VIII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures
Deferred Privileges
Procedures for Deferred Privileges
Chair/Director’s Responsibilities
The Chair/Director or designated department/school examination coordinator is responsible for the following:
Requesting a deferred examination from the appropriate instructor upon request from Scheduling Services and informing the instructors of students who have been granted deferred privileges.
When a deferred examination is scheduled, forwarding one examination paper from the instructor for each student granted a deferred examination in the course, plus one extra paper per course to Scheduling Services.
Where the instructor is unavailable, providing the required examination papers to Scheduling Services.
At the end of the Deferred Examination period, collecting completed examination papers from Scheduling.
Immediately distributing the completed examination papers to the appropriate instructor for marking.
In the case where a student is unable to make contact with the instructor to determine the nature of a deferred condition, taking necessary steps to assist the student in determining the requirements for the condition.
(Chair/Director only) initialing all grades submitted by instructors and forwarding them to the Enrolment Services, Office of Registrarial Services, by the date indicated in the request letter.
Instructor's Responsibilities
The course instructor is responsible for the following:
In the case of a deferred condition, completing the "Terms of Supplemental/Deferred Condition" form, providing student with a copy of the form, and keeping a copy. The instructor must adhere to the deadlines for the completion of the condition and the submission of the final grades to Enrolment Services, Office of Registrarial Services.
In the case of a deferred examination, providing examination papers to the Chair/Director and indicating what exam aids the student in writing the examination may use.
Prompt marking of deferred course materials and submission of grades to the Chair/Director or designate.
Student's Responsibilities
When the Academic Review Sub-Committee grants a deferred condition, contacting the instructor of the course and presenting the "Terms of Supplemental/Deferred Condition" form upon notification. Students must contact the instructor of the course immediately, in order to complete the condition prior to the deadline specified by Scheduling. The deadline is normally the last day of the deferred examination period for the semester in which the course was taken (which falls in the semester immediately following the semester in which the course was taken, refer to Section III--Schedule of Dates). The student and instructor must complete the form, indicating the exact nature of the deferred condition. If the student cannot contact the instructor, he/she must contact the Chair/Director of the offering department/school. If the student does not make the required contact within the deadline specified by Scheduling, the University will assume that the student does not intend to complete the condition, and a grade will be assigned based on term work completed, as indicated on the original Instructor’s Recommendation form.
When a deferred examination is granted, appearing for the deferred examination according to the date, time and location designated on the deferred examination timetable.
Students identified by Scheduling as residing outside a 150 km (approx) radius of Guelph are permitted to write deferred examinations at an academic institution (high school, college or university) within their own vicinity. Students choosing this option must have the Off-Site Invigilator Form completed by an employee at one of the above type of institutions and forward it by fax to Scheduling. For more information, form and deadline see:
Registrar's Responsibilities
Enrolment Services informs the student and Scheduling Services of academic review decisions, collects grades, and evaluates the continuation of study status when deferred grades have been recorded.
Scheduling Services informs the Chair/Director/designate that the Academic Review Sub-Committee has granted a deferred condition or examination; informs students who have been granted a deferred condition that it is their responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange the condition; specifies a deadline for completion of deferred conditions; prepares a deferred examination timetable and notifies all students who have been granted a deferred examination; identifies students residing 150 km (approx) from Guelph, and coordinates examinations with approved off-site invigilators (see Student’s Responsibilities above); requests the deferred examination papers from the Chair/Director/designate; invigilates the deferred examinations; at completion of the deferred examination period, prepares completed examination packages for each department/school, attaching a grade reporting sheet for each examination and noting which students did not write and which have been granted extensions by Program Counsellors; notifies department Chair/Director/designate that examination packages are ready for pickup in Scheduling.