XVII. Administration and Faculty
College of Physical and Engineering Science
Department of Physics
J.L. Campbell, University Professor Emeritus, B.SC., PH.D., D.SC.(GLAS.), D. TECH. (LUND)
P.A. Egelstaff, University Professor Emeritus, B.SC., PH.D. (LOND.), F.R.S. (CAN.)
C.G. Gray, University Professor Emeritus, B.SC. (QU.), M.A., PH.D. (TOR.), F.R.S. (CAN.)
G. Karl, University Professor Emeritus, B.A. (BABESBOLYAI), PH.D. (TOR.), F.R.S. (CAN.)
I.K. MacKenzie, University Professor Emeritus, B.SC., M.SC. (W.ONT.), PH.D. (BR.COL.)
J.R. Stevens, University Professor Emeritus, B.A., M.A., PH.D. (TOR.)
R.L. Brooks, Professor Emeritus, B.S. (VILLANOVA), M.SC., PH.D. (ALTA.)
J.H. Davis, Professor Emeritus, B.SC. (MOORHEAD ST.), PH.D. (MANIT.)
C.W. Fischer, Professor Emeritus, B.A.SC., M.A.SC., PH.D. (WAT.)
J.L. Hunt, Professor Emeritus, B.A. (QU.), M.A., PH.D. (TOR.)
K.R. Jeffrey, Professor Emeritus, B.SC., M.A., PH.D. (TOR.)
J. Law, Professor Emeritus, B.SC., PH.D. (LOND.)
E.L. McFarland, Professor Emeritus, B.SC. (W.ONT.), M.SC. (MCMASTER)
B.M. Millman, Professor Emeritus, B.SC. (CAR.), PH.D. (LOND.)
B.G. Nickel, Professor Emeritus, B.E., M.SC. (SASK.), PH.D. (CALIF.), F.R.S. (CAN.)
R.W. Ollerhead, Professor Emeritus, B.SC. (W.ONT.), M.S., PH.D. (YALE)
J.F. Pleva, Professor Emeritus, B.ENG.SC. (W.ONT.), PH.D. (MCMASTER)
D.E. Sullivan, Professor Emeritus, B.SC. (MCG.), PH.D. (M.I.T.)
L.S. Brown, Professor, B.SC., M.SC., PH.D. (MOSCOW)
J.R. Dutcher, Professor, B.SC. (DAL.), M.SC. (BR. COL.), PH.D. (S.FRASER)
P.E. Garrett, Professor, B.SC. (QU.), M.SC., PH.D. (MCMASTER)
R. Gellert, Associate Professor, DIPL.PHYS, PH.D. (DARMSTADT)
A. Gezerlis, Assistant Professor, DIPL.ENG. (ATHENS), M.SC., PH.D. (ILLINOIS)
D. Jiang, Associate Professor, B.SC. (JILIN), PH.D. (SIMON FRASER)
S.W. Kycia, Associate Professor, B.SC. (McGILL), M.SC. (PA), PH.D. (IOWA)
V. Ladizhansky, Associate Professor, B.SC. (MOSCOW), M.S., PH.D. (WEIZMANN)
E.J. Nicol, Professor, B.SC., (MT. ALL.), M.SC. PH.D. (MCMASTER)
J. O'Meara, Associate Professor, B.SC., PH.D. (MCMASTER)
E. Poisson, Professor and Chair , B.SC. (LAVAL), M.SC., PH.D. (ALTA.)
X.R. Qin, Associate Professor, B.SC., M.SC. (TSINGHUA/BEIJING), PH.D. (S.FRASER)
C.E. Svensson, Professor, B.SC., PH.D. (MCMASTER)
R.A. Wickham, Associate Professor, B.SC. (TOR), PH.D (CHICAGO)
M. Williams, Assistant Professor, B.SC. (GUY.), PH.D. (IMPERIAL COLLEGE, UK.)