XIV. General Information

Student Services

Student Government

Student government at the University of Guelph includes the following organizations:

  • Central Student Association

  • Canadian Federation of Students

  • Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario

  • Other Student Groups

Central Student Association

The more than 17,000 full-time and part-time undergraduate students at the University of Guelph are represented by the Central Student Association -- the official student association which is elected by all undergraduate students every year. When you pay your student fee ($14.00 which is collected when you pay your tuition, and which also happens to be the lowest in Canada), you become a voting member of your student association. The C.S.A. receives its direction from a 32-member Board of Directors which is comprised of:

  • representatives from each of the 7 colleges (two elected, one appointed);

  • 5 executive members elected at large from the student body;

  • representatives from various student organizations (Interhall, the Board of Governors, the Guelph Campus Co-op, OPIRG, and the Student Senate Caucus).

The C.S.A. has a three-fold purpose:


The Central Student Association, in conjunction with the Canadian Federation of Students, and the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario, works to ensure that the rights of students are heard at all levels. Everyone knows that there is strength in numbers. That's why the C.S.A. is the voice for all undergraduate students at the University of Guelph. The C.S.A. works to provide change when the rights of students are being infringed upon.


The Central Student Association represents all University of Guelph undergraduate students to the provincial and federal governments, the University Administration, the Board of Governors, the Senate, City Council, the Guelph Transit Commission, and various standing committees, task forces, and commissions, as they arise. This is done to ensure that all of the rights of students are maintained in all decision-making bodies.


Entertainment and Activities: movies, speakers, concerts, student academic appeals, orientation, faxing, photocopying, and over 70 clubs to join. The C.S.A. provides opportunities for you to expand beyond the world of formal academics by providing services that make student life at this University less cumbersome and a lot more fun!

The Central Student Association is located on the 2nd floor of the University Centre, Room 274. The phone extension is 56748, the email address is csatalk@uoguelph.ca and the website is located at <http://www.csa.uoguelph.ca>. The day-to-day operations of the Central Student Association are coordinated by the 5 executive and 3 staff members. Executive members can be contacted at the following on-campus extensions and email addresses:

Canadian Federation of Students

The C.F.S. is the national voice of students, representing more than 400,000 students across the country. The C.F.S. lobbies the federal government for changes which are aimed at making post-secondary education more accessible to all students. They provide research documents, campaigns, and services for all members across the country.

Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario

The C.F.S.-O. is the provincial voice of students, representing more than 200,000 students across the province. The C.F.S.-O. lobbies the provincial government for changes which are aimed at making post-secondary education more accessible to all students. They provide research documents, campaigns, and services for all members across the province.

Other Student Groups

Other important groups on campus include College Student Governments, Interhall Council, the Guelph Campus Co-operative, and the Ontario Public Interest Research Group. All of the above organizations combine to make Guelph one of the most active campuses in the country. We hope that you continue in that tradition, and come on up to the C.S.A. office (University Centre 274) or give us a call at extension 56748. Remember that your education does not end when class is over. So make a difference in your university experience by getting involved with your student association.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1