XI. Special Study Opportunities

Graduate Studies

The University of Guelph offers graduate programs in most departments and schools. These post-baccalaureate programs offer opportunities for personal, academic and professional growth. Students with a 70% average or higher should consider and investigate these options, beginning no later than their third undergraduate year. Decisions regarding the desired area of study and pursuit of scholarship support require forethought and planning. Information, and counselling are available through the graduate coordinators of each department/school. Applications is made on-line and accessed through Graduate Studies website at http://www.uoguelph.ca/registrar/graduatestudies/index.cfm?apply. Students are also welcome to visit the Office of Graduate Program Services, Level 3, University Centre.

The University of Guelph offers opportunities for qualified students to do graduate work leading to the Master of Arts (M.A.), Master of Science (M.Sc.), Master of Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.), Master of Applied nutrition (M.A.N.) Master of Bioinformatics (M.Bnf.), Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), Master of Fine Art (M.F.A.), Master of Science in Aquaculture (M.Sc. Aqua), Master of Science in Planning (M.Plan), Master of Public Health (M.P.H.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), and Doctor of Veterinary Science (D.V.Sc.) degrees.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1