VIII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures
Supplemental Privilege
Procedures for Supplemental Privileges
Academic Review Sub-Committee's Responsibilities
The Academic Review Sub-Committee, upon receiving a request from the student, will consult with the course instructor to obtain information on the student's performance during the course, the instructor's recommendation concerning the appropriateness and feasibility of a supplemental privilege, and the nature of the supplemental privilege. If the Academic Review Sub-Committee approves the request, the department (instructor) responsible for the course will determine the nature of the privilege, which could be a written exam, an oral exam, an assignment, a laboratory practical, or any other method or combination of methods of evaluation. Enrolment Services will inform student and instructor of the Sub-committee’s decision.
Chair/Director’s Responsibilities
In the case where the Academic Review Sub-Committee or student is unable to make contact with the instructor to determine the details of the supplemental privilege, taking necessary steps to assist in determining the requirements for completing the supplemental privilege.
Initialing all decisions submitted by instructors upon the completion of a supplemental privilege by individual students (i.e. pass or fail). These decisions will be forwarded to Enrolment Services, Office of Registrarial Services, by the thirty-sixth class day of the semester following the failure.
In the case of Supplemental Privileges which take the form of an examination written with the Examination Coordinator, Scheduling, collecting completed examination papers from Scheduling when notified; immediately distributing the completed examination papers to the appropriate instructor for marking.
Instructor's Responsibilities
An instructor should not proceed with any supplemental privilege for a student until official notification of the granting of the privilege has been received from the Academic Review Sub-Committee or the Office of Registrarial Services.
Upon request from the Academic Review Sub-Committee, the instructor will:
provide the performance record of the student for the course
make a recommendation as to the appropriateness and feasibility of a supplemental privilege
indicate clearly the conditions that would be necessary to ensure that the requirements for the course are fulfilled
If the Academic Review Sub-Committee grants consideration, and upon request from the student, the instructor will complete a form advising the student of the exact nature and due dates of the requirements for the supplemental privilege.
If the requirement includes, or takes the form of, the satisfactory completion of a two-hour examination to be supervised by Scheduling, the instructor will indicate this on the recommendation to the Academic Review Sub-Committee. By the Wednesday of the third week of classes, the instructor shall send to Scheduling, Office of Registrarial Services an examination for each student granted such a privilege, plus one extra copy per course. If the exam is significantly different from another two-hour exam already completed by the student, the instructor must make this clear on the form provided to the student. For example, if the student had originally been assessed on a final exam covering only the last four weeks of the semester, and is now to be assessed on a comprehensive two hour exam, the nature of the new examination must be communicated to the student at the time the supplemental privilege is granted.
Within ten days of completion of the supplemental privilege requirements, the instructor will forward to the Chair/Director an indication as to whether the student has passed or failed the supplemental privilege. The supplemental privilege should be completed by at least the thirtieth class day of the semester following the failure.
Student's Responsibilities
The student must request a supplemental privilege by submitting the request to the Academic Review Sub-Committee and the fee for the privilege (refer to Section VI--Schedule of Fees no later than the fifth class day. Students are encouraged to submit their request before classes begin to allow for receipt of a decision within the Add period. The granting of the request is normally limited to the described special circumstances having due regard for the student's performance in the course. Course requirements and the student's previous performance may play a significant role in determining whether a privilege is appropriate and/or feasible
If the student is unable to make contact with the instructor, the Chair/Director of the department/school offering the course must be contacted. If the required contact is not made the University will assume that the student does not intend to complete the requirements, and the supplemental privilege will be cancelled.
In the case of an examination supervised by the Office of Registrarial Services, it is the student's responsibility to appear on the correct date and time as designated by the Office of Registrarial Services.
If the requirement is beyond an examination supervised by the Office of Registrarial Services, the student must contact the instructor within 5 days of notification in order to clarify the details of the condition. Students are advised to have the instructor complete a form indicating the exact nature and due dates of the supplemental requirements, which may also include the satisfactory completion of an examination supervised by Scheduling, the Office of Registrarial Services Section III--Schedule of Dates..
Registrar's Responsibilities
When a supplemental privilege has been requested, but not granted by the Academic Review Sub-Committee, Enrolment Services will inform both the student and the instructor. Similarly, when a supplemental privilege has been requested and granted Enrolment Services will advise the student and the instructor of the decision.
Scheduling, Office of Registrarial Services will prepare an examination timetable for those students granted a privilege that includes, or takes the form of, a two-hour examination to be supervised by Scheduling. Scheduling will inform the student and instructor of the date, time, and location of any examination to be supervised by them. Examinations supervised by Scheduling as part of the supplemental privilege process are normally scheduled during the deferred examination period (refer to Section III--Schedule of Dates). Scheduling Services is responsible for invigilating these examinations and will prepare the completed examinations for pickup, notifying the Chair/Director or designate when they are available.
Enrolment Services, Office of Registrarial Services, will inform students of the results of the completion of the supplemental privilege and update the student's record where appropriate.