XVI. Administration and Faculty
Administrative Departments
Office of Open Learning
J. Cassidy, Director, B.A., M.A., PH.D. (GUELPH)
M. Fach, Associate Director, Finance, Learner Services and Human Resources, M.B.A. (ATHAB.)
M. Komarnitsky, Academic Assistant to the Director, B.A. (QU.)
K. Merrikh, Marketing and Communications Manager, B.COMM., M.B.A. (GUELPH)
D. Wilson, Senior Manager Information Systems and Learning Technology Development, B.COMM. (GUELPH)
Continuing Education
S. Fleischauer, Manager, Program Development, B.A. (W. LAUR.), B.L.A. (GUELPH)
M. Gaouette, Manager, Program Development, B.A. (McM.), B.ED. (ATTA.), M.A. (GUELPH)
W. Hodges, ESL Academic Co-ordinator/Head Teacher, B.SC. (TOR.), M.ED. (BROCK)
P. Nagle, ESL Manager, Program Development, B.A. (WAT.), M.ED. (WIND.), M.B.A. (W.ONT.)
G. Rogers, Manager, Program Development, B.COMM. (RYERSON)
P. Shaver, Manager, Program Development, B.SC.(AGR.) (GUELPH)
V. Smith, Associate Director, Continuing Education Business and Program Development, B.A. (YORK CAN.), M.A. (CMU), PH.D. ABD (OISE)
L. Stobbe, Manager, Program Development, B.SC. (BIO) (W. ONT.), M.ED. (OISE)
Distance Education
J. Butler, Distance Learning Program Development Specialist, B.SC. (N.) (MCG.), M.ED. (OISE/TOR.)
L. Carey, DE Production Manager
S. Douglas, Associate Director, Distance Education, Innovation and Learning Technologies
N. Giesbrecht, Distance Learning Program Development Specialist, B.A.(GUELPH)
M. Misanchuk, Distance Learning Program Development Specialist, B.A. (SASK.), M.A., M.SC., PH.D. (INDIANA)
J. Palmer, Distance Learning Program Development Specialist, B.A. (MICH. STATE), M.S. (SURREY)
P. Payne, Distance Learning Program Development Specialist, B.COMM. (WINDSOR), B.E.D. (BROCK), M.SC.ED. (CSU)
M. Smart, Open Learning program Counsellor, B.A. (GUELPH)