool, both awards could be awarded the following fall. Application for funding should be for either of the two semesters following application. To apply, forward a letter to the CSAHS Awards Committee by either application deadline with a description of the international activity, including involvement in community development projects, and the financial need. The letter should be accompanied by a budget outlining travel expenses and other revenue sources.
The Jean Rich Foundation
Qualification(s): Full-time students registered in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences who are participating in international travel activities in developing countries as part of a course of study.
Amount: 2 awards of $2,500
University of Guelph Travel Scholarships [T0421]
The University of Guelph, through the sale of Guelph London House, has established an endowment to provide travel scholarships to students who wish to study outside of Canada but need financial support to do so. Preference will be given to students participating in the London Semester. Students may only receive this travel grant once per degree. The scholarship can cover additional costs of travelling outside of Canada including: airfare, administrative costs, and differential costs of accommodation. Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Need-based Travel Grant Application at least one month prior to departure. Deadline dates are June 30 for Fall and Winter travel, October 1 for Winter travel, and February 1 for Summer travel.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Students that have completed a minimum of 5.0 credits with demonstrated financial need who have a minimum 70% cumulative average in the last two semesters of full-time equivalent study.
Amount: Several awards up to $1,500
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1